What to do, Veeky Forums?
What to do, Veeky Forums?
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Karate kick the the trolley off the track
you cannot change choose since there's only one node in the image
change uper track after the fronteheels drive on this track switch to the lower trach
Depends on how the revealed door was selected. If a door for with five people will always be revealed then switch. If a random for is revealed and it happened to have five behind it, it doesn't matter.
I need more of these
Never change
You only open yourself up to legal complications if you take action
That is not my problem. It looks like you are a mentally insane individual.
This. Just run away as fast as you can.
Why would it be any different? You switch.
Eurobeat plays quietly in the background.
They should teach your convoluted version at Harvard Law School
look the other way and mind your own fucking business.
If I had to remember one thing my parents taught me, it's this.
What will really blow your mind is that the train actually passes through all three slits and it's wave function interferes with itself. So 1/3 of each group actually die and we can verify this by the interference pattern of the smashed train on the wall beyond the slits.
What about this, Veeky Forums?
"A trolley goes into a Trolley Divisor (TD1), which has 50% of chance to transmit the trolley and 50% of chance of reflecting it, so it has 50% of chance of going each path. In each path, there is a mirror (M1 or M2) which reflects the trolley, adding a phase of π/2 to the trolley. If you do nothing, it has a 50/50 chance of killing 5 people or 1 person. If you pull the lever, you add a second Trolley Divisor in the system. If the trolley is a wave, it has 100% of chance of running over 1 person because of the phase added to the trolley wave. But if the trolley is a particle, you now have a 50/50 chance of being responsible for the death of 1 or 5 people. Is there a trolley particle/wave duality? Would you bet on it? Would you pull the lever?"
Let the trolley speed up a lot, it will diffract through the three slits and the people will be unharmed. Make sure you close your eyes though
Logically the train went through only one slit and yet there is blood on all three tracks. It is impossible to tell which slit is the source of this brutality.
ez, how much photon in the room, clearly interference solidifying particle-like behavior through classical limit
Kek, I always think about this when someone posts a tolley problem.
the train goes through all three paths and the blood forms an interference pattern.
I throw my self under the train in the hopes my flabby ass will stop it.
Then I take out my wizard sword and murmur the Argnaak The Terrible Fire Spell.
If all else fails, I'd use my lightning quick and super powerful kung fu, but only as a last resort because this plane of existence can't stand the force of my hurticane.
You forgot the chance for damage negation with each body run through by the train.
Choose the opened door, you already know the way to kill 5 people, why take the risk of killing only one?
Thank you. Considering how many times the Monty Hall problem has been posted on Veeky Forums I'm surprised it took this long.
land it on a bunch of guys or pull the lever on and land it on single person on a moving platform on sea ?
well Veeky Forums?
do you pull the switch?
sincerely Veeky Forums
Would totally do a "trips decide" thread on /b/
There are two trolleys on the critical strip of the riemann zeta function
they are fat, and will hit anything that does not lie on the critical line
there are infinitely many people standing on the non-trivial zeroes of the zeta function
there's no switch to pull or anything
what do you do?
That's because taking action is murder, and not taking action is not.
>Negligence is not an action
that's like saying banning guns kills people because
Fuck it's been a while since I had a good laugh on Veeky Forums.
Was pulling that lever part of your plan?
for you....
....so gay jesus
> all-star
> not the best song
change ur meme
pull the lever and hope it plays evangelion
and what exactly is wrong with gay jesus, pray tell?
dude was sassy with the pharisees and held one hell of a banquet.
why you have a problem with gay jesus?
This isn't even a trolley problem it's just the fucking goats again why can we never drop the fucking goats for christ sake just switch like you would with the goats.
You should be able to solve this.
yes, please
yes please
Fucking kek
last one for now, gonna watch game of thrones
Jesus fucking christ you people are still talking about this?
I would pull my fucking lever immediately
Push the fat man onto the track. Fuck the commies. Greedy owners and morally bankrupt workers are the foundation of a functional capitalist society.
for those not in the know, you should always switch? Why? the answer is simple probability. Suppose you pick the correct gate the first time then the announcer reveals an incorrect one and you dont need to switch. Now suppose you pick the incorrect gate, then when the announcer reveals the other incorrect gate you switch knowing that the final gate will be the correct one. Now the probability of choosing the correct gate is 1/3, so without even knowing if the gate is correct or not we can say that there is a 2/3s chance of getting the incorrect gate meaning that you should always switch.
pull all 3
Take legality out of it - say you would not be prosecuted regardless. What would your answer be then?
It depends. What is my "moral best interest"? I think if anyone saw a man at a lever with a bunch of tied down people on train tracks, onlookers would naturally assume he tied them up.
In that case, I have tied those people down for a reason, and they deserve to die. My sad countenance must result from the fact that I forgot which track has only 1 person on it. Normally I would switch to the track revealed to have 5 people tied to it, but the problem only allows me to switch to the other unknown path I did not pick. In which case, I do not switch, in order to maximize my odds of killing 5 evildoers over 1.
>Depends on how the revealed door was selected. If a door for with five people will always be revealed then switch. If a random for is revealed and it happened to have five behind it, it doesn't matter.
This nigger right here.
Addendum though: If we don't know the algorithm, it is effectively random but I would switch anyway on the off-chance that somebody deliberately implemented the Monty Hall door opening algorithm.
Trolley Problem: American Election Edition.
This analysis is wrong. You get the right probabilities out ( Switch to change from 1:2 to 2:1 ) but your analysis of why it happens is wrong.
What would happen if a trolley made of fire collided with 5 people made of ice?
Change to the one you know is fake :^)
What do you do?
Because both tracks of people are in an ordered line, they're both countably infinite. They're the same
thats true but cant we keep going?
it should be possible to consider the probability for both methods of choosing the door thats opened and include it in the solution
the E(5guysdoor) = 1
E(5guysdoor) =2/3 when a random door is opened.
So i would say there is a 1/(1+2/3) chance for the door being actively selectef and a 2/3/(1+2/3) chance for a random door being opened.
But Im really not sure if I know that stuff well enough
>Because both tracks of people are in an ordered line, they're both countably infinite. They're the same
>the same
That implies the trolley will keep going. It might get derailed or, in the final instance, the sun blows up and cleanses the earth.
Meaning that at any real time t, the number of Killed people K(t) is higher for one track than the other.
The "slow" track has as many people as the reals. There are sets with this cardinality which look locally like the naturals.
You people need to learn how The Creators will works.
You're supposed to pray, obviously.
Whatever happens is his will.
THAT is morality.
that will cause the train to derail and kill the people behind all three doors
good samaritan laws protect you in that case
But the rate of death per second is different
Don't switch.
This way you have a better chance of hitting more people.
last one 4 now
Yes, and?
Assuming the button detonates the nuke, that's the morally best situation (issues + 100 kids is less than Sidney or wherever the fuck that is). If it launches the nuke, neither is better and you're fucked either way.
>What to do, Veeky Forums?
laugh at feeble, poorly worded attempt at re-invigorating the Monty Hall Problem discussions
Let the trolley through on track B. Even better if track B includes everybody in the world over 90 years old. I've had enough of those old fucks being allowed to drive. The innocent baby on A at least has a chance to learn how to drive well.
I pull my lever right away. I guess it will come down to whoever has the quickest reflex.
You pull the lever, you murder at least one person.
You don't do anything, you haven't killed anyone, you are free to go.
>being on Veeky Forums and not knowing everyone here can recognize an MHP on sight