Can someone explain to me

What does liquidation mean?

Im tired of reading people talking about investing with leverage (more money of what they own) and getting liquidated.

When you short or long. You do it for a period of time?

I came from /pol and still ahve a lot to learn.

Other urls found in this thread:

>I came from /pol
fuck off you inbred
now fuck off

I came here from /pol/ too, welcome. You can find good information on Investopedia.

English is not my first language and im too lazy to read when i can shitpost instead.

Any aryan friend can help me out and explain it to me?

fuck off, Veeky Forums is a certified antifa board.

Found the XLM cuck.

fuck off we are neither antifa or fascist. we are libertarian.

>investing with leverage
leverage is borrowed, so you put up collateral to borrow it incase the market moves the other way. If it does, your collateral gets liquidated so the lender doesn't lose out from your degenerate gambling

it means that all of your assets are now liquid and the only thing left to do is drink up and kys

Fuck off we're full

top kek biz is neither, biz only cares about themself because no matter what side you are on you will still lose. Your life is the only life that matters. (My life not yours)

>not being able to just infer the meaning

Fucking pajeet brainlets the word is pretty self explanitory.

This board really is shit. In actually appalled you had to ask. Im fucking triggered

In der Buchhaltung kennt man etwas, was sich Liquide Mittel nennt. Also Bar, Post und Bank. Das sind also flüssige Mittel. Flüssig, weil sie sehr schnell verfügbar sind. Auf deinem Exchange also dein BTC oder ETH. Wenn du Margin/Leverage tradest und "liquidiert" wirst, heisst es, dass all deine eingesetzten flüssigen Mittel somit weg sind und die Bank gewinnt.

Danke brudis

>I came from /pol
good, me too, 6 month ago. Here what I have learned. Hold some big coins, btc, eth, neo, ltc etc for long run. Invest in serious projects. you can buy it on idex.merket right now. EOY you will be pretty amazed about it.

>too lazy to read
>post the answer guise

There are traders, that buy something and sell it at a profit and then buying lower, and there are degenerate gamblers that use margin and leverage.
Margin is when you are using the money of the exchange/other users instead of your own, making you their bitch if you gamble wrong.
Leverage is using marging, but instead of for exemple putting 100 in collaterals for the privilege of using 100 of the exchange + being their bitch, you put 100 in collateral and can play with 200, 300, 500, 1000, bitmex even go up to 100x so 10000 of their money, raising the chance of becoming their bitch that much more !

Basically, don't use margin and leverage unless you like to be a slave or like to gamble your life away like some chink, nigger or some other kikish low-life.

>I came from /pol
yes, ur retarded post would suggest so, you have to go back

liquidation means losing your entire investment

put it this way...

Say you have 1 BTC to invest, and you go to Bitmex and short (bet on it going DOWN) with 100x leverage

If the price goes down by 1%, since you have 100x leverage, it's like you make 100% (so 100% of your 1 BTC is 1 BTC) - in other words for every 1% it goes down, you make 1 BTC

It works the other way too though, your losses are also multiplied by 100x, so if you short because you think it's going down, but instead it goes up, for every 1% it goes up at 100x you lose 100% of your investment (so all of it) which is what being "liquidated" means. When people say "liquidation price" it means at what price they lose their investment.

So you can see it has huge risk, huge reward when trading with high leverage. If you bet on the right direction in price you can make a fortune, but if you guess wrong you lose everything. Personally I always play around with a little bit of leverage but only on a small percentage of my portfolio (2-5% at most)

Everyone has thier own way of trading. It takes a long ass time to get to the point where your profitable. If your serious, check out duomo initiative and bulls on wall street on youtube. I have been trading for the better part of a year almost everyday and only just starting to feel like I know what i'm doing. Liquidation means you just lost everything. You WILL get liquidated, because you WILL become over confident with your trading. They say 95% of traders don't make it and that's for a reason. You keep your trades open as long as you want, some people day trade, which means opening and closing positions within the same day, using 5 min/15min charts, swing traders go more longer term using , 3 hours and 1 day charts for example. Start small, time in the market means more than timing the market. Good luck.

Investopedia couldnt have explained it better

I hope you make great gains this year user.



am libertarian
can confirm

also, checked

when the fuck did this lack of / start happening?

YOU fuck off, you digusting poisonous kike. Veeky Forums and /pol/ are of the same blood; brothers in the same struggle.

must see Veeky Forums videos:

> You can skip a bit into the above video to get to the financial parts, but I recommend watching all of it to get a better context and a deeper understanding of the enemy.

lol you fell for the bait so hard

Sometimes it's a good idea to reply in a serious manner to even the most ridiculous bait. Because what matters is the 5 or 10 or 100 passive lurkers seeing the discussion, or some random anons doing random google searches and happening to find this bread and eat it - and thus swallowing those redpills. That's the primary goal of such replies.

>implying decentralized cryptoeconomies are compatible with centralized, fascistic governments attempting to regulate said economies
get fucked nazcuck, the world is slowly but surely moving away from the kinds of power structures that you wish to strengthen and push on us even further

This but my life

stop spoonfeeding you're only encouraging more dumbasses to make shit threads like this

the same time that cancerous /pol/ newfags found out there are other boards on this site and started leaving their cave

>Veeky Forums is a certified antifa board.

kys subhuman