Can't let anyone know i'm reading something by Richard Dawkins or else they will get super butthurt if a christfag or...

>Can't let anyone know i'm reading something by Richard Dawkins or else they will get super butthurt if a christfag or go full on fedora fag if they are a fedora
And I one of the only people who actually appreciate this person as a biologist and writer?

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Veeky Forums is contrarian at heart, so because reddit likes him, Veeky Forums dislikes him automatically, or at least most of Veeky Forums. Most people who post about fedoras or Dawkins have no idea about what he says, have never read any of his works and automatically jump on the bandwagon to dismiss him, because fedoras and reddit (this is a common occurence with creationfags). That said, that does NOT make his ideas and views automatically valid.


Sorry but you must be over the age of 18 to post here. Please remove yourself from this site until you are of age.

Except he used the word correctly stupid.

Reddit is starting to dislike Dawkins, though.


No, go back to with your contrarian dismissal. We hate him primarily because he is a shitty writer and, like black science man, has done little to fuck all for science except for being an attention whore.

Not to mention he does cringy shit like pic related.

Fuck atheism honestly. So many logical holes in the "arguments" those retards make. Religion is central to mankind.

Science outreach to the proles is useful work, and helps our society become one that encourages science, both in terms of children going to school (for STEM and other legitimate pursuits) and science funding.

He was a well-respected and published scientist before he became a famous science communicator.

I'm a Christian and I highly admire and respect him as an evolutionary biologist.

Who is we?
>Has done fuck all
He has done a ton for biology. The Selfish gene changed how we thought of natural selection in a big way.


>because he is a shitty writer
You didn't even read his books.

>has done little to fuck all for science except for being an attention whore.
You didn't even read wikipedia.

Butthurt christfag detected.

If someone was in their late 30s and still believed in Santa I too would probably let them know.

>butthurt dawkinsfag detected

But i'm not butthurt. Did I suddenly get offended and shitpost because brought someone up?

you have no idea what you're talking about

>and helps our society become one that encourages science

While the number of people who blindly say they believe in evolution and shit has risen, the number of people that can solve the quadratic equation or even add fractions together have plummeted through the floor.

Mindless yes-men aren't good for anyone.

>Blindly believe in evolution
>the number of people that can solve the quadratic equation has plummeted
I'm gonna need a source on this. Especially as someone who works in education and have seen the opposite.

>Honorary degree
The man is a colossal dumbass

>Honorary degree
Wow, I didn't realize you could get a job as a biologist with an Honorary degree. Seems to me you are bullshitting.

>TFW you know 99.9% of people familiar with Dawkins aren't aware he was laughed at by his academic peers for his Genetic Meme theory, which was proven false.

Are you talking about selfish genes which have only in the last few years been getting disputed as possibly wrong or memes which are used all the time as a model for how ideas spread?

as a writer of biology? yes. for everything else? no

Depends, is it currently before or after 1995?

I might agree with your assessment of the man and his contributions, but the bus is fun shit. I approve it.


I'm the same way, but I wish he would stop writing about religion.

>only in the last few years
You have no idea what you're talking about.
And yes, since we're talking about Dawkins, I am speaking of his idea of Selfish Genes.
>Unaware of "The problem with altruism and the false consensus of relative-helping".
*shakes head*

Retard detected.

Troll post

An actual retard because you fell for a troll post

>I'm gonna need a source on this. Especially as someone who works in education and have seen the opposite.

There has been many stories in the last few years of high schools all over the country getting rid of Algebra I. Also:

>One of the most vivid arithmetic failings displayed by Americans occurred in the early 1980s, when the A&W restaurant chain released a new hamburger to rival the McDonald’s Quarter Pounder. With a third-pound of beef, the A&W burger had more meat than the Quarter Pounder; in taste tests, customers preferred A&W’s burger. And it was less expensive. A lavish A&W television and radio marketing campaign cited these benefits. Yet instead of leaping at the great value, customers snubbed it.
>Only when the company held customer focus groups did it become clear why. The Third Pounder presented the American public with a test in fractions. And we failed. Misunderstanding the value of one-third, customers believed they were being overcharged. Why, they asked the researchers, should they pay the same amount for a third of a pound of meat as they did for a quarter-pound of meat at McDonald’s. The “4” in “¼,” larger than the “3” in “⅓,” led them astray.


