Other than Pho. What other Vietnamese food is good?
Other than Pho. What other Vietnamese food is good?
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W have a local gook restaurant that does good pork chili kebabs.
Spring rolls.
banh mi
bun cha
spring rolls
viet coffee
a lot of great food but those are the standout dishes that are well known abroad
Never tried bun cha. I'll try it next time.
My favourites:
Any and all salads
Banh cuon
Bun rieu
Spring rolls (as pictured)
pad thai
Bún Thịt Nướng
Bun bo heu. its basically beef lemon grass noodle soup, pritty spicy
these are sick and easy to make
anyone got recommendations for dipping sauces for them?
puppy yum yum.
I like fuh, its a soup
mixture of soy sauce and chili oil with a touch of honey
How much does two shrimp, tomato sauce and a bunch of cabbage cost you?
I never liked those
Bahn Mi is GOAT-tier
>Bahn Mi
spling lols are the best
also shrimp rolls, and bun
spicy shrimp bahn mi > pork bahn mi
i dont know what they are call but these sandwiches are dank
>Vietnamese 30 Minute Meals
>Vietnamese $40 a Day
I bet her sideways slit is pretty good.
Gf is Vietnamese, can confirm
Why is Vietnamese food nothing but Soup and Sandwiches?
The Vietnamese are very stupid """"""""people"""""""".
>this is a """""""""post""""""""""
I met a viet girl online, and we are supposed to meet up soon, any tips?
>Nice little family-owned Veitnamese place got bought out by a Chinaman
>Everything about the restaurant is worse now
Every fucking time. Everything the goddamn chinks touch turns to ash.
Pop out your Lenovo Chinkpad and tell her to install Gentoo.
every viet girl i ever fucked has had a nasty roastie vagina. one of them was even a virgin but she was stilla roastie. why is this. are viet women just disgusting?
Pâté chaud
Banh mi
Bun rieu
Those are the most easily accessible to white people
Go to a real viet place with a clientele of mostly viets and you'll see all kinds of food
Outtie and innie vags feel exactly the same. The only good thing about innie vags is they look slightly nicer in pictures, but outtie vags are way more fun and interesting to eat
lemongrass and chilli beef
red cabbage
bean sprouts
salad leaves
nuoc mam dressing
chopped coriander and mint
lemon juice
peanuts for garnish
bun bo hue
I've tried Chinese banh mi and Korean pho. It was interesting...
Viet vermicelli is my go-to summer Vietnamese dish. The slight dryness of the noodles, crispiness of the chicken, classic pickled veggies, and funky sauce drizzled on top is dream-like. Both filling but still refreshing, nothing too heavy.
The rolls both fresh and deep-fried are a must have. For the latter, wrapping roll in lettuce and dipping that into the fish sauce is stupid good.
There's a place that does some great banh mi, but it's pretty far from my place, so I really only go there when I'm in the neighborhood. Char siu banh mi is the only thing I get there. The normal cilantro and pickled veggies go well with it, I'm sure a lot of people know.
That happens a lot.
There was a pho place that I'd go bi-weekly. It fell under new management, and it just went to garbage. New cooks, I'd imagine since the quality went straight to hell. Not to mention the God-fucking-awful Pho-meme names. When I found out what happened when I got there, I seriously wanted to burn that motherfucker down, the same way you put a horse out of its misery.
Bahn Mis are fucking amazing.
Not food, but Vietnamese instant coffee is my guilty pleasure. So processed, but so good.
Korean pho is pretty tasty if you know where to go. Well, that's pretty true of any type of cuisine.
LA and Orange Country (Garden Grove) has some pretty amazing Korean pho places.
what brands do you get? I don't drink coffee enough to invest in a machine.
So can anyone explain to me why every time I've had pho it's been mediocre?
