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if this is true its not btc dumpass

Fuck yesss. Tfw mostly in fiat atm

bitcoin pump

shitcoins dump

this is for ICO's that did not do proper KYC

thank fuck im all in JNT

burgers can't join ICOs anyway, who cares?

Love Bryce. Guy talks real shit.



bitcoin has nothing to do with ICOs retard. Ether is the one that will dump if this were true (and it isn't lol)

>one of the main pathways to making huge bux in crypto is crippled
>won't affect BTC

Holy fuck how stupid do you have to be to believe this

"most overhyped coin is ChainLink"

This guy is trolling right? TRX? Nano? Vechain??? WtC???

The coin with zero hype or marketing is the most overhyped. K

Bitcoin is the coin most people move into first when they buy into the market and last when cashing out you absolute brainlet.

>don't spook the market
I guess the big guys bought in or something? wth makes no sense, nobody care about spooking the market when Korea "banned" crypto and all those convenient tether articles came out in January.


Is it hyped anywhere besides biz?

are you retarded you stupid mongrel? burgers cant participate since day 1 in icos you dick eating parasite. nobody gives a shit about ameritards

truth and trips

>trustign some random ass oracle someone wrote.

>putting vechain in the same sentence as nano and TRX
Fuck you. Can't wait for you to FOMO in when VEN is $100 a piece

The guy is a fucking scammer. Don't take his word for it. he will say anything to get some attention. fucking prick

yes a guy who runs an exchange is so fucking credible. not like he has anything to gain from it ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

if thats not enough, his fucking moustache

Use your fucking brains for once. We've seen literally hundreds of ICOs that don't do KYC. There's nothing keeping US citizens from participating. Now they're getting lawyered to death, RIP non-KYC ICOs.

Maybe in a 10 years user.

>Burgers cant participate
>BTC hits 20k
>Burgers still cant participate

all these "hundreds" of icos are mostly lowcap irrelevant pajeet tier icos anyways you fucking brainlets.

nobody gives a shit

People have been making money from lowcap coins since day one. Look at all the chink coin ICOs for instance and how massively people have profited from them. Holy fuck did you get into crypto yesterday?

> muh kyc
> must world police
> terrorists under my bed
> afraid of tiny little north korea
> gets shot in public by random amok retard
Haha majority of burger brains completely toasted
since 9/11.


He's a scammer faggot that wants attention

USA is garbage. Invest in Asian ICOs.

>nothing keeping them from participating

it's illegal and youre gonna have a bad time explaining where you got the coins you cash out

Ummmm maybe a temporary dip as retards like yourself sell, but this won't affect BTC at all. It was just a matter of time till ICOs were done.

would you say this lad
has been accurate in his predictions in the past

BTC/ETH/BCH/LTC are 'exit nodes'.
Literally the fastest way to get your money out to fiat.

>enjoy your dip

BTC is an exit node. You can't cash out unless you convert your altcoin into BTC. This might explain the reason why BTC is resisting "attempts" to dive down. Maybe it's not really whales manipulating and pushing price but people trying to cash out and they have to convert into BTC first before they can do that. That also tends to inflate BTC's price whenever people convert their altcoins/ICOs into BTC before they cash out.

Converting alts into BTC doesn't inflate BTC price you mong unless the alt has a fiat pair with heavy volume which isn't the case of most alts. If I have BTC and you have some alt token and I give you my BTC and you give me your alt token does it magically push up the price of BTC/USD? No. It only would through arbitrage if your alt was heavily paired with fiat

>Converting alts into BTC doesn't inflate BTC
But that's wrong you brainlet. Converting some alt like OMG to BTC means you buy BTC using your OMG. More buyers means higher price. Do this across all exchanges doing the same thing converting their alts into BTC and you get your BTC having their prices inflated. It stands to reason this is the case when altcoins are dropping in value while BTC is rising.

BTC rising without new money coming in doesn't make sense unless you factor this into account.

Why do I even spend time on this board educating brainlets who don't even understand why they are brainlets when they are explained why

If you would have taken the same time it took you to write that post and upload that picture to actually THINK about what I said, to actually make use of your brain, maybe just maybe you would have begun to understand how you have no idea what you are talking about.

