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How many Black students to you have in your STEM program?
~60 in our undergrad ~15 in our postgrad.
South African university though most of our black students come from other countries like UK etc.
Out of how many
all of them
~80 Caucasian
~10 (South East) Asian
~5 Indian
~5 Middle Eastern
It varies dramatically from one year group to the next though, our first semester alone has a dropout rate of 60% (because our high-school standards are a joke not because the course work is difficult). These stats are approximate for second years by my own estimates.
Postgrad is harder to tell because I know most people work at other labs off campus, but if I'm estimating by research groups approximately 40 Caucasian, there's a handful of Indians, middle eastern people and asians as well.
I'm actually thinking that African Americans will become leaders in the genetics field one day.
There are still a lot of lost Africans who have no idea what their history is, and I think they will turn to genetics to provide answers and find long lost relatives one day.
1 out of 60
>~1-200 students depending on module
>3 grills
>one black (grill, dropped out at start of second year)
>a couple of greeks
>all the rest is white males wearing jeans bought by their mum and a plain hoodie
There are at least five black people I know within my engineering curriculum as a senior, all of which are pleasant people and don't subvert to hip-hop culture.
anal queens
You are describing my classroom from years ago in, I am pretty sure, a different country. Good to see the World is still in balance.
One. And I hate him.
Not because he's black because he's a fucking princess and expects us to do all the work for him
Compsci is universal in that regard. I'm pretty sure I live in a different country and it's the fucking same here too.
I'm in a PhD chemistry program, in a public school in NYC, first year. I know all the other people in the first year, there are 23 of us. Every single person is white, middle eastern, or chinese (11 of 23 are chinese)
>mechanical engineering
~20 out of 1000. my advisor is actually a really cool black dude that got his Phd at berkeley.
2 out of 80, biochem
I hate the "we wuz kangs" meme.
Technically, virtually everyone is descended from royalty.
Shit are you serious?
WOW!! That's insane I wonder why senpai...
1/80 in CS undergrad. I never saw him in another CS class after first semester.
Do brown people count for the purposes of this question?
For the reasons you think, shitposter-kun, but not just that.
2 out of 36. One is female naturalized black British the other is a Nigerian fresh off the boat.
Growing up in poverty
Assuming he's in the US that's no barrier at all for black college entry. If anything it's a benefit.
in fairness to the grils, our parents keep telling us to go into teaching or some shit. high expectations & encouragement ftw.
In our graduate program we have one black chick.
No wait, sorry, we have 2 black persons. There's also a half-Nigerian half-Taiwanese guy who is, like, super smart.
1 of 80. Geology undergrad. I don't think there are any in the postgrad.
total of 6 in my senior design
SE here.
There are a handful of girls in the major, and like two black dudes. A few arabs. The other ~95% are white dudes.
2 out of 300
if you take my specific course, theoretical physics, it's more like 0 blacks and 2 girls
0 out of 80
Biotech undergrad
Probably literally everyone, since the most recent common male ancestor lived less than 3000 years ago and he almost certainly had one royal ancestor somewhere during the first two millenia of civilization.
The barrier is that they don't want to go to school beause they are busy making more crack monkeys.
There was a third one in the beginning but I think he failed all his exams.
Funny, we started being about 125, so the dropout ratio is the same.
there's like 3 blacks in my chemistry class if you include me. To be fair they seem good at it and have decent backgrounds. I come from a family of criminals and mentally ill wrecks
You're probably not even a real nigger.
Post proof if you are.
>adjunct professor
>teach at small LAC for 3 years
>black students usually don't do well
>spring 2016
>best 3 students in my stats class are black, everyone else got a C or worse
refreshing change of pace
nice to see them succeed
Usually two to three including myself in the junior level courses.
Oh that's usually out of 100 by the way
2 out of 47
One was near the top of the class, and got into a specialisation that only had 5 places.
The other is now doing post graduate medicine at a top international uni
One of the white girls in the class ended up not doing well, and now works as a personal trainer in a gym
I saw 2 black students (they had an african accent, maybe Kenya or SA) in my intro topology course. They dropped out in the first two weeks. I don't think they were even in the math program since they seemed to not have any clue what they were doing.
Other than that, there's only one other black guy in the math program that I know of. Pretty cool guy, one of my good friends.
The number of people in our math program is about 200.
tl;dr I'd say maybe 2 or 3 black guys out of 200 students.
Stop posting
Man that was barely newfag cringe writing. There's worse shit in this board.
He's just upset because he's reading about black people who are smart.
It's ruining his world view :^)
None, I live in Utah
Portuguese here. 2 or 3 blacks, and only one is a native, the others come from student "exchange" programs with our ex-colonies (aka: rich kids get a free ride to Europe).
Eurofag here: we had one from ghana, but he dropped out because intro to C programming was apparently too hard.
>intro to C programming
god fucking damn
We have racial quotas here, so in the first year 50% are black. A year later they are close to 5%
1 in about 40 people (Math+CS)
Then again this is the netherlands, where affirmative action is minimal.
