Carney calls for crackdown on crypto-currency 'mania'
It's really nice watching all these globalist deep state puppets scrambling to control something that completely demolishes their power over us
love the salty comments
never take risks, just stick to your safe wagecuck job, and work until you're 80 only to realise that the same central bankers who warned you not to buy crypto have devalued your life savings by printing money at will
Those literally are all boomer scum replying anyway. They know they're never going to catch up to us on tech so they're trying to maintain control through FUD
do these people not understand the concept of spreading risk? If you think btc might go to 0 any minute just invest a bit in it but not too much
>If you have pound you are protected to a certain extent
because fiat currencies have never become worthless before
> the entire space is unsustainable.
These stupid cunts have literally no idea what is going on. Their own fucking banks will be running on smart contracts in 5 years time.
You people are idiots. Carney isn't even calling for a crackdown:
>"This shouldn't be viewed as a crackdown, but an opportunity to establish parameters that protect consumers while encouraging the biggest and best crypto-currency businesses to make the UK their home," a spokesperson said.
He wants regulation, like most countries in the west and welcomes it with open arms.
>thinks these are anything different
Fucktard spotted
I can't read the word globalist without it being in the voice of Alex jones
>crackdown and regulation are the same
Top kek.
The absolute state of Veeky Forums.
They can't fucking control the block chain. Its decentralized for a reason. What regulation can and should work towards is mandatory liquidity at exchanges to stop exit scams. Regulating the income and outflows of money and making it safer makes crypto more acceptable.
>He said the Bank "has an open mind" about the eventual development of a central bank digital currency
This could be either taken as:
>bitcoin as digital gold reserve and creation of their own digital coin
>banning of bitcoin and other subsequent decentralized cryptocurrencies and establishing their own government crypto and probably ushering in a one world currency using blockhains/crypto tech
In the case of the second, the road to hell is paved from good intentions.
>the road to hell is paved from good intentions.
>good intentions
>pls gib nanny state
the absolute state of normies
fucking statists and their (((voting))) meme
He said to regulate "elements" of the crypto market. That means targeting the periphery parts such as exchanges.
They will never be able to hinder or shutdown bitcoin. All is well
>Carney noted that currencies should be a store of value, a medium of exchange, and a unit of account. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies fail at least two of these tests, he said.
Like fiat?
Colour me shocked
But he's right? If you get scammed out of your Bitcoin, the cops can't do shit about it, the banks won't refund it. I know you bitter kids love blaming boomers, but don't let your meaningless hatred of mom and dad make you do retarded emotional investments in get-rich schemes.
UK is a police state so no shock
The latter would just be fiat currency again. How would that be any different from todays currency?
So people are idiots that needs nanny states to protect them ?
What does Veeky Forums lately?
that's what you get for getting normies into crypto. regulations are to be expected otherwise they'll lose their money
>Yes, hello, is this Bitcoin?
>One of your sales people asked me for my 'seed' and now all my money is gone! When do I get it back!?
literally who
So it is a PRL American bag holder, whom is spreading general fud?
9 out of 10 times, someone argue that Crypto is insane and should be banned, then it is some sour bag holder.
Well if you listen to what he says he wants to regulate it and for banks to make a decision on what to do with crypto. He says he finds it dissapointing if they would crypto illegal and stagger the growth of the tech.
>says cryptos are risky
>adds to the risk by fudding them
Is this guy trying to hurt honest British people’s investments? This fuckhead needs to lose his job.
Top 20 IT companies in Brittain own large quantities of BTC
Reminder that the two big things coming to crypto are
>1. Regulation
>2. Institutional investors
Invest in coins that are pro these two things.
> You can vote and boot out those in charge
The illusion that you have a choice, the two parties are actually different and your vote ever mattered.
Fucking boomer who had everything handed to him on a silver plate (education, housing, retirement fund) at the price of enslaving his children into into debt.
I won't hold your fiat bags when they inevitably become worthless
What the fuck have I stepped in?
Every half-baked politician is calling for whatever crypto measures to get some publicity nowadays, riding the hype.
It takes a neck like Mr. Jone's to utter the word globalist in that unique tenor and too suffer from this problem.
>things can go wrong, don't try anything in your life!
that's why you should never leave your house, so many dangerous things outside...
You are still a child so we may excuse your retardation.
All those elites bought in at 40 cent a btc when you were playing pokemon you naive thicclet.
Google investment crisis, lots of articles going back to 2010 when media even made fun of billionaires 'wasting' their millions on crypto.
You have no idea, young user.
about to go unironically listen to this song