Why is this happening Veeky Forums?
Is it a bad thing or not?
Will any1 dare to say that we should put in place afirmative action for white men?
Why is this happening Veeky Forums?
Is it a bad thing or not?
Will any1 dare to say that we should put in place afirmative action for white men?
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Do they say what """degree""" will they most likely choose? I ain't givin them views.
but only 25% as likely to graduate
>Why is this happening Veeky Forums?
Because universities are creating more and more useless degrees like "gender studies", "feminist history", "queer studies", "LGBT science", "cultural marxism".
>Is it a bad thing or not?
For whom?
it's the bbc site you faglord
>Why is this happening Veeky Forums?
Patriarchy finally being overthrown, it's been a long time coming. Hopefully by the end of the next decade we'll have an inclusive, tolerant society instead of that racist and misogynistic monstrosity of the past. I'm looking forward to it.
>for whom
well wimyn say that paying them less is bad for them and for society as a whole so I guess the same thing should apply here
Is it bad for men as a social group and implicitly for society as a whole?
In the end it doesn't matter. This whole world could crumble, in the end men with inpiration will rebuild it from the ashes.
The first person on Mars will be a man. The leaders of Mars will be men. The universe will be ruled by men. Why? Because men look at the stars and wonder where their place is among them. Women look at stars and think "oooh pretty"
/pol/ would love you
Why are you so obsessed with that subreddit? Your preoccupation is so powerful that it blinds you from seeing obvious sarcasm in posts
>feminism is actually a conquer and divide tactic
>we're becoming farther and farther away from unity
feminism is a manifestation of ingrained female behaviour.
>higher percentage of non-white youth from poor backgrounds attend college more than white youth from the same background
Affirmative action for nobody.
>poor white youth are a minority among poor youth
Geeeeeeeeee, I wonder
as a muslim arab, I bust a nut every time I see stories about western men getting cucked so hard.
I'm really enjoying the fall of western cultures.
>poor white youth are a minority among poor youth
Per-capita was taken into account you dolt. White people have it hard. Cigarettes, booze, and weed is the poor-mans means of entertainment.
Even if he has aspirations to be a scientist he can't do anything because he can't afford the classes. The system is perpetuated against us down on our luck whitey.
Makes sense
Despite what the manosphere wants to believe testosterone is detrimental to brain health and development. High test men are dumb, sickly, criminal, and worthless. It reminds me of how all the kids in high school thought I was gay. They ended up dropping out of high school or working shitty minimum wage jobs
You're probably really cute, are you not, onii-chan.
Estrogen is actually detrimental to brain health and leads to dementia.
Thankfully the religion of peace will put an end to your misandry globalist fantasies. So Please by all means, go ahead and elect more muslim leaders into power! The least representative of the population, all the better!
Agree with this.
Unis dare to put "Latino Studies" in the same list as "Electrical Engineering", implying they're equal. Why would the unis care, after all? They take your money either way.
Men with IQs over 130 have low testosterone levels. Dementia is a risk associated with superior intelligence. Chimpanzees, for example, do not get dementia. It's better to have many years of high intelligence before dementia than a lifetime of stupidity.
I've been described as baby face by lots of people. I'd rather be seen as a faggot "beta" than an "alpha" who has to mop floors and date single moms
girls are 'meant' to be smart
boys are 'meant' to take your garbage out etc
>Among white boys from disadvantaged families only about 10% will go to university - the lowest of any social or ethnic group.
>Deprived boys from other ethnic backgrounds, such as black and Asian, are much more likely to go to university.
Interesting that superior Aryans are getting BTFO intellectually by blacks and Indians
and you ended up with a cock between your asscheeks.
Same guy, my IQ is in the 120 range and my spacial pattern recognition is unmeasurable. The psychologist himself said he's never seen anyone complete the entire set of pattern puzzles.
I have low testosterone. I'm 20 and can't even grow a proper beard and have a baby face.
no I'm still a virgin
They're not receiving the same chances socially and economically.
>more muslim leaders into power!
Obama isn't a Muslim you fucking islamophobe.
Also have serious problems listening to authority and dealing with bullshit.
Would rather be a normie who doesn't have to carve his own path.
This actually made me sad
> When training for nursing moved from diploma to degree level it brought a large, female-dominated group of trainees into the higher education sector.
>If two sets of students were removed from the figures - nursing and teacher training - a substantial proportion of the gender gap would disappear.
In other news water is wet and the sky is blue.
I'm not seeing the issue here Veeky Forums, this isn't some sjw uprising it's the inevitable conclusion of an expanding public education and the growing demand in health care by everyone especially the young and elderly.
Why is everyone acting like the sky is falling?
I feel so powerful as a hispanic man.
