>"So there's a charity for refugees I really think we should cash out some of our gains and donate to."
"So there's a charity for refugees I really think we should cash out some of our gains and donate to."
Other urls found in this thread:
>> "Our" gains
Alright, babe. I'm reluctant, but you're right; we need to help those white south africans.
>"Somebody wants a cigarette burn"
I have strict no kike policy in my bed
"Won't you get penalized for cashing out your trust fund early? Okay, bae. It's your money. Let's help those poor people, you're so generous and weird."
she wants to import niggers to fuck just like the euro women. time to hang from the rafters, sweetie
I am open to jewesses but I will shout Seig Heil as I nut
Wtf is wrong with some of you?
If a bitch says something stupid you tell her NO.
It's not that complicated.
what gains?
*donates to stormfront instead*
I unironically cashed out 1% of my portfolio and gave to Kurdish groups in Syria. Might just as well send the money there instead of paying my Eurocuck government to rehabilitate IS warriors.
other organisations you can donate money to
>arian nations church
>national allince
>national socialist party of america
Dont make daddy get the belt again
>"So there's a charity for refugees I really think we should cash out some of our gains and donate to."
sure it's not any dumber than the fucking lambo i want.
Just buy XLM.
again with this copypasta
use that money to donate to home-grown white nationalist and other far-right groups. i want to see some organized white terrorism against your traitor government that brings the government to its knees or makes the government over-react and radicalize even more white men against the government. i want to see traitor politician and mudshit blood in the streets of european cities
go back to pol you low iq MGTOW virgin
How did you guys get hurt enough to become so vicious?
complaining about pol is the siren call of the reddit newfag
When you dont want the fire to spread you do a controlled burn
>our gains
Enjoy seeing your subhumans get blown to shreds
>giving money to filthy commies
Kys before I do it for you
>donating money to the FBI
i don't think so, snookums
That's a rational explanation. I would never be able to hurt someone I love.
I actually have a family with many (white) children and a race war is not what we want. Only fuckups and NEETs with nothing to lose want that. It would be nice if retarded Americans would start less wars and stop fucking up Africa, that would actually have some kind of impact on the ethnic composition of Europe. But that's too complicated to fit on a retarded pol meme so you would not understand.
even while being hanged roasties can't resist the duckface
that video made my day
>Only fuckups and NEETs with nothing to lose want that.
They'll never get it, user. Stop arguing.
Look, we've been over this. You need excess wealth to generate more wealth. Didn't you want to build a new house on our scenic land we bought last year. You know as well as i do that money is valuable because it is scarce or not easily obtained. For one person to be rich many have to be poor. The reason we have lots of money now is because lots of people don't have money. It's okay to feel sad for the refugees, but we're better off because they are poor
>being from /pol/
>a board of ledonald leddit newfags
>stop fucking up Africa
i agree. the niggers just cannot be helped because their intelligence is way below subhuman levels. we should stop sending all food and medical aid to africa in order to stop their unsustainable population from exploding even more out of control. let them die-off back to their carrying capacity.
you, on the other hand, should be building bombs to murder your traitor politicians
you've obviously never been to /pol/
wtf is wrong with guys on this site seriously
hating on niggers, jews, and women is a time-honored Veeky Forums tradition, newfag
I'd tell that Roastie that I don't think this is going to work out and turn her into a pumpkin.
Obviously i dont know how much experience in love you've had. But that usually changes over time
>I would never be able to hurt someone I love.
you are like a little baby
Mining company vs striking workers. Current black ANC president basically ordered the guards to shoot.
>tfw my gf and I are both non white but also not SJW crazies and would never have that discussion.
I mean, she can do anything with her money but I don't see her giving shit for free, she works for her money and so do I.
I've had two girlfriends, both slightly autistic.
Broke up with the first one because I moved back to my home country, about 9000 km away from her.
Broke up with the second one because there was something missing between us, and we didn't have enough matching humour.
Still feel guilty about that sometimes, pretty sure I didn't make a mistake though.
I really couldn't imagine physically hurting either of them.
When I use violence, I only do so with purpose.
There is no point in trying to discipline an intelligent adult with violence, words can bring across the message just as strong if you choose the right ones.
How about i smack you in the face with a frying pan?
