Btc rejected twice @ 11k

It's over

>It's over

sell now

Bitcoin is done

Could based Marius be right again?

He's already wrong
>2 march btc hits 8420-7630

We are in this together buds

Still plenty of 2nd left

To be fair he said between the 2nd and 8th it would hit that low on Twitter.

it isn't over, just sell and buy the coming dip

AnimeJack is truly an abomination.

He was never right. A bunch of tweets and he always deletes the ones where he's wrong. He's a faggot and you're a faggot. Hopefully you both get cancer.

You mean OwOjak

fuck it let's go


hey there cutie

I dunno man, normies look like their still retarded and fomo-ing before 'muh 100k next week' etc


I bought more at 11k yesterday. Bears, get fucked.

How's that working out?

lol get rekt HODL tard.

pink wojack search term on google trends is not yet at ATH

Do not buy yet!!!

Where my bears at? I'm shorting the highs every time.

I'd be comfy for 5k by this summer. The crypto meme is still over hyped.

Holy shit mang I am so fucked!

Fellow bear reporting in!

It's just profit taking. The price will go up after Chinese New Year.

Who comfy here with their shorts? I know I am.

You mean the cancer that is cuckjak

i opened a short at 11k 100x 10usd(for the lulz) just closed it with 10$ profit.. should have gone all in with 10x leverage..JUST
might open another one