Hello Veeky Forums
If you could transfer your mind into a computer network and become immortal why would you not do it?
Why do you care for the meat you are in?
Hello Veeky Forums
If you could transfer your mind into a computer network and become immortal why would you not do it?
Why do you care for the meat you are in?
you are in a computer network
No because it won't work because of the soul
If you disagree with me I'll just post ugly men wearing fedoras
>If you could transfer your mind into a computer network
>Why do you care for the meat you are in?
What kind of horrific life could leave you so emotionally scarred that you would give up actual sex (even masturbation) in the vague hope that simulated sex might be just as good?
> What kind of horrific life
the one that ends with piece by piece of you failing.
Each time thinking...you know this isn't so bad, but if it gets any worse I'm gonna off myself, until you can't do anything.
Even breathing is painful
Real women won't have sex with me because of my looks and/or personality. I can get bitter about it or I can move on to the next best thing, even if it pales in comparison.
Immortality is ever lasting agony if you think about it.
That's not how it would work. You can easily "feel like" your virtual self if there is a direct link between yourself and your virtual copy. It would work the same way as the link between the two hemispheres in your own mind, which for all intents and purposes are mirror images of each other, and act as two distinct agents when the corpus callosum is severed.
Agony is knowing your life is too short to achieve anything worthwhile in it.
Immorality implies infinite suffering. Infinite being never ending. Humans typically suffer throughout their lifetimes. A lifetime that never ends equates to an infinite amount of suffering. So, even if it were possible, I wouldn't choose to become immortal. Maybe if you could regulate the consciousness so that any suffering is impossible and that all you feel is constant euphoric bliss, then it wouldn't be such a bad idea.
Death is a good thing.
Have you tried Soma?
The continuity of consciousness is an interesting topic. What if every night while you sleep some aliens make a new copy of you and place this copy in your bed. Then take the previous you for eternal suffering? You wouldn't know.
That's hot
>Immorality implies infinite suffering
No it doesn't. You would just had the convinience not to get old and die. You would also be able to turn yourself off.
> Humans typically suffer throughout their lifetimes.
You wouldn't be human anymore.
Only if life is unbearable.
Given that this "scanning" procedure is neither destructive or interfering requires some form of magic, which does not exist.
Otherwise I would know, or the pretense of any previous instance being conscious or alive to suffer is pretty far fetched.
Even claiming that we are just sets of data inside a simulation being toyed with is as appealing of an idea to me as the afterlife or quantum consciousness.
Does this imply that joy is acknowledging that life's too short to give a fuck about the universe post mortem, let alone while being still alive?
The process of dying is scary but death itself is the next best thing there is, the best being to never have been born. What's keeping people from acknowledging this is our instinct to survive; there is no objective reason to want to live. The nothingness we came from is free from any bliss or suffering we can concieve, and it is the ultimate freedom for any living being.
>You would also be able to turn yourself off.
Then that isn't immortality, is it now? If you give the human mind an infinite period of time to exist, it will experience infinite durations of physical sensations. One of these sensations is pain. If I never cease to exist, the pain and joy that I experience in my day to day life will also never cease to exist. Thus, with immortality / infinite life comes infinite pain. 99.9% of joy is never worth the 0.01% of pain.
>99.9% of joy is never worth the 0.01% of pain.
wew, sound risk assessment right there lad.
Also pic related.
>Then that isn't immortality, is it now?
Immortality means the ability to live forever. Not inability to die.
You'd leave pain with your human body. You're sticking to meat concepts.
You're not making any sense.
It would be a Logan's Run style of lie and you know it.
Suffering is still a minor part of your life that is filled with more pleasures, so yes, you might have infinite suffering, but you would have greater infinite sets of pleasure, happiness, euphoria, and love especially since many current causes of suffering come from having pain that results from the prospect of death.
Then why don't you just kill yourself since the alternative is to risk the threat of infinite suffering?
wat about when you're an old impotent geezer on a deathbed?
why would you ? you are a ai in a flesh reality, why go back so soon when you are eternal.
focus on earning a lot of dough. Spend that on hookes or order a wife from shitokhstan
as long as I don't get any weird sensory deficiencies, feedback, overloads, etc
does flip the fuck out when it realizes it's no longer controlling vital organs?
do I have my normal sensory inputs? all unchanged?
If it's an otherwise normal existence but I'm immortal, sure, just gimme a fast as shit internet uplink man I don't want to have to buffer constantly
Because user doesn't realize that 1/5th is the same as 10/50 is the same as infinity over five times infinity
A lifetime of human experience with a little suffering mixed in is no different than an endless lifetime of human experience with the same ratio of suffering mixed in
>implying we have any idea how to go about this
user, "mind upload" amounts to creating an AI program that serves as a decent approximation of the modeled person.