I follow people like Sargon of Akkad, TL;DR, The Amazing Atheist, etc. because their coverage of the spread of SJW culture is interesting. Everytime I see a new low being covered by them I think that it disgusts me politically, it makes me wish that all those SJWs died but then... I look down and see my skin color and I can only think
>less white people means more opportunities for me
and it makes me a happy man, because even though this is such a big fight, that will likely decide the general morals of society for the next hundreds of years, regardless of who wins, I WIN.
If logic and reason win then I stay in the same position I am, which is pretty good by my standards.
If SJW pandering wins then I may wake up one day being the president of cuckmerica.
Feels good man.
Bachelor's degrees are the new high school diploma.
Takbir, brother
because /pol/ fails to realize that many degrees are useless. You can make more as a programmer without a degree than as a nurse with one. I'm still going to uni though for neuroscience
ITT: bunch of people focused on what other people are doing, what other people have and don't have, and how other people are holding them back.
Why don't you get your priorities straight, losers?
I follow those people too, and I agree with you for the most part. SJW culture is pretty fucked.
However, I'm a gay dude, so I benefit from that aspect of SJW culture, and believe me, I have used it before - namely when applying for scholarships and masters programs. It's helped. That little bit of "minority status" I get from being gay (despite being a cis white male) helps in those situations.
But believe me, I use my white male status to my advantage as well - that works too. In situations where the gay thing could be a hindrance, I avoid mentioning it and just focus on being a masculine, ESTP, handsome white man. If the gay thing helps, I find a way to work it in there. I have the best of of both worlds, essentially.
THAT feels good man.
Quality post
I'm hispanic and you are the type of cancer that is killing south american societies. You are the same as those lazy drunk fat-fucks who can't even think without speaking some buzz words and the usual Viva (country)!
I really hope this is a falseflag, but I know some cholos think like that. :^(
But I'm literally not doing anything.
I'm just waiting for the skirmish to end and then I'll go on with my life, one way or the other.
I am literally not contributing anything to either side. If anything, I am contributing to the good side because I signed Sargon's petition to take SJW out of universities.
>my IQ is in the 120 range
Is this supposed to be good? You probably couldn't even get a math degree
>protecting academic life and youth from the propaganda
That's pretty great my friend. I actually don't give a shit about americans, but knowing that the feminist censure movement will be getting out of control someday, makes me sick.
I think your average dude is starting to realize that going to a state school to study a useless humanities/non-marketable subject is literally pissing money away.
Women treat college as an 'experience' rather than an investment and as a finishing school, so of course they don't give a damn and can study whatever brand of underwater basket weaving they want without suffering too many of the real life consequences. After all, they can just get some beta chump to pay their student loan payments, so why fret too much about it?
>sand niggers
your culture and people are shit and will always be shit
Jesus Fuck, /pol/s back again.
>your culture and people are shit and will always be shit
no they aren't. My culture promotes friendship, trust, family, honesty, building for the future.
Your culture promotes perversion, solitude, cunning, living day to day instead of planning ahead.
Your "white supremacy" isn't working anymore.
We and the asian cultures will always be happier than you will ever be because you can't get enough of anything. Especially your imperialism and complacent attitude.
do you have any proof ?
>Your "white supremacy" isn't working anymore.
Because it no longer exists lol. If the West's leadership let Whitey off the leash, the world would change very quickly for the better.
White supremacy is a generic boogeyman anyway. It's a method for blaming whitey with what some Austrian absolute mad man tried to do and using guilt to systematically destroy them. Neonazis and """white supremacy""" is literally an inexistent threat. Thats newspapers, media, movies and tv shows gets to overuse them as villains.
I'd like to see them do the same thing for ISIS or jews in general, lets see what happens when you try to demonize a group of people that pose an actual threat.
arent hispanics honorary whites now?
It already was off the leash, look where it got you. Check mate faggot. U dun goofed.
Embrace the true culture of progress and happiness instead of the culture of money and self intoxication
>arent hispanics honorary whites now?
Hispanic isn't a race.
Filipinos are Hispanic, Mexicans are Hispanic, Spaniards are Hispanic.
>instead of the culture of money and self intoxication
>implying only white people crave money and drugs
SJWs and their beloved criminal minority squad is fascinated with blaming whitey for things that they didn't even commit. So when hispanics do something naughty, they are suddenly "pussy ass cracka"s, coz SJW is forbidden to blame minorities entirely.
Just get a blue collar job bitch.
No shit with women and it pays good because nobody else wants to do it.
top tier bantz
Not any drug. Alcohol. And you even take pride in it.
You know what drinking champagne at a wedding looks like to evolved people like us? It's like doing heroin together with your extended family like some sort of tribal prehistoric ritual.
>You know what drinking champagne at a wedding looks like to evolved people like us? It's like doing heroin together with your extended family like some sort of tribal prehistoric ritual.