A brainlet can't teach anything. Maybe the reason you can't reach through is because you're a brainlet yourself:

>Converting alts into BTC doesn't inflate BTC

You probably thought your explanation sounded "smart" when it was the opposite. Do you have any idea how retarded you sounded when you said this?

alts are bleeding, even ETH is bleeding... Big BTC pump or dump incoming soon!

I don't have more time to waste with you underage egocentric stupid little shit, stay with your retarded view of the market what do I care, you'll be the one losing money :)

>hurr im rich!
>proceeds to tell us how stupid he is
>le smiley face
Post your portfolio then. And no, Photoshop doesn't count.

How old are you?

Probably more mature than you given your response. By the way, have a smiley face ":)"

>if I buy BTC with OMG it pushes up the price of BTC/USD
>i'm retarded

I wouldn't give you more than 18 little shit :)

>If I buy BTC then it has no impact
>this has no impact on price
Brainlet comfirmed

I wouldn't even give you more than 12. Continue selling VPNs and scams in your piss-poor country. Here's another smiley face ":)"

>i still don't understand the difference between buying BTC with fiat and buying BTC with an altcoin
>i still don't understand buying BTC with an alt inflates the BTC/alt pair and not the BTC/fiat pairs
>i probably don't even know what fiat means
>the more i talk the more retarded i show the world i am

surely if every single 7+ fig ico got served, someone would've said something by now?

>i still don't understand buying BTC with an alt inflates the BTC/alt pair and not the BTC/fiat pairs
>hurr what is supply and demand
>hurr what is basic economics
The absolute state of Veeky Forums

You are helpless, I hope all kids aren't like you these days otherwise the world is doomed, I'll leave you to wallow in your own stupidity and false sense of self-importance, you could have learned something today but you'll just remain as stupid as you were yesterday, bye :)

That must be why when China dumps US Dollars, the US dollar won't get affected right? Retard alert.

having thought about this for a bit, i think i will write this off as fud just based on the improbability of absolutely no one talking about this publicly if the scope is "every 7+ fig ico." that's a huge amount of people that have to keep silent and given the insider trading culture of crypto and how unreactive the market has been so far makes it a near certainty that he is talking out of his ass here.

>in muh days we were all smurt and enlightened
Fuck off boomer.

He's a retard, what did you expect? In his mind, supply and demand doesn't exist and will only affect that particular pair. Kek.

This is totally unrelated, look a new retard

>If I buy BTC with an alt then the supply of BTC decreases
>I am the retardest

Is Mycelium wallet token ICO safe or did they get served? They claimed to have spent most of the money they raised on lawyers to make sure everything was by the book, which was expensive and difficult since they had to write the book on it. They didn't do KYC yet but claim they will someday when the shares are converted into actual stocks.

But it is related. You said prices only affect particular pairs if you trade that particular pair. If China dumps US dollars, then only Yuan/US Dollar pairs should be affected. That's why you're stupid and I'm calling out why your reasoning and logic is stupid.

you are right
it if you dump a lot of omisego for btc, the price of omisego would go down in comparison to btc. The fiat value of btc would have no effect

>hurr if I buy BTC using alts it won't affect price
>that is why alts have no fiat value because they can't be cashed out .
>that is why alts don't get pumped and dumped using BTC
The absolute state of a brainlet

How is the US SEC going to get non-US ICOs?

Nobody cares about s American Jews throwing a fit.

There's a reason why buy high and sell low is the mantra at Veeky Forums

Oh look, another retard.

>There's a reason why buy high and sell low is the mantra at Veeky Forums
Meant for

It's so dumb that they're just going to trade it for regular stocks when(if) they go public. Initially they (or maybe just other people) talked about the token BEING the stock, and paying dividends in bitcoin. And that it and other ICO's would someday have their own token exchange like a stock market. But Mycelium says theres no way to legally do that. So if they have their IPO as planned, the tokens, once traded in for stocks, will be pointless. Disappointing.

That's not what I said, I said most alts aren't heavily paired with fiat, i.e. most alts don't have high volume with fiat, they are mostly paired with btc, so if you dump the alt you dump the alt/btc price without effect on the btc/fiat price

Only for the few alts with high fiat volume this would impact btc price. Say a lot of people convert eth into btc. Then the price of eth/btc will be lower than that of eth/usd, so arbitrage bots will dump their eth for usd, buy btc with usd then buy back again eth with btc. Without fiat pairing with high volume, buying or dumping alts doesn't impact btc price


It's about as illegal as Amuriturds Owning Petro and you can bet some Amerimutts will buy it anyway just because something is ilegal doesn't mean people aren't gonna do it anyway what matters is enforcement. Will the Kikes fucking be able to enforce this probable not.