None, I live in Mississippi.
its almost like they still behave as slaves.
1, and he was a swagged out leech who did nothing in lab and bummed numbers off his lab partner.
Your Majesty
>god fucking damn
I am sure he generally didn't do well in our CE class of 20 people. I just know that tutoring him for 2h about iterating arrays didn't go anywhere.
Well after all he was supposedly a basketball-pro with a permanently damaged leg.
>We have racial quotas here
For fucks sake why is this a thing?
It's the most laziest and trite effort towards the ideal called diversity.
I'm the only one in my program now (math MS). There used to be one other guy last year, but I think he did not pass, he's in another uni now.
just like the platonic ideals, it doesn't exist in this universe
5/80. I have since graduated. At the time everyone was pretty shitty except for me and two other guys. Of the three of us at the top, the one black dude was the worst grade wise. Still an okay dude.
100% white
Typically, there are a couple black people in all of my classes. In my physics w/calc 1 class, the two black people dropped out before the mid term and the black girl dropped after the mid term.
>Physics undergrad: 0
>Physics postgrad: 0
No joke, plenty of East Asians though.
I had one in my physics graduating class of like 12 but he was one of the dimmer bulbs. There were plenty in the engineering department (different university) and one in the graduate physics department who was a complete nerd and pretty smart.
I've noticed two or three black people in my uni's first year physics course, honestly hope they don't drop out. Most black people in Italy have been here a generation or two at most.
One in about 60 I think. Pretty reasonable considering that blacks make up only about 0.5% of the total population in germany.
Far more sandpeople though, but also around what you would expect in regards to their total numbers of around 5% including refugees.
Physics BSc btw.
>befriend only black guy on my Dynamics class
>he's not that smart but can manage to understand the concepts once explained
>spend semester doing homework with him.
>take final exam couple of days ago
>he literally spends the ENTIRE time looking around blatantly at other people's test
>he LEANS over to look at mine, I give him a stern look and hide my scantron.
>talk to teacher after test, tell him this guys has spent entire 2 hours looking at other people's answers.
>teacher gives me this shameful look and tells me he knows and that he does that in every test we've taken.
>how does this miscreant get away with this? Was about to ask this to my teacher and he looks back at me as if he knew what I was gonna ask. And the answer hit me. He didn't need to say it, we both knew.
This whole diversity is making me more adamant towards blacks. Just imagine when he gets a job and he doesn't know what he is doing. All because he needs to be a statistic of which administrators can scream and be proud about. All at the cost of lowering the value of a degree, having incompetent blacks out in the workforce thus increasing discriminitation and furthering negative stereotypes. I'm not /pol/ but seriously screw these people. Feel good leftist scum.
I still don't get why SJWs still perpetuate things like "there aren't enough niggers working in high specialization fields and getting a six figure salary, MUH RACISM" when the problem it's clearly within the niggers themselves because they prefer choosing another career path. With a (let's say) 5% of black graduates you can't expect a company that requires some andvanced degree having a workforce of 50% blacks
More than half of my one circuitry class was black. I'd say 90% of them failed though, most of them just did not have a fucking clue lol. It was my uni's weed-out class for EE majors.
First semester? 3 (uni had a 3 niggers per room quota)
In the second one, there was only 2 left
In the fourth, both remaining niggers dropped out.
I'm a geology grad student and literally none that I know of. I also went to a conference some time ago and the only black people were the ones serving drinks. In the diversity program most of them were Latino only like 5 were black.
2 black guys in my undergrad math department (including me) of about 60-70 students. I don't know too much about the other guy, but I know he's doing decently. I'm doing pretty well too. I haven't gotten below a B+ in any of my math classes up to Analysis 2 and Abstract Algebra 2. Trying to apply to take grad classes in my junior year, as well.
I'm not entirely sure but in the engineering department at my university I've only seen about 4 black students. One of them was from Nigeria.
Old numbers, yes, but there aren't too many black students at my university to begin with
Hip-hop culture is superior to any culture in which engineers think of themselves as anything more than dogs at the feet of real scientists.
>that many hispanics
Puerto Rico?
Two out of fourteen people in the MSc course in which I teach were black.
One was extremely bad and dropped out one third of the way through, the other one is among the weakest two-three students but in no risk of failing unless he screws up his thesis (they're done with the taught part of the course by now).
I'm the only black person in my PhD program for applied math out of 45 students.
0 out of 50ish, math
Texas LOL
>SJWs still perpetuate things like "there aren't enough niggers working in high specialization fields and getting a six figure salary, MUH RACISM"
I've only heard SJW's say this about women
None, I live in Vermont
1 in computer science but he's a troublemaker and got kicked out of class a couple times. I'm actually switching majors to applied mathematics, unrelated.
Electrical Engineering
One is cool but man I hate the other one.
Much more hispanics, indians, and ching chongs than that. I wonder why.