This IS one of the biggest, undervalued scams out there
>jews own water bottle companies
>jews orchestrate terror attacks using planes against WTC
>FUD people into believing its dangerous to take water through plane security any more because it could be liquid explosives, despite how very few terror attacks have ever been done in planes
>make all passengers discard their plastic waste into landfill causing polution
>as soon as you exit the intrusive security you see pic rated
>charging a whole euro for 500ml of a free resource that is necessary for life
>pregnant mothers, sick people etc. can't all wait to sit in the plane and be served (if they even offer water for free), so it even takes advantage of restricting peoples situations into FOMOing into the water scam even more
>drinking and consuming products using plastic packaging has been strongly associated with numerous diseases from toxic chemicals
>this could even be seen as just a part of an even bigger scam to sell more healthcare
Do you have this ouside of europe too? I heard in Japan and definitely in China they have water fountains, hot and cold, in all stations and airports so they can drink tea.
When you think about it this way, you are literally fucking forced to pay for something you don't want and that is bad for your health and the environment while greedy jews rub their hands to the shekels they get for selling a free resource.
>kikes being kikes
anything out of ordinary here?
>bring empty bottle through security
>fill up bottle at taps
>crush elaborate global Jewish conspiracy
>I heard in Japan and definitely in China they have water fountains, hot and cold, in all stations and airports so they can drink tea.
Mostly non-jewd nations over there.
Btw, filter your water at home. Osmosis filters are cheap and highly effective for daily drinking and cooking water.
I notcied this about the asian culture as well. Where they have hot and cold water fountains. Its fucking so convenient for that standard of living.
There are no water fountains. Thats the point. Its a monopoly.
In some Japanese stores in the US they give you tea while you're checking out the store. It's very considerate.
I don't know about Europe, but in every American airport I've been to they have water fountains.
>drinking flouride
Kek, I bet you think the election is real and North Korea is threatening the west with nukes
There are water fountains at Orly, Nice and Roissy (to name french airports since your pic is one). Tiny things next to the bathrooms, but they exist nonetheless.
>not having a bottle with a fluoride filter
I don't care to know what leftist nonsense the rest of your post is babbling on about.
Are you retarded
What, libertarian? Same shit.
I basically implied the election is a sham. How am I any of these things? They're all different masks on the same face
>leftist nonsense
No, he's right, but keep believing the media. I will get a fluoride filtered bottle for next time.
This sounds about right. Less infiltrated continent for sure
Thanks, I actually did find one tiny piece of crap that you basically need to rub your face against to get. Tastes a lot like fluoride though. I still feel ripped off, since with water the leverage of ripping off is infinite since you cannot divide by zero. Like, if you pay 10% more for a sandwich you are only 10% leveraged, but water is free
Or maybe I just dont want my pineal gland to crystallize and become a good submissive little goy
And yet it's the conspiracy Alex sucking white basement dwellers saying chemtrails make natural water poison that turns you gay and start fucking pepes.
Now and again I see posts like these on Veeky Forums and it makes me so glad to see more and more people waking up
>take dry, empty reuseable water bottle (metal for me) through security
>fill it at the free water fountains once inside
Do you retards actually buy water? I bought my reuseable bottle for a dollar at goodwill and it's been doing great for 4 years now. You can even use a carbiner to clip it externally to your pack so it doesn't take up room inside it.
You aren't forced to buy shit, you're just retarded.
I've been to a dozen different US airports and every single one had water fountains. If you're in some shithole that doesn't, use the bathroom faucet. It's the exact same water. Point to me one airport on earth that does not have a restroom.
yes but they have that bitter tap water typical of the us.. in my grandparents house in LA i cant drink from the sink in EU where i live i can drink tap water and it tastes the same as bottled watrer
Tap water quality in the US varies from state to state and region to region. Usually states in the west and the "heartland" have better water than absolute hellholes like Detroit or Southern LA.
I meant:
>southern California (LA)
Good way to get shot. Because an English speaking Anglo wouldn't stand out in the closed society. Not that these people ever think that far.
>charging a whole euro for 500ml of a free resource that is necessary for life
>of a free resource that is necessary for life
It costs money to filter and clean you moron. It used to be free when we had 0.5 billion people on the planet and supply was greater than demand
>autists have a hard time grasping jokes and take everything literally
>implying there's not people on Veeky Forums lucid dreaming about saving Hitler
And before that, they just drank beer instead, also not free, or risk shitting their guts out.
First thing, there's plenty of fucking fresh water. And the problem is not the high population but where the population is located. We need more Europeans (and their diaspora) in the world and fewer niggers, mestizos, streetshitters and sandniggers... most chinks as well. Japs and maybe Koreans are okay.
>First thing, there's plenty of fucking fresh water
Fresh water, not drinkable water. And you shouldn't look at the total fresh water pool but at the refreshment rate through rain etc.
>And the problem is not the high population but where the population is located.
That doesn't change a thing unless you want to move all that water to the people for free.
>but people should move
Irrelevant. As of now, it costs money.
Just drink your piss brah, it's already sterilized and filtered, and it's a free product made by your own body!
Also stop eating (((their))) meat, your own cum is full of protein! With piss and cum you can live forever without paying them a dime!
OP do you not realize how many people's water is complete shit? millions of people in wisconsin and michigan have shitty municipal water but there are tonz of clean springs and small lakes all over. You can get a 24 pack of spring water for $1.50 and I buy that over drinking water I know had fluoride and lead.
Spring water has fluoride. Need reverse osmosis or distilled water.
Depends where. LA probably has shit tier water. I live in the city with the best water in the entire country, it's better than bottled. Also protip, bottled water IS just tap water, just from a different city.