Anything else is science fiction.
>Real women won't have sex with me because of my looks and/or personality.
I was once like you.
Finally met the "girl of my dreams".
Married her.
Now I sleep on the couch, and pine for the days when I was in your shoes.
Be happy with what you've got user.
I honestly envy you.
>Immortality is ever lasting agony
>Immorality implies infinite suffering. Infinite being never ending.
Y'all niggers think computer programs last forever?
First off, AI's must be constantly changing as they learn and adapt.
Change implies a finite existence, since there's no guarantee of long-term stability.
More importantly though, look at existing digital data.
Backups lack continuity, and aren't foolproof.
Do you have any digital data that's more than 20 years old?
Standards change, servers crash, buildings catch fire.
What's you AI doppelganger going to do for a living?
How's he going to pay for electricity and server time?
What happens when he can't pay his bills?
Nothing lasts forever.
>What if every night while you sleep some aliens make a new copy of you and place this copy in your bed. Then take the previous you for eternal suffering? You wouldn't know.
The copy they leave behind wouldn't know, but the me they take sure would.
>99.9% of joy is never worth the 0.01% of pain.
>death itself is the next best thing there is, the best being to never have been born
>Death is a good thing.
>Immorality implies infinite suffering.
ITT: Y'all motherfuckers need to get laid.
My aim in life is to increase entropy as much as possible. Therefore I embrace the flesh.
Also, you will never be able to transfer your mind into a computer and if you think so you are a manchild who reads too much sci-fi.
>user, "mind upload" amounts to creating an AI program that serves as a decent approximation of the modeled person.
Which is only the best thing, in my opinion.
All of the good stuff minus the greek boat meme.
Imagine capturing a persons mindset, personality, knowledge and creativity,
then multiplying it for as much hardware there is available.
Kind of having a botnet as a child, shitposts for days I reckon.
Of course we aren't there yet, but we might as well try for the hell of it.
>What's you AI doppelganger going to do for a living?
Internet surveys
Experiencing 6 month phases of depression isn't the same as experiencing 6 billion year phases of depression. Phases of these lengths are inevitable given infinite periods of time. Just like when a dice is rolled an infinite amount of times, there will inevitably be very long periods in which the same number is rolled consecutively. Give the mind an infinite period of time to exist and it will experience all kinds of hell imaginable for VERY long periods of time.
> you will never be able to transfer your mind into a computer
Because you say so
Cheesus Fuck, life is not a prison but a chance. You can always turn it off.
Maybe as an immortal you would find time to better yourself despite having such a busy self-loathing schedule.
mfg. bipolar
This isn't about mortal life, this is about immortal life. As soon as you turn off life, it is no longer immortal.
Immortality means the ability to live forever. Not inability to die.
Know your definitions.
The important part is geting rid of the ticking timebomb that is written into us by evolution.
Well first, we have to solve the Ship of Theseus problem and how minds work in general
>implying I don't wanna die
You're a funny guy, OP.
>Kind of having a botnet as a child, shitposts for days I reckon.
A child, sure.
An ultra-tamagotchi.
...but it's not the immortality singularityfags crave.
You don't seem to understand the implications of immortality.
Also you have to be 18 to post on this site.
>An ultra-tamagotchi.
ey, that's pretty good.
I have a working windows 95 computer, from.. you know 1995. (^:
Knowing my luck I would be irreparably insane and trapped in some horrific mockery of my ideal with my organic body and original mind lost to the dust of the earth.
Wouldn't the absence of chemical stimulation generated by our glands result in a purely logical approach to such situations. Eventually you would view things methodically and solve your way out of any kind of rut you're in. You might come to some pretty nasty conclusions though in that time frame but you wouldn't be suffering exactly. Woe to those who unleash your trapped consciousness from it's digital prison.
I would rather copy my consciousness in my later years and foster it in a robot body, and groom 'myself' to take my place when I'm gone.
It will be better than having an actual child.
"I" will then be free to continue my grand work.
Itl be a clone never true YOU, true you only lies in the mechanics you're made in, even then...
Are there good models out there to emulate such effects? There should be, but I'm no neuroscientist, not even any kind of tbbh.
>redpill me
that depends on how emotions work. we don't know how emotions work.
i don't want to but i think i would be willing to take the plunge. In the end all the desires and instincts such as sex and food are just constraints that limit our expression and freedom. With more intricate neural networks we could become capable of so much more
Yes i think i would accept the sacrifice
Copies like that would be a kind of Artificial Intelligence. With the ability to upgrade itself if would quickly surpass you. But it might take care of you in your later years. You newer know how the children will come out.
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