>not shorting etc
do you hate money, Veeky Forums?
Not shorting etc
>shorting a coin in a long-term uptrend
>t. increasingly nervous etc bagholder
You should be the one who is nervous
>1m chart
>can't even read
Good luck on the short, champ
do you even know how shorting works?
Why would you short at the bottom of the channel?
Enjoy being liquidated on the bounce up.
Would this shitcoin moon already so I can get out.
What a fucking shit, I bought the dip 2 weeks ago and this crap dips and dips and dips more.
Oh user, it's $50 soon
No no no, it's $75
No, $100 EOM
No OP, you're one of the few gifted people who actually know, how shorting works.
You have to have an IQ of 145+ to even grasp the concept of shorting.
balls deep in etc, we will see change of tides by tomorrow the latest, guys
huh? shorting: the act of selling something to buy it at a lower price after.
example: i short 1 btc, exchange lends me 1 btc i sell it at 10k, btc goes to 5k i buy it.
shorting is selling something that you dont have to buy it cheaper (if everything goes well) after.
i dont think you need 145 genius iq to understand this
>being this deluded
worse than zclassic fags, at least they knew what is gonna happen
But Callisto isn't a fork, it's a fucking airdrop. Why do you equate the two as the same?
>t. bottom shorter & ATH longer
shorting since 0.033 u mad pajeet?
>t. nervous buyer who bought at 35$ and dont know what to do, thinkint ETC will fall like ZCL
he was being sarcastic autismo
>b-barry will pump r-rite guys?
wont see new ath, guys 40$ and this is it. but some gains at least hahahahaha
No they didn't, i was the one telling them that the price post fork announcement was 2$
ETC didn't even pump that much to begin and it's already @ December levels (aka waaay before the fork announcement)
Anyways if you short now instead of waiting after the fork you're retarded and will lose everything for being a normie low IQuck
I meant zcl price prefork announcement
The guy you're replying to is a retard but i'm expecting this to dump hard after the snapshot is taken any day now.
I hope i'm wrong but i'm planning to sell asap at anything above entry
This thread seriously just made my IQ dump harder than ETC's price
it's not a fork you brainlet. people started to realise how shit this airdrop is. there won't be any miracle pump
This has been dumping non-stop since 25th February, all of the quick profit seekers already sold.
Why would it dump hard? It didn't even pump after they announced the airdrop.
Let's compare:
ZCL announcement: the price 100x'd
ETC when fork was announced: pumped 10% I think then it quickly came down, and the snapshot didn't even happen yet!
See the difference? It's not going lower than this
Hope this was clear enough
zcl reached ath two weeks before snapshot then started bleeding, same thing happening with etc
Bc I can short btc with x5
Who would be even interested in the airdrop? What is so good about callisto? Why should CLO tokens be worth more then my x3 all in leveraged short now???