Your country is only intelligent when it buys jews and asians to think for you. Don't use America to represent any standard of intelligence for the rest of the world.

It's America that will destroy the world. You should care what happens here.

Can't decide if I should be mad that this shithole full of religionfags will decide the face of the future or laugh about it.

Fuck Dawkins,one of the least likeable people I've ever seen.
Also a shitty scientist,I can't find a single paper that's actually relevant by him

>Can't decide if I should be mad that this shithole full of religionfags will decide the face of the future or laugh about it.
We've benn "deciding the future" for almost a century now.
You were born into a world we created.
If you haven't opened a vein yet, you'll probably cope with the coming decades.

We wuz conquerazz n shieet

Ok I'm not going to pretend to have read anything he's published but aren't his books only read by fedora atheists who want to expand their arsenal for anti religion debates?
By that I mean do his books have any worth if you don't just want to be told god doesn't exist a hundred different ways? Because I already know that.

>The Selfish gene changed how we thought of natural selection in a big way.
Normie detected.

>aren't his books only read by fedora atheists

There's one book on atheism, a few before it about the intelligent design vs evolution debate, and good books on evolution before that.

Why would anyone read 1970s and 1980s books on evolution when the past two decades of research have all but slain the modern evolutionary synthesis of the Darwinian model?

Outside a narrow eukaryote-specific niche Dawkins' writings are now phlogiston-tier.

I've never read any of his books.

The pleb opinion I am left with is that his biology knowledge is probably good, but his knowledge of world religions is pretty shit.

Supporting my view is that he doesn't know Hebrew, Greek (for the bible, even though Jesus purportedly spoke Aramaic), Arabic, or Sanskrit, and so he is left with only English translations of respective holy books.

Anyone who has studied one of the languages of the religious texts has probably come to learn how the etymology of a word is very important for understanding the meaning behind a given passage.

For example, a quick search on the etymology of "human" revealed:

human (adj.)
Compare Hebrew adam "man," from adamah "ground."

Fitting the narrative that the first man was made from earth (or clay, depending on which holy book you're reading).

Again, I don't know enough about his work, beyond what I read every time something "big" happens, and I see the fallout on the internet.

Feel free to correct me if he actually does know anything about religion

His biology knowledge is outdated and he is the poster child of the Darwinist dogmatism which held back the study of evolution for the bulk of the 20th century.

I educated myself on Evolution by reading The Greatest Show on Earth. It was a nice book.

I think you're being overly critical, I even had the ancestors tale as a book for a first year course. He still gives a well expressed summation of the theory of evolution at the least.

Then you are maleducated, it's an awful book.

>He still gives a well expressed summation of the theory of evolution at the least.
Well expressed but utterly wrong. Dawkins completely ignores the last fifty years of research and continues to repeat long overturned dogma dated to the 1970s at the latest.

I know he hasn't been an active academic but that's no excuse for not keeping up with a field he keeps writing about.

*I know he hasn't been an active academic for a long time

>it's an awful book
I wouldn't know since I'm not a biologist. But what's actually wrong with it?

It fails to discuss horizontal gene transfer which modern research shows trumps natural selection of heritable traits as the primary evolutionary mechanism (especially among prokaryotes), does not even MENTION transposons, literally dismisses epigenetics as a "buzzword"...

People like Dawkins have harmed research into evolutionary mechanism far more than the intelligent design crowd ever could, they are like late 20th century physicists believing the science is settled once and for all ("Darwinian evolution by natural selection is the be-all-end-all of evolution"), and actively attacking and ridiculing people who dared to question their pet theory and investigate the actual mechanisms like Woese.