>There is no point in trying to discipline an intelligent adult with violence, words can bring across the message just as strong if you choose the right ones.
you seem to have no real experience with women. oh, sweetie...
I think you're projecting, /pol/.
>i've only had 2 gfs
>the first ltr failed
>the second one failed because she didn't enjoy the reddit posts i sent her
top cuck
kek, you're pathetic.
/pol/tards never seem to have any words but "cuck" in their vocabulary, probably due to severe oxygen deprivation at birth.
Really sad how you feel better because you hurt someone who is physically weaker than you, if you ever even touched a girl.
>complaining about pol
hi, reddit!
>fucking up africa
What was there to fuck up lmao. Name a single(one) structure built by niggers in their entire 20k years history.
>inb4 we wuz Pharoes and sheit
this is why you marry an asian. no asian woman would say this. they are as greedy as jews.
But the white man literally raped, pillaged, enslaved, and extracted resources from the entire continent. They didn't stand a chance. Same story with the American Indians and South American aborigines.
thats a man
fuck that charity in it's ass, I'm building a private army to free the white farmers stuck in South Africa
either you're with me, or I'm dumping you
out of a helicopter that is
Those are just her protruding niggerlips,
>When I use violence, I only do so with purpose.
This is the most fedora thing I have read in a long time
niggers are incapable of providing for themselves. they cannot even maintain functional farms that were left to them. try again, cuck
Mate, while you were having premarital sex I mastered the blockchain.
When the world is on fire and the barbarians are at the gate, don't come to me for help, k
We're going to see the exact same articles about South Africa in a while.
>Mate, while you were having premarital sex I mastered the blockchain.
more like mastered the baiting
talk about lmao
Every country has been ravaged by war and famine and disease. An entire third of Europe was taken out by the plague. And perhaps you have heard of the world wars? Yet the white countries seemed to thrive despite the destruction. I can’t imagine the level of cope from shitskins as to why it’s white people fault they live like savages in the modern age. It’s actually sad and I do feel bad.
Babe, charities are for suckers. You'll either lose most of it to a fake charity just out to steal funds, or you'll lose a significant portion of it to a legit charity that has its own bills to pay.
If you want to help people, that's great. I want to help people too. But go hand out soup at a shelter. Or clean up a park. Make an impact locally and personally, don't purchase brand name righteousness.
>It’s actually sad
it is
>I do feel bad
i don't
A greedy woman is a good woman. She won’t give money away without getting something good for it.
>wtf is wrong with guys on this site seriously
Single mothers. Also, female public school teachers.
Women aren’t intelligent nor are they people. You must be firm with them. If they had a good father you probably won’t need to use physical violence. But you make need to smash some of her shit some times.
>Women aren’t intelligent nor are they people.
>white knighting imaginary women on an anonymous cartoon porn imageboard
smells like angry pajeet
Women may not be as academically successful as men, but saying
>Women aren’t intelligent nor are they people.
really is 3edgy5me
you can go back 2 reddit where the mods censor any dissenting opinion and you can even downboat them to passively aggressively let them know what you think!
Can I join the south african police/army as a polish slavshit living in Poland somehow?
If you don't like how my opinion differs from yours maybe you should go back to your pathetic echo chamber for underaged Amerimutts like I suggested.
Here, I'll help you
>echo chamber
i don't go to reddit. an echo chamber is a place where the administration deletes/bans dissenting opinions, sweetie. you can say anything you want on pol and not be banned. try again, newfag. make sure you go back 2 reddit
Whiter than you
Also married and know she will never leave because she knows that she has a master. Women are like pets. Training a woman is not unlike training a dog. That’s why her father is so important. You can’t teach a grown dog new tricks.
>won't be banned for speaking your mind
>can't have posts hidden by downvoting hordes of soyboys
>echo chamber
lurk moar newfag
stop posting these dumb faggot posts moron
>you can say anything you want on pol and not be banned
That makes it all the more sad that everyone is just saying the same frustrated shit.
/pol/ is just a bunch of marginalised autists who failed at life and use their "meme magic" to delude themselves that the world gives a fuck about them.
If they actually went outside every once in a while the psychosis would be over real fast, but instead they just continue shitting up other boards with their pathetic internet tough guy shit.