>I said most alts aren't heavily paired with fiat
Then by that logic, those alts shouldn't have any fiat prices to begin with since they aren't paired with fiat but we all know that's not the case. Maybe the other user has been calling you a brainlet for a reason.

This thread turned hilarious

Dude you are correct stop getting all worked up about some people being wrong on Veeky Forums

Oh god you are a waste of oxygen aren't you? Most alts have a fiat price on coinmarketcap because coinmarketcap have written a little script that automatically displays the fiat value that corresponds to their btc value.

That doesn't mean you can trade the alt for fiat :)

Even if you can trade the alt for fiat, it doesn't impact the btc price unless the alt/fiat pair is a significant volume of the btc/fiat pair :)

You are too much of a brainlet too, I'm out of this shithole, stay retarded.

>That doesn't mean you can trade the alt for fiat
That's the point genius.

>Most alts have a fiat price on coinmarketcap because coinmarketcap have written a little script that automatically displays the fiat value that corresponds to their btc value.

Stands to reason that buying and selling of btc through alts affects its price.

>I'm out of this shithole
You should. We don't need any more retards like you stinking this place up.


>literally a Veeky Forumstard LARPer trolling for attention

>bryce wing wang


He isn’t doing a joke guys, in fact, HE IS SERIOUS

Just because you faggots keep posting retarded wojaks it doesn't make you look smart

Are you retarded?

They aren't in the US. The SEC doesn't have magical powers in every country brainlet. Little thing called borders - maybe you've heard of them? Nobody cares. Most governments would probably give you MORE money just for fleecing amerimutts more.

And good luck with retroactively applying the law even in the US. The lawyers are gonna wreck em.

>implying amerilards getting limited on crypto is not a great opportunity for smaller countries to get ahead
>implying bitcoin even gives a single fuck about ICOs
>implying bitcoiners don't shit on ICOs regularly

Hey man welcome to the world of crypto. Don't feel too bad you'll get it eventually.

They aren't done. ICOs that were US based and specifically trying to pass shitcoins off as stocks are done, that didn't observe brainlet US kyc laws.

You know how many ways around that there is? Coin burns, buy backs, masternodes providing a flimsy service as an excuse for divs? There is 0 legal precedent for most of the shit in cryptos. And you notice that most of it is made outside the US? Chinks, Russians, Slavs, Pajeets, Brits, Eurofags, even Aussies? For all your talk about "muh Capitalist freedumbs", the rest of the world is mostly more free market than you Amerifags. Our governments either don't give a shit or are happy there's more money being made. GG SEC. Welcome to the REAL global free markets faggots.

I see so many retards arguing in this thread fucking hell reddit is better than this shithole.

Your goverments are also propped up by ours.

>he sold the bottom

It's not illegal for the people (Americans) buying, only the people selling the ICO. Brainlet.

The Jews will close off all escape routes at come point.

Why would Bitcoin dump when it's ICOs that are getting fucked.
ICOs that did KYC+AML+no burgers are fine anyway. ICOs like Chainlink, that only had a checkbox in place, are likely screwed though.




I don't think this will do anything major. watch the support I guess

The chart here is pretty good I think

>Why would Bitcoin dump when it's ICOs that are getting fucked.
how the fuck do you think people will cash out of icos?

I can do that with LTC, ETH, and BCH just as well you extreme brainlet.

No it doesnt, alts have mcap only because people are pumping btc into them. Btcs mcap goes up only if fiat comes in. When people sell alts that does nothing for btc (except increase market dominance)

>Stands to reason that buying and selling of btc through alts affects its price
No retard the $ prices are there just so that brainlets like you who are unable to think in sats value can feel like they know wtf is going on.

So true. Chainlink does everything and nothing at the same time. You faggots act like it’s going to be some sentient being that serves as the holy source of universal truth.

How the fuck do I buy Petro

who is this loser?

some fat ass conspiracy nut spreading FUD

kill yourself

big if true

Truly big if bigly accurate