Name a more iconic duo
Name a more iconic duo
When was this posted?
The post that broke Veeky Forums
The latest update just released
All you need to do is somehow involve VeChain and you'll have the trifecta of permanently sideways shitcoins that automatically make me hide the thread when mentioned
>tfw REQ+LINK actually happens and manages to usher in a crypto goldenage by crashing every single coin outside the top 5 with no survivors
>fell for the REQ meme
>now this
seriously considering unloading my bags at a 60% loss
>Main net release: The code is done, and the audit is currently ongoing.
REQLINK is so bad it has to be good, lmao
Are you replying to ?
Where was this update?
>its real
>Which oracle/s are you considering? Would be decentralized oracles?
>We are talking with Chainlink.
>Weekly updates listed are a size of a booklet.
So glad just bought into req.
LINK is the chad in this duo. REQ will be of thousands using LINK in 1 year, LINK won't give a flying fuck about REQ, and everyone will kneel before Sergey to get permission to use LINK.
Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard
My digits tell me REQ going straight to 0.
Nintendo Coin and Yoshi Coin
this is history written in Veeky Forums .
and fuck you vitalik the pussy boiiiiiiii