Become whale: tutorial

This is how you can become whale.

1. Go here go to powh3d website:
> to get yourself masternode


2. buy some P3D erc-20 tokens

3. Wait for dividends

4. Reivest this shit

5. You whale yet?

>No -> go to 3.

>Yes -> You whale, gj user

YOU STILL NOT WHALE? Whats wrong with you user

Other urls found in this thread:

Open your eyes, thats how yo make cash these day

can you fuck off with this shit

We're not propping up your pyramid (ran by the same retards as before) just so you can make gains.

It's not shit if it's working, dumbass
No it's not and you can tell that by reading new contract. It was even audited by many people

not even checking the link but i guarantee the "real" link is going to be an url op owns that redirects to his "masternode"
(also what a fucking joke of a name for a referral link. you're not a node and certainly not a masternode. your shit pyramid isn't relaying any transaction nor having any functional infrastructure purpose. let me just shit in a can and sell it to you as a "SaaS/BaaS bridge")

If I wasn't retarded enough to do the original scam, why would I do your new scam?

Fuck off idiot.

bitch, first of all its not my pyramid
second thing, no its not my domain alias for reflink...
masternode have that name because it's cool.

Now go back to shitting designated street, pajeet

Fine, you will eventually FOMO in in next month

Because now we have masternodes for shilling and actually working contract. Also latest events shown that devs are sticking with this shit till the end. Also new ui in 2 days.
now buy my bags and get rich

Don't you retards get it? We're not interested in a ponzi, regardless of how cast iron you think it is. Don't complain when you get exit scammed, fucking Pajeets.

Why are you dumb user? Exit scammed? You must be joking

The only joke here is that you're willing to get fucked twice from the same mistake.

Nobody is getting fucked this time, you will see in a month. Make screenshot. Now go trading your shitcoins make some analysis and be fucked by whales anyway while I will be watching memes and feel comfy with dividends

You're too late to the pyramid party to make gains, Pajeet. No-one here is biting so enjoy holding your bags. Keep waiting for dividends that never come. You will wait so long you end up losing it all from an "exploit" which turns out to be an exit scam.

Nobody is late. This time its linear and not logarithmic. You will fomo in with normies when they will release new UI, contract futures, more translations and ecosystem.
The only money-hating pajeet here is you because you literally regret making free money.

No-one here is retarded enough to buy your bags son, you're too late and you know it. You really think normies wouldn't see "ponzi" and run? Any sane person (even the autists on this board) would, this will not last forever and will pop when shills like you can't bring more people in. You're completely deluded, stay small son. Enjoy your "free money" (if you're lucky enough to get any at all) that you reinvested into it when your crypto goes bye bye.

You do realise that weak hands selling is as good as buying, if not even better?
Or do you actually FUD it to get more divs?

> implying that the devs won't cut their losses and run away with what's left. Or in a different scenario, just take the lot when it peaks.

Im green already so I don't care what you shitpost here. If someone has brain and understands how it works then he will buy in. It's simple math user but it's probably too high level for pajeet shitposter.
Bet you didn't even read the page but still discuss...

"Still discuss"

You're the one typing like a street shitter. Good for you, now get out before you lose the lot like a brainlet. You have no arguments against the possibility of an exit scam because it's exactly that - entirely possible and out of your control.

that's because I'm not from shithole USA.
No arguments? Bitch you have contract that you can read on your own. Oh wait you have to know solidity first, it's well documented anyway.

>exitscam out of a smart contract
how do you propose devs do that? fork ether?

"Oh no guys, they found another exploit and it's all gone!"

It will be interesting to observe the despair of the idiots who fell for the same thing twice. Audited or not, you put too much faith in the demonstrably incompetent and untrustworthy.

you seem salty

not in whatever this is but wow

I find it fun to see what you shills come up with in rationalising your shit investment decisions. Unfortunately you're not very effective at your job.

I bet my left nut you are in this.