IF Chainlink would reach $1000 EOY
Would No Linklets unironically commit suicide?
Or what price would they FOMO in at before 1k?
IF Chainlink would reach $1000 EOY
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If link ever hits $1 I will consider buying 100
I will never buy link again
Got in at 0.16 and unloaded at ~0.9 (thank you ED), good enough for me
unfortunately cardano renders chainlink of no use :(
They will fomo in once it comes into the top 20 like they always do so at least $5
It already has in January brainlet
Wow, the great pump of January. Sorry I busy making money on real coins. Enjoy those bags faggot
Only the weak soyboy ones who really believed that and literallly went all in.
Lol If link reaches $1000 that would be a bigger market than BTC kek at linkies
Thats the gayest thing I've ever read
People said the thing about eth last year retard
Well to be fair btc will most likely get a much bigger market cap this year
Do people really think that chainlink will be as big as ether just because some autists on Veeky Forums started talking about it? The only reason this board knows about it is because some faggot posted a spreadsheet of the new top ico's and his ratings and he rated chainlink and eng a 100. Well guess what, he rated mobius a 93%. Back then people were saying it was only good for a 10x. Why does everyone now think it deserves 1000× that value? It's all hype
>Do people really think that chainlink will be as big as ether JUST BECAUSE some autists on Veeky Forums started talking about it?
No, there are other reasons too, like motherfucking DERIVATIVES
All of the anti-Linkies like to trot out this factoid that "if Link reaches $1,000 that it will have a bigger market cap than BTC" in some sort of desperate attempt to sound informed. They don't realize, however, that they are comparing a hypothetical prediction of what Link's market cap may be in the future to Bitcoin's present market cap.
If Link grows enough to surpass Bitcoin's PRESENT market cap, it's fairly safe to say that Bitcoin will have seen incredible growth as well
Link is the reason crypto was created you dumb fuck. LINK will change life as we know it.
I have 1,000 stinkies in case prophecy is true. So I’m suicide free and if LINK tanks who cares I didn’t pay much and I’m rich by global standards
I'd like to see it reach that price because I would like to see you anons happy... but everyone knows it's not going anywhere, it's a meme and that's all it's ever gonna be. I've warned you guys but eh, what more can I do.
If it does goes somewhere, I'll drink to you, linkies.
same, 2 ez
>but everyone knows it's not going anywhere
I can't say that you are wrong but neither one of us can see into the future. But there is alot of talk about using blockchains for various reasons, for example track various goods. And if you are going to do that you will need a Oracle for it to be usefull. In this video there are plenty of good ideas for the use of blockchains. Even how it can be used in the millitary
For example he makes some valid points at 1 hour
they will fomo in at $6.47.
rhey will fomo in at 687$to grab that last 32%
>Well guess what, he rated mobius a 93%.
Can you post a photo of your street?
they will keep claiming it's gonna drop any minute
refer to r/buttcoin who have been claiming this for btc for years now
you will still be a wagecuck with a million dollars.
1000 stinkies wont get you shit. enjoy being a slave
Chequed and kequed
LINK isn't worth getting into because it never does anything at all. I'll get in if it breaches certain prices though. I know the potential of the coin so I don't mind getting in 2x from this price
It never ends! link 2k eoy
So you basically bought eth at 1.25 sold at $2.00 and saying your'e done at $1.50...congrats
the truth is it should have a bigger market cap than btc. When a company like swift is using it to automate bond payments of billions of dollars annually.
Chequed kequed and nolinkies get requed
They helped SWIFT do their own thing. There is no real collab. There is no derivatives coming to link network. Best thing we have is partnerships with other half-baked companies like ZepplinOS and REQ.
The truth hurts. We will be lucky to see Link ever touch $2.
Chain link won't be 1K eoy.. the project is more long term, it will take years before LINK reach 50$, it could go to 1K, but not this year, probably 3-5 years into the future.
even discounting that link is a shitcoin and eth a serious project, your proportions are completely off. but failing at elementary school math is expected for stinky linkies, so i forgive you
I agree about the $1000 but $50 is very reasonable if swift comes out this year saying they are utilizing the LINK network. This is very possible considering neither Swift or LINK say they have stopped working together. Actually, Rory confirmed today they are still working with Swift.
nice fud
>I'll buy after it pumps
Congrats on this
Has anybody here even taken 5 minutes to look at SWIFT's Twitter? They are actively fudding block chain in favor of their in-house GPI(that smartcontract probably helped them to build).
PoC =/= Collaboration. Sorry fags but these bags aren't gonna do shit for us.
look up the law of reciprocation...good things coming links way from swift.
Link doesn't even need Swift if they have a partnership with Hyperledger
>They helped SWIFT do their own thing
>There is no real collab.
Rory confirmed multiple times that they are still working with SWIFT.
Why would he confirm this in the official slack as a ChainLink employee if it's not true?
Why would Sergey have SWIFT and other big financial insitutions on his chainlink presentation slides if they'll never work with them?
Why would they have SWIFT on their website if nothing will ever come out of it?
You're pulling facts out of your ass. Rory himself said that if anything changes regarding the SWIFT connection, that the team would let us know.
