So what's a quark made of? What's inside it? If we build a powerful enough collider to break one what happens?
So what's a quark made of? What's inside it? If we build a powerful enough collider to break one what happens?
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no one knows
Why do you think there is anything inside of a quark?
i'd like to think its conciousness
when we sleep we just revert back to our true physical entities and we become reality
Empty space that is confined.
Think of it as an excitation in a field: a data point, not a 3d ball holding other shit inside. How do you break open a wave or field excitation? Also you can't even isolate quarks because if you pump in energy to separate a quark from a proton or whatever that energy simply creates more quarks.
We don't know. Could be strings, could be some even smaller particle, who knows?
From what I've been doing in my research at school, my interpretation of a quark, isn't anything like a proton, or atom. It's more of a field. This is why at anytime in a proton you can have the three intrinsic quarks, up, up, down, or you can have sea quarks, etc.
What makes up the parts that make up a quark?
two ups and a down, obviously. just look at the picture.
what does this have do do with athiesm?
what do you think is inside me?
Let's find out!
please don't hurt me!!!
Well this is awkward.
looks like I'll just have to defeat you in armed combat!
looks like rom will have to be nagus after all!
This is the quality I have come to expect from /sci
>expecting something
tl;dr Lots of people have ideas, but we don't know yet because we don't have any sufficient experimental evidence for anything beyond the Standard Model.
At the length scales we've presently probed in experiments, the quark appears to be a point-like particle with no substructure. However, it took awhile for us to determine the internal structure of the proton. It's possible that the quarks also have an internal structure but we haven't reached energy levels that allow us to resolve the constituents.
It's important to realize that physics is not JUST theoretical physics. Some dude wasn't just like "hey what if quarks???" and the field was like "dope sounds good bruh." Experiments like the LHC, LIGO (and the zillions of other ones that don't get as much press) are CRUCIAL.
In the case of the quarks, "deep inelastic scattering" is the phenomenon you want to Google.
As I understand it, we'd need to observe some similar thing to say quarks are made of something else. Though string theory and other extensions of the Standard Model could potentially provide more indirect proof of the existence of strings/whatever in some other context, which may or may not be consistent with quarks also being strings/whatever.