Need some good math jokes or puns to post around teachers classroom

Need some good math jokes or puns to post around teachers classroom
>inb4 why was 6 afraid of 7

Other urls found in this thread:

A 747 was flying from Warsaw, Poland to London, England. As they were flying past some touristy landmarks (Big Ben and Parliament), the pilot came over the intercom and instructed all who were interested in seeing Big Ben to look out the right side of the plane now. Many passengers did so, and the plane promptly crashed. Why?

A mathematician is working at a bar. A man walks in and says "I want one beer for my first round, two beers for my second round, 3 beers for my third round, 4 beers for my fourth round, etc. on my tab." The mathematician then opens the cash register and hands the man 1/12th of a dollar.


I don't get Ramanujan, British cuisine is to die for!

>the pilot came over the intercom
Cos the pilot was fucking the stewardess instead of flying the plane like he should have been doing.

oops, meant for

why was 6 afraid of 7?

because 7 is a six offender.

After 40 days the flood recedes and Noah's ark touches down on Mount Ararat.

"Behold," says Noah to the animals, "you are saved. Now go forth and multiply."

A small snake speaks up. "But Noah, we can't multiply. We're adders."

Noah thinks for a moment, fetches his axe from the ark, heads into the woods and begins chopping down a tree. Later that day after assembling a crude wooden table he calls the snakes to him.

"Behold!" says Noah, "Now you can multiply, even though you are adders. I have made you a table of logs."

Stupid Physics Joke fuck off