Cardano and only Cardano can be scaled to a fully fledged global crypto currency. The rest are flawed by design.
> Blockchain 3.0
> Academically reviewed project
> Extremely solid team
Six months to a year from now, you will more then likely be kicking yourself if you don’t buy in now.
Cardano and only Cardano can be scaled to a fully fledged global crypto currency. The rest are flawed by design
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Thanks OP just bought 100k of this whitepaper
Good thing to do!
I could only expect a small kick around late march when "staking" is implemented. Then the alt coin bleeding will commence after a quick BTC pump. Until then, Around mid november, Crypto will get the pumping round 2. You can sell now or in a month for minimal financial gains. Don't miss the boat later this year.
If you had bought during the presale, this would have cost you $240.
think there was an article today that criticize Ethereum's smart contract as not being as secure as it needs to be.
goooooo ADA!!! This is where ADA shines! Charles is doing it right with ADA!
>This is where ADA shines
ADA shines everywhere. The big question is if it will go all the way down to $0.10 or lower before it rises and punches a hole through BTC's gut and takes its place.
Look like the only one you got is "solid dev team". And it's true.
Yup, I've been buying stacks of ADA since it dropped below 50cent and I will continue to do so as long as it keeps going down.
ADA is just vaporwave right now but A VERY GOOD vaporwave.
We are honestly looking at the new over 100b marketcap currency right here.
I’m counting you as another random shill Rajesh
I was also impressed at how fast my coins were transferred from binance to my wallet. Took me only 2min.
their only mistake was the coin distribution pre-ICO . They sold it way too cheap and now the jap whales are dumping because they are tired of waiting and they already mooned.
The graph is a pain to look at and completely disconnected from the fundamentals of this coin.
>The graph is a pain to look at and completely disconnected from the fundamentals
welcome to crypto
I took the effort of saying that coins were worth 0.0024 $ during presale, implying that people shouldn't buy now. For which coin do you think I'm shilling?
>blockchain 3.0
>academically reviewed project
>extremely solid team
I'm still all in, but I want to buy more this weekend, I'll start shilling it after that.
Fucking hell I don't even know why it's called CARdano. Just rename the fucking thing LAMBOdano already.
We need a tax on whales . Redistribute the wealth
What I'm wondering is what will happen with staking. Seeing that it costed practically nothing during presale and you could have had 500,000 ADA for a thousand dollars - and it was mostly bought by regular businessmen who probably bought several thousand dollars worth, like they would have any other investment - won't it just get exponentially worse when staking comes in?
>be a haskell programmer
>not own any ADA
its seems so fucking good, but I'm not willing to buy yet.
In all honesty, it's probably the smart move. I have very high hopes for the future, but I don't think we're at the floor yet.
Ada is to minix as eos is to Linux. Ada is an academic epeen project that will never see the light of day in any meaningful way like everything people with phd's do. It all just exists to serve their ego and give them income. Eos is what everyone will be using for smart contracts a year or two from now. I follow the development of both projects and eos has about 5x the activity over the past month. This despite the fact that its already much further along in its development.
Also only a "genius" academic would think that smart contracts written in haskell is a good idea. That's basically exclaiming to the world that you care more about aesthetics than real world usage
These kinds of post makes me happy. FUD more.
>hurrr the truth is fud
>m-maybe if I pretend it doesn't bother me he'll go away
The best part about ada is that you've already conditioned yourself to hodl until the end of time because "perfection takes time", guaranteeing that you'll miss out on any of the half a dozen projects that will make it to the mainstream in the long term
I'm not greedy. All I know is that I won't get wrecked as hard as you, and that's enough for me.
Oh shit I literally just went all on ada
>Also only a "genius" academic would think that smart contracts written in haskell is a good idea
lol haha
Then we're both getting fucked right now, you just played yourself. Seriously when you say that people who invest in a coin will miss other opportunities, well of course. You can't have everything, you can't be invested in every single coin and only fools try to be in all pumps. I think ADA has the most long term potential of anything right now. The short term might be rough, but for the difference it will make, I sincerely don't care.
>what is tezos
t. brainlet
smart contracts don't need to be written in haskell for cardano. many major languages will be supported. Solidity, C, C#, C++, javascript.
Sure perhaps I worded that poorly. ada itself is written in haskell. Haskell is anywhere from 2 to 15 times slower than C++ and smart contracts will be running on haskell-built vm's regardless of what language the contracts are written in.
Haskells speed is comparable to the JVM. Half the world is running on Java, so this isn't that big of an issue. Other than that, you can easily outsource performance-critical code to C or C++ and call via haskell.
The jvm is fine for a lot of use cases, but not for anything speed critical. Every operating system, router and server in the world is running on c and c++. You'll never hear of NASA using the jvm for their system critical/control software, or Google using databases written in haskell. Haskell is a cool toy language that people use to teach and make fun hobby projects with. Trying to write a distributed operating system/database that will need to serve millions of people every day in it is absurd.