blacks r dumb
Blacks r dumb
lol wut?
they're not africans.
He didn't say they're African; he said they're black.
that only means they have melanin in their skin because of living in desert areas (sahara, australia), also their big nose is because of that.
like I said, they're not blacks.
Listen. I'm just going to come out and ask this.
Has anyone actually TRIED breeding with them? How do know for sure we can? I really doubt we are truly the same species.
yeah. they can breed with other humans
somehow some whites are able to breed with them.
C-christ fucking hell.
Goddammit, this changes things, we need to back.
Humanity was a mistake.
We aren't going to be intelligent life that explores the galaxy, we are just going ruin this planet's potential and turn it into another boring mudball.
I propose a global genocide of all mammalian life, maybe it's not too late.
>I propose a global genocide of all mammalian life, maybe it's not too late.
>implying the lemurs won't be much better at being people once we off ourselves and they evolve into our niche.
Research before asking stupid questions.
>as us
Who's "us"?
I think the entire mammal branch is a mistake. There's nothing there. Too much of an obsession/reliance on sex. Structure is too disorganised, chaotic and fragile. Digestive systems are too inefficient.
>implying we aren't the greatest class of living things ever
It's a good thing that god doesn't consult edgy 15 year olds before making decisions
Obsession with sex and offspring was likely a key factor in evolving planning, increased social capacity, and intelligence.
Man, what happened to this site? I remember just a couple of years ago it was funny-racist in good hearted way and now it's literally stormfront tier cringy attempt at humour
It's not an attempt at humor, these people actually believe in this crap.
Their attempts at humor are truly cringeworthy.
That is a human being, OP. Sorry if you just can't get over it, but that's your problem. The rest of the world isn't going to let it be their problem. Your time's up, you're finished, get it? YOU are the throwback, OP, YOU are the rat brain.
Hahaha and I feel bad for you dude, but not that bad. You know there's still time to repent of ignorance, puke up the fake ass 'red pill'.
Not that guy but have sex with the women and let me know how it went.
/pol/ came back
dont get booty blasted because Veeky Forums members visit /pol/ and come back with questions on different human races. Is talking about non whites against the rules now?
Actually yes >>>/rules/global/3
Now fuck off you cancerous shit.
Talking about black people is not against GlobalRule3.
You have proved a point elsewhere though.
>Veeky Forums members visit /pol/ and come back with questions
top kek
visiting Veeky Forums occasionally only for making racebait threads while having /pol/ as your homepage does not make you a Veeky Forums member.
dumb gorila poster
>You will not post any of the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism
kys kiddo
pretty sure you meant that for
Goddammit, you're right. Fuck posting on mobile. Hiroshima Nagasaki, fix your shit.