Now the actual research has left them behind but they continue to preach their dogma to popsci masses. Awful, disgusting.

*they are like late 19th century physicists

Here's a great article published the same year as The Greatest Show on Earth:

>It fails to discuss horizontal gene transfer which modern research shows trumps natural selection of heritable traits as the primary evolutionary mechanism
But that's wrong dumbass. It's speculated to be the dominant mechanism in prokaryotes but not anything else. Speculated. You are spreading misinformation just so that you can feel smart.

As opposed to natural selection which was demonstrated to be one? Yet it is taught as such.

The pervasiveness of HGT in microbial genomics is clearly demonstrated by all modern research (e.g., while Darwinian selection being a significant factor in them is baseless scholasticism.


>using the term "prokaryotes"

I hope this meme dies soon.

Even when an individual receives a gene by HGT it must be selected for or else the descendents of that individual will lose it...

I don't see how HGT is a mechanism of evolution any more than sex is a mechanism of evolution.

Well, you seem to know your stuff. I'll try reading that article sometime.

Whats wrong with it?

>"I appreciate the works of Richard Dawkins"

Holy shit you are wrong and retarded.

No, he's full of shit,gene transfer is only a major factor in specific organisms and even then is acted on by natural selection. Don't listen to him.
And there is this meme faggot.

Not him,you're right about HGT but that doesn't change that Dawkins is a fucking faggot who hasn't contributed anything since the 70s and is living of atheists hate boners

Not him.

Likely because anucleate organisms are not strictly a homogeneous group.

>Mindless yes-men aren't good for anyone.
>he doesn't approve of genejacks

>I can't find a single paper that's actually relevant by him
That's pretty much par for the course for a scientist

I've listened to his entire works on audiobooks while I do housework and what not. Both him and his wife have very enjoyable voices. He is a very articulate man, and not contrarian so much as ruthlessly logical. In my opinion of course.

Pot calling the kettle black

There's nothing wrong with being religious.

Because this is what popsci fags literally believe

>Most textbooks are years old in their material.
>Many times books from actual scientists are at the forefront of their field.

>Why the hell would anyone spend hundreds of Dollars on textbooks if they could get books created by scientists for a 20th the cost?

I was an art school drop out. Believed nuclear power was an evil conspiracy . Working a shittly manual labour job. Dimissed science off hand as corporate lies. "They just want the money maaaaan. The world could run on wind man, its just being kept down man to control us... maaaaaaaan!!"
Christ fag in work disses evolution. I live in bible belt europe. Instantly defended evolution cos hate christfags.
So I googled evolution, came across growing up in the universe and remembered it from childhood christmas. Got a kiddies intro to science through that. Got interested in Dawkins. Bought On the Origin of Species and my mind was fucking blown.
I spent the next two years listening to every lecture and podcast I could find on science. Was frustrated with entertainment science by the end and started studying. Did high school science in night school. Then Science access. Got into a human bio course in uni. Im a year in, studying for exams. I fucking love chem, cant wait to enter immunology research, am self learning calculus.
My world has expanded beyond all I thought possible. Every opinion I had has changed, I put my brain to use, dropped the hippy shit and found out that Im good at this shit.

He engaged my brain and got me to think critically. I was the kind of guy who would fucking despise Dawkins but his books and talks and advocating and downright asshole argumentive style smashed my opinions to fucking shitty little pieces and Im eternally thankfull for that.

genetic meme? what the fuck are you talking about?

Memetics was a throw away comment at the end of the book?

jesus fucking christ, all these dicks who cant evn source material before they have opinions.

>Got interested in Dawkins. Bought On the Origin of Species and my mind was fucking blown.
Did you just fucking mix up Dawkins and Darwin?

No you fucking moron.
Find guy who talks about evolution.
Get interested.
Go out and discover the beginnings of it.

Seriously is that the level of your intelligence?

Woah that KFC commercial looks fuckin' dope. And you know what? Turns out I really do love Nando's.