>make pho at home
It's mediocre but I'm a white boi with no professional training so whatever
>have pho in nice vietnamese restaurant
It's mediocre but hey maybe it's just my shitty flyover town, Veeky Forums is always right
>have pho made by someone's vietnamese grandmother literally fresh off the fucking boat
It's still just a vaguely perfumed watery broth that cunty hipsters love to call "satisfying" as if that means anything.
A bowl of my mom's chicken dumpling blows your pho the fuck out, deal with it.
Viet here.
My personal fave is any of the caramelized pork dishes (thit heo kho). Really simple. You can make it with ingredients you have in the kitchen right now. Serve with rice and top with roasted sesame seeds. I also like it with pickled mustard greens.
This. And Bo Luc Lac.
Viet guy again. If you want to try to make it yourself, you can just invest in a french press. People would recommend getting either Trung Nguyen or Cafe du Monde. I prefer Nguyen cause Monde is a bit stronger and more acidic. For sweetened condensed milk, find Longevity brand (has the old guy on the label)
I've tried many brands, and they're all great. However, this one stands out from the rest. I've settled on buying this one when I can because it's got the best flavour.
Also, it has a helicopter on the packaging.
I'd also like to point out that it has this bizarre quote from Bach on the side.
Trung Nguyen, that's the one. I don't speak any Vietnamese so I never figured out that was actually the brand name.
What a fucking terrible post. Maybe people like things that you don't, doesn't make it any better or any worse. Just means that some people enjoy flavours in Pho that you don't.
Is there a sizable Viet population near you?
If not, there's not much you can do other than reading/watching recipes at home and experimenting to the point where you just git gud.
Also, just because they're FOB doesn't mean shit. It's like your run-of-the-mill American arriving fresh into Vietnam and opening up a gourmet burger place. It's probably gonna be mediocre at best and eating shit at worst.
But Mom's chicken dumpling sounds pretty bomb though.
Maybe I'm blind and/or a retard, but I never realized until now about spicy shrimp bahn mi.
Sounds amazing already.
Thank you for your amazing contribution to the thread, you FUCKING SHIT.
top tier:
bun bo hue
com bi suong nuong
bun cha gio + thit nuong
I can't imagine what viet food would be like without french influence
My go to dish is bun bo, so rice noodles with beef. There is a hole-in-the-wall takeout place around my area run by this middle aged Vietnamese woman and I've been there about 30 times so far, more often than any other restaurant in my life, ever. She was on vacation for two Weeks and I was going mental without my fix.
Everytime I go to their restaurant they always have a lot of vegetables and I have no idea how to eat them along with the main dishes, is there any basic to this? Or you just eat all of them at the same time?
>Pâté chaud
>tfw there's a bakery in my city that makes godly pate chauds, rectangular flaky, instead of puff, and filled with spicy sausage
>too far from home and sells out too fast
>have to settle for fucking round puff pastries with boring peppered pork mash
Every day I wake up it's like death.
Not like there aren't a ton of countries in Asia without French influences for you to figure it out
What is this? Local pizza?
Savoury pancake yum
Whiteboy here
I've developed a love for tendon but I can't handle tripe. How do I learn to love it like I learned to love tendon?
I really like this comment.
I have a over thirty of these bad boys in my kitchen right now. Im mexican and my mexican coworker turned me onto vietnamese coffee. I prefer the ones packaged with gold around the edge. Dont remember the name but i bought two packs last time i stopped by a viet market in garden grove. The ones you posted that i have right now arent as sweet and have a burnt taste and and smell. Still good though.
>tfw no qt ao dai wearing viet gf
I only started eating Vietnamese food when I was 22 or so. Naturally, I was all about the pho since that's THE Vietnamese dish. Then, an Australian-Vietnamese friend told me to order bun bo hue. Just do it, he said, I'm not gonna bother explaining to you how it tastes like.
I've never gone back to pho since then. Even at mediocre restaurants, bun bo hue has always been, at worst, good.