Heroin is actually probably not as bad for you as alcohol, physically anyway.
That's because of dem programs
the only reason "Aryans" have it so good is because of James Watt who had a really good idea to make steam engines much better.
Everything else was derived from this.
>the only reason "Aryans" have it so good is because of James Watt who had a really good idea to make steam engines much better.
Newton probably didn't hurt, and the other Europeans before and after working on other physics.
>'evolved people'
The only way you've managed to evolve is by creating a half human half goat hybrid
Stop crying like a little bitch. Something like that wouldn't make a real man worry.
If there really is a crisis of manhood, it's not because women take initiative, but because men are too pussy to take it themselves.
sure thing, whatever you say. Shouldn't you go check on your gf to see if she isn't sucking on nigger cock instead of posting here?
No because I don't have a gf
You sure look stupid now faggot
its funny because educated women don't date uneducated men. full stop. educational divides are a bigger deal than money or looks.
because of this, there is a vast shortage of professional, educated men in the dating pool.
As a species, we suck at forecasting most anything in the world.
Our track record is rather terrible in this regard. Why should I believe this study? Does it account for possible extreme events?
I sure do user.
This was in the UK, there is no affirmative action here. Take your vile ideas, such as affirmative action, and shove em up your poop holes.
girls are such faggots, right?
Why are you worried everyone gets in
You'll always be happier than us, huh?
I wonder what the World Happiness Index says about that...
Oh gee, not a single non-white country in the top ten. First non-white country is Costa Rica as #14.
Let's see how happy you barbaric Islamic sand niggers are: Hmmm, nothing from your "superior" culture until the UAE at #28. Nothing from the Asians until Singapore at #22 - China is ranked at 83.
Tell me again how "happy" your cultures are compared to whites again?
>culturaly self-centered measure
>somehow it shows that same culture is happier
gee, who would have though?
better read on the methodology.
if you cut the bullshit, the biggest chunk of the metric is: "how much do you own"
Awesome - so where are your superior peer-reviewed sources with better methodology proving the assertion Asian and Islamic cultures are "happier" than white European/Western cultures?
Ok but white is a race, right?
Just here to say this thread is complete shit, and should die a horrible (but quick) death.
I know, /pol/ will just make another one, since this seems to be their flavor of the week.
Carry on.
I'm convinced that this is because universities are doing more bullshit degrees. Physics, engineering law, economics, computer science is still overwhelmingly male.
It's finally happening. The end of the white race
>if you cut the bullshit, the biggest chunk of the metric is: "how much do you own"
A big chunk of happiness comes from security. Security comes from knowing you have a place to sleep and food to eat - that comes from material wealth - the ability to "own" things. This even applies in communal villages, so it's not directly culture centered to capitalism or western society.
It's more than a proper chunk of the metric of overall happiness.
>A big chunk of happiness comes from security
yet another culturally self-centered notion
People never had a problem with food until white people came.
Who the fuck doesn't have a place to sleep in a fucking village?
Eastern cultures encourage sharing with people in need, while western cultures encourage hoarding. Charity is just a coping mechanism.
Stay mad, we will prevail.
>yet another culturally self-centered notion
Absolute horseshit. Sense of security is a universal human need.
The fact that you cal it a "culturally self-centered notion" is ludicrous, and demonstrates the absurd level of stupidity you possess. Your opinion has likewise been discarded.
And don't even front nigga - YOU'RE the one who's clearly mad ;)
put in place afirmative action for white men
there ya go
Looking forward to the brownish collective unirace
How will african american and chinese midgets who practice the muslim faith and are legally blind without their glasses be able to go to university?
>Not pier review-less garbage
The fact half of you took this at face value shows how stupid you are
Is that you, Fred ?
Because that was SAVAGE.
Don't forget, we are next after the White men.
t. Asian.
me, I said so.
We don't have to waste money to justify ourselves, while you have to spend millions in studies to show how good you have it.
>YOU'RE the one who's clearly mad
>Absolute horseshit
well you're sending mixed signals user
> Sense of security is a universal human need
security is not evaluated the same way by different cultures.
>security is not evaluated the same way by different cultures.
At it's fundamental level, yes. Yes it absolutely is. I'm speaking of security - as in knowing you have food to eat, proper shelter, and oh yeah... maybe knowing that you're probably not going to get stoned to death if you're a woman accidentally showing your ankle in public, you shitskin apologist with your barbaric, filthy religion.
Actually, in the US, Asian men out-earn white men by more than the supposed "gender gap."
You sneaky chinks are on top of shit - good for you, tojo ;) I'd rather have you guys on top than filthy, barbaric, desert religion pedophile prophet fuck stains like this nigger
>The study says it is "economically rational >behaviour" because women are particularly >likely to gain financial benefits from