>Christ fag in work disses evolution. Instantly defended evolution cos hate christfags.

Protties, not christfags.

>I live in bible belt europe.

And where is that? Anti-evolution is mainly an 'merikan plague.

>I was an art school drop out
>Did high school science in night school

Why? If you're an art school drop out then you've at least finished high school, no? Shouldn't you have gone straight into freshman science courses?

>Got into a human bio course in uni. Im a year in, studying for exams. I fucking love chem, cant wait to enter immunology research
>am self learning calculus

Wait, what? Shouldn't you have taken calculus already if you're in uni? How did you even take chemistry without the calculus prerequisite?

>My world has expanded beyond all I thought possible. Every opinion I had has changed, I put my brain to use, dropped the hippy shit and found out that Im good at this shit.
>He engaged my brain and got me to think critically.

Is this whole post sarcasm

Richard Dawkins is alright when he stays the fuck away of philosophical takedowns of God or philosophy in general

is that why yuros are importing people with an even worse religion to make decisions for them?

Science isnt a requirement for art school. Seriously I was fucking ignorant of science. I had a family and a job to hold down. It was really just for getting back to basics.

Its a human bio degree. The chem is at a pretty shitty level to be honest. Cos most biologists cant chem. The chem is a personal interest. It make biology less a bunch of linked up magic facts. So no, no calculus. Its a fucked up state of affairs to be honest. Because of that a lot of chem is being taught rote. And then they wonder why no one can fucking do it.

But seriously user why so down on me? Ill just learn the shit as I go. Its not hard.

And I went from being ignorant to having answers to questions and beginning to understand the world. Seriously you guys complain about scientific ignorance and then want to keep it all as some special "Im a speshul butterfly cos I science and others cant". You read some books and understood them, congratulations! Its open to anyone who wants to do it
So no as a mature student I dont have all I should but so fucking what. Ill learn what I need to and get the fuck on with it.

I could still be part of the masses having ill informed public opinions about shit I know nothing about, holding back progress and spreading the stupid

>Still no source

It's still better than every other European country which is getting shit on by muslims.

>Retards getting butthurt over a man not believing in god

Ancestors tale was very up to date. You are going to need to source your shit.

>Natural selection can't be observed

I don't see why you are sperging out about posts made in a completely different board but those posts are correct.

You obviously don't read much if you disagree.

>Fedora getting butthurt over others not circlejerking them

People are entitled to their negative opinions

The real bus is sadly less funny

But philosophy fags deserve to be taken down a notch considering how unimportant they are and how important they think they are.

how so?
I just find it funny when people get mad at a guy's personal views.
I guess i'm a fedora for laughing at feminists who get butthurt by him too.

Why are you here?

>>>Retards getting butthurt over a man not believing in god
im not a theist and im not offended by his atheist or even anti-theist conclusion

but there's the possibility (and the reality) that you must entertain. it is that he makes bad arguments for atheism and bad arguments against theism. many atheist philosophers have called him out on his unrepentant strawmanning on theist arguments. that's one. there are many others

dawkins is a strong positivist who dont need no philosophical education

most philosophy fags hate the idea of trying to justify their bullshit with actual evidence.

>>most philosophy fags hate the idea of trying to justify their bullshit with actual evidence.

can you justify this statement with evidence?

Yeah, Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums exist.

>taken down a notch
But he doesn't take them down a notch. He tries to, and fails miserably.

Moreover, I was referring to HIS philosophical arguments.
You don't understand what philosophy is
>muh empiricism

>Muh vague subjective bullshit which hasn't gotten anything useful done in over 100 years and is always proven wrong when compared to facts

>getting upset over someone saying fedora

Are you new? That meme was born on Veeky Forums

>You don't understand what philosophy is

>Y-You just don't understand
Sure user. I have taken philosophy classes user.
>B-But no only my approved philosophy counts
Nearly all philosophy is unfalsifiable and when it is falsifiable it is almost always wrong.