This is all delusional. Chainlink is working with SWIFT on their own software, not integration.
Hyperledger? There simply no proof. Why would IBM need to outsource an oracle? Fucking IBM??
Link will fly to $5-10 easily with big news. That's probably where they'll fomo in.
>I have no proof but I'm right
And you're calling others delusional
>Chainlink is working with SWIFT on their own software, not integration.
There is no "own" software, the entire point of ChainLink is decentralization.
Whatever you think that they're might be working on for them, that solution would be centralized by nature and therefore would make no sense for this team to work on it if they're in a business of making decentralized solutions.
There are already centralized solutions out there,they could use those right now, they don't need to work with these guys.
They're saying they aren't interested in something like their own version of ripple for sending money via the blockchain, which represents a massive change. This has nothing to do with what chainlink is, which integrates much more easily with existing systems. No doubt it will take a long time, but so far none of these articles are relevant to chainlink and smartcontract.com
In any case rory said to today if anything happened with swift they would let us know. Every single time it's come up or there's been reason to doubt it, Rory has confirmed it again and again. Sergey mentioned it in his blog post in December. They understand this is a large part of why people are interested. It may or may not end up happening but right now we can only conclude it's on track to happen.
Anyways I think people are missing the point. Chainlink is not just another ICO token launched by two college buddies. It's been in incubation by SWIFT and others for years, Sergey has been mentioned in articles with them since 2015. If you can't see that you're dumb. Go back and watch the video with the one advisor interviewing Sergey. It's plain as fucking day they're planning on making a Chainlink Foundation and this will be an integral part of smart contract usage across a ton of platforms.
Plus other clues. Remember Jonny from Linkpools theory about microsoft cryptlets being a direct chainlink implementation? Remember Sergey saying he was working with Microsoft? Remember how Rory, who literally never responds to wild speculation like that said, "Thanks, Jonny." This is the ultimate read between the lines token.
This. Veeky Forums has been doing a fine job of smoke screening the real gems by spamming the board with LINK memery. Anyone that has LINK in their portfolio got duped big time. Sad!
$1000 link eoy is conservative. Prove me wrong...oh wait you can’t.
And more, remember how chainlink became the default oracle provider for the most popular framework for buy far the biggest smart contract platform before they even had a working product, zeppelin? Remember how factom, one of the most serious products, is working with Chainlink? Remember how sergey deleted references to other companies but left Axa in his test smartcontract? Remember the dozens of people from fintechs and two from SWIFT who starred or followed the chainlink repository? Rember all the less important projects like Origami, Req, Ceek, Blockchain Buddy, and others are all using chainlink?
I know it all sounds like wishful thinking but all the clues are there. Chainlink is going to be huge.
>#7 in marketcap
>It's all hype
if it was ever going to reach 1k it would be incredibly obvious before that happened. and nobody would miss out, in fact, its the people sitting in link right now that have been missing out on huge gains from every other coin while they've got less than 3x returns.
smart money doesnt sit in non-performers for this long, they accept they might not get in at the lowest possible price, but that they make more money by keeping their capital free than locking it up in stagnant coins.
You don't really believe this do you? Lol retard
Thinking anything will 10000x+ from ico in 1 year. Yeah that sure sounds like a conservative estimate for link... not hyped one bit.
believe what, facts? link isn't even 3x up from it's ico after months. sitting in link is just missing out on other opportunities.
you don't really think link is suddenly going to jump up 3-5x before anyone has a chance to buy in? really?
I don't think it's possible for nolinkers to comprehend more than 2 variables at a time, probably why they don't understand link as well
good post
Kek this will be NANO 2.0, first all the FUDDING. And like now all the FOMO. Buying in near ATH.
I don't think chainlink will reach 1000 EOY. But I don't think that 50 is unrealistic.
Link 10k eoy 2020
But beyond this, LINK will have real, tangible value, as it will be LINK tokens that the nodes run on. Your smart contract will have to pay them in LINK. And it's only the Chainlink network that makes widespread adoption of smart contracts viable. Without it, even BTC is a bunch of circle-jerking faggots. Blockchains have little to no practical, real-world use RIGHT NOW. But once Chainlink allows them to incorporate off-chain data trustlessly, blockchains --and by extension smart contracts -- will be a paradigm shift.
And once this happens, there's no reason to believe BTC will be worth more than LINK, or that it'll even be relevant to its price.
not that far off. it's like ETH at 2,75
>lmao at anyone thinking LINK is the next ETH
I think the important thing about chainlink is Sergey. Anyone can take the whitepaper or come up with a good idea for oracles. It's the headstart and foot in the door at all sorts of places (including new airswap confirmation they're talking to chainlink, it now seems "talking to chainlink" is cool) that sets chainlink aside from everyone else trying to do this.
I've always hated having to place my trust in a single point of failure, and right now Sergey's it.
But if he succeeds, no one will ever have to trust anyone ever again.
And now that I've said that, it makes me kind of sad...
i hope you're joking
no wonder people lose all their money in crypto lmaao
screenshotted will post when link hits 1000$
Good, logical argument you got there.