What does exist beyond the Universe?

What does exist beyond the Universe?

There is nothing "beyond" the universe in the same way that drawing a number line on a white board and then pointing to a chair refers to no value. The universe is the extent of everything.

The universe is either infinite or close and unbounded.

The crystal gems!


Are you seriously fasleflagging right now?

there is no such thing as a universe

You fucking ESL

If you go to the past after the universe have created the Earth you have your answer.
Fucking ESL.

I hate brasilian guys. Fucking ESL.

I guess you're the ESL here.

I´m Wesley Safadão, so i´m the universe.

Yo mama



isnt it eerie? i think its where we go when we sleep


Turtles, all the way down..

this guy again

man probably some space then another universe

this desu



We don't know, the evidence is inconclusive.


There is no evidence, for there is nothing to be discovered about his question: he hasn't defined "universe", "exist" and "beyond", so the question is ambiguous and has no possible meaningful answer. Before asking for evidence of something, you need to understand what that "something" means and if other people share your own understanding.

Infinite parallel universes, with a possibility of one containing an OP that isn't a cockrider.