Ayy bun bo hue bros. Houston fag here, so we have the most superior viet food outside of vietnam. nothing better than this on a brisk winter day with hella shrimp paste with extra blood and chili oil.
banh mi
bun thit nuong
goi cuong
forgot pic
These are fucking fantastic
their like $5 a sandwich and super filling
Looks like shit
>brisk winter day
m8 it gets like 50 at the coldest
Thai food is superior in every way.
I don't know how to pronounce or spell this dish but I get it every time I go to my favorite Vietnamese joint
It's fucking bomb
It's cold rice noodles, seasoned fish sauce, mint, other herbs, pickled carrot and daikon, cucumber, chopped peanuts, grilled pork, scallions, Chinese ham, spring roll, bean sprouts and shrimp
I like to have Sriracha and hoisin sauce on the side for dipping
Holy fuck, this G7 shit. I'm Chinese but my parents adore this fucking brand. They go to those Vietnamese/Cantonese supermarkets just to buy those 3-in-1 packets in bulk.
Why are asian women the best women?
Because you have yellow fever?
Joking aside, it's probably because white women are ruined by the current progressive society that tells them learning any kind of life skill is demeaning.
Aww yeah. I love how clear the broth actually is under the chili oil. And it's so balanced. God bun bo hue is amazing.
seconded, it's the lack of exposure to cultural marxist nonsense
Thanks bro
I feel like there's a lot I could post here but I have no idea how to spell any of it correctly. Viet's a fucking weird language and I don't get exposed to it often enough to know it on so much as a rudimentary level.
anything from a viet bakery, much better than anything their French masters can currently come up with.
Here in Australia we call em fob rolls.
Bring extra fish sauce to dress her beef flaps up
Agreeeeee, but just get the viet coffee filter, any vietowned asiamarket has it. Whats also important is to get trung nguyen NR.5, its by far the best. I wanted to be smug and didnt believe the recommendation, brought all home and tried each one, nr.5 all the way
Who /Cha Trung/ here?
This, with some nice peanut sauce
Alright, Vietnamese here. First of all
>Banh mi
This is literally jsut mean fucking bread, ask them about banh mi pate or banh mi donerkebab (banh mi sound like "bank me" for those who don't know how to say it)
Bun cha nuong, vietnamese barbeque soup with sticky rice noodle, (much smaller than ramen) pretty fucking good, try eating it with dưa góp and peanut.
Vietnamese instant noodle,thay are call my tom, buy one, I recommended Hảo hảo chua cay
Banh cuon, (sound like bank Qua of quarantine)rice roll but now baked with either ground pork or mushroom, go with sweet soy sauce and fried onion.
Sitcky rice, call "xoi" (sound like soil),they are like riceball but stickier, go with fired onion, dried pork, a little bit of oil. don't eat too much, this stuff fill you up real good
and then there are portidge, don't be mistaken, this stuff is good, even better than the chinese one, go with chicken stripped or grounded pork
That was street food, now the food you want to try at home.
Cha trung gian: aka fried egg meat, ground pork, mixed with egg that have been stired, put soy sauce it, fried it with chopped onion, and flip it like flip burger, alway check or they will burn.
Suon Sao chua ngot: sour and sweet rib
Fried ground meat with onion or tomato.
Fish fried with tomato, again.
Pumpkin soup cooked with bones of pig
Bap cai xao along with bap cai soup: cabbge is chopped to strips then made into soup and fried salad with tomato
There are plenty more but most of the above are my favorite and I think anyone who is in the first or second world country can made with the general equipment.
banh bao
Or just dumpling
Napalm-marinated Punji Sticks
Bahn Xeo
What a barbaric language, those endless barked syllables
Ga chien nuoc mam.
Banh mi cha lua.
Bo luc lac.
Banh bo nuong.
Mi quang.
Banh bot loc.
Cha gio.
Banh beo chen.
And my favorite,
Hu tieu xio bo.
just try whatever you feel like
some people don't even use them
some put it all into the dish they're eating
some add it with each of their bites
>viet guy here
>banh mi sound like "bank me"
nice try
Go Za