Any stoner scientist?

Going to be studying Physics in college in Fall.
Any pot smokers out there find it helped them be more creative/get better grades?
What were your grades like?
Did it have any negative impacts?
Just any input would be great

>Any pot smokers out there find it helped them get better grades?

Check the effects of smoking pot anyfuckingwhere desu and gtfo

>Did it have any negative impacts?
if you want any kind of work involving a security clearance you cant have a significant history of drug use. none within a min of a year from employment,

>edgy fag who thinks physics is like degrasse tyson meme
>probably talks about metaphysics bullshit while high.
It's not about creativity, it's about hard work. After the first few courses you'll get raped, unless you're actually a good student.

>> stopped smoking pot
>> went from getting 3.0-3.3 as freshie/soph to 3.8-4.0 as junior/senior

Dope is for dopes

I'm getting a PhD in ECE and I smoke weed most days. I don't think it really helps with schoolwork. It just helps me relax and de-stress at night.


dude, you will die there if you stay a stoner. Just because kindergarden is easy does not mean you are a genius who will just be able to smoke and get everything. Weed makes you dumb.

I recommend hard psychedelics like mushrooms or - even better - lsd instead.

I find weed good for the following:

>grinding out tedious assignments/homework sets

>envisioning new concepts

what weed is bad for:

>memorizing facts/figures/vocabulary

>solving new types of problems that you haven't worked through before

>Any pot smokers out there find it helped them be more creative/get better grades?
Neil deGrasse Tyson here, 420 blaze it!

agreed, psychedelics are much better than weed for getting "smarter"

you don't really get smarter but you can more easily visualize abstract concepts

not op, but I've had a friend propose doing acid with me,

my only worry I keep going back to (and correct me please) is that doing hard psychadelics will change my brain chemistry permanently.

Don't know about you OP but weed makes me much too content with being unproductive

Just graduated with my physics degree and I wish I had smoked less with my arts/humanities major roomies/friends

Mathfag here, finishing up sophomore year.
>Any pot smokers out there find it helped them be more creative/get better grades?
This is a tricky thing for me to answer. It definitely didn't help with creativity. I won't say that it was the deciding factor in me getting better grades, but I did get better grades during the semesters I smoked a lot, with me not smoking at all really second semester freshman and sophomore year. This could have been due to a number of other things though.
>What were your grades like?
Semesters I didn't smoke I was around a 3.0, semesters I did smoke I was around a 3.3.
>Did it have any negative impacts?
Not really. Going to lectures baked was more fun and so I went more.
>dude, you will die there if you stay a stoner.
I know plenty of people that smoke way more than I ever have and got into better colleges and are doing way better than I am right now. You can be a stoner and be successful as long as you make sure to prioritize getting your work done and studying.


the key is to smoke when your not doing any other shit.

If im shitposting and watching porn, might as well do it while high

There's nothing mystical about how psychedelics affect your body.

Your concern is unfounded.

Pot can certainly have a place in studies, but only if you use it gently. I like to mix it with a little tobacco and lavander or some other herb to take the edge off and mask the scent.

But only if you puff lightly. If you take a mongo bong hit and get ripped, you'll likely not be able to focus on anything but "the vibrations of the mind man."

But if you take a few puffs and read of take notes, I find my intellectual curiosity explodes, and the questions and material I'm dealing with seems more real and pertinent, and my thoughts toward them more fresh and less habitual and rote.

The only threat is that if you're predisposed to a mental illness, a bad trip can be traumatizing enough to trigger it

The drugs themselves aren't the problem, it's the degree to which they are used. Alcohol, pot, caffeine... any drug will have negative consequences if you abuse it or let it take priority in your life. What you do on a Friday/Saturday night won't affect the work you do on a Monday night but doing those things on the Monday night instead of working obviously does.

>mfw everyone ignores the only relevant post

It's probably not going to enhance your academic performance but it's also not guaranteed to hurt it either. Having said that, Physics requires some higher level math (i.e. differential equations, linear algebra, etc..) which, in turn, require you to store lots of information in short term memory and remember complex paths taken to transform equations so that you can transform them back again once you're done computing. Pot does not help with this.

I'd say pick a state (of mind) and stay there; either be stoned or be sober. It's coming up or down that hinders learning for me.

Weed smokers are the most degenerate people. Lazy, dumb, low IQ, uneducated trash.

weed makes you lazy

dude weed lmao

This 100%. I'm a postdoc and i smoke a few times a week. Usually very small amounts, either when I'm done with all my work or when i want to make lateral connections between concepts for writing. Also programming can be pretty amazing. I never go to work high though.

This. My department backgrounds check and drug test will fuck you out of a lot of meaningful physics jobs.

Yes, a mind numbing drug will definitely help you when it comes to high effort thinking. Wash it down with a swig of sleep medicine while you're at it

haha dude weed lmao. haha whooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaa dude weed lol. haha lmao weed dude hehe.

Smoking pot didn't help me get better grades, it probably dropped my A+ to A- for hard classes

My physics prof smokes reefer, if you are smart enough to function while stoned them go for it. Most people aren't that smart to begin with.

A tip is don't smoke a few hours before bed as the devils lettuce has been correlated with difficulty obtaining REM state and thus the transition from short term memory to Lon term is inhibited

What is your excuse if not drugs?

better than alcohol you cuck

It will change you. After your first strong experience you will have formed new connections in your brain to process the inter-connectivity during the experience. That's my theory anyway.

All changes are positive.

>smoke err day in high school
>smoke weekends in college
>smoke while working after college in research lab
>only get to smoke very occasionally in med school because so fucking busy and so many drug tests

However, I am drinking significantly more than I ever have.

Keep in mind most of the people I know who smoked hardcore failed out of college or didnt even go in the first place. They all sit around and like teach yoga and shit. Probably very unfufilling lives.

I smoked almost daily for my entire undergraduate degree (biomedical science) and I graduated top of my class. Currently employed as an RA part time as well as doing my PhD full time in the same lab (Biochemistry/pharmacology lab) and have continued my smoking habit. I found for a lot of assignments/exam study, after doing a decent portion sober, coming back to it high would allow me to interpret things in a different mindset and understand some things better, and others not quite as well, but it also substantially boosted my interest and motivation to learn things, which is a major factor in doing "well" at university in my opinion. Point is, it's different for everyone, some may cope others would not. For me smoking every evening to relax and think in a different light, is no different to the caffeine fiends who power down 4 cups of coffee before 12 pm.

strawman you monkey

>All changes are positive

actually the expected value of random change is death

Carl Sagan

>teaching anything
You're right. Unless someone is a doctor how could they possibly be getting the most out of life?

this 1000%. I do very well in CS, weed is the only thing that has consistently and continuously kept me motivated to learn. If it wasn't for weed, I would be stuck in a rut. Sure for some people it makes them cloudy; you have to weigh the pro and cons. For me it's extremely beneficial

I'm not a scientist but I am a software developer and I like smoking before I code. I smoke, put on an ASMR YouTube vid and code away.

That's unfair bullshit that comes across as prejudicial.

You're both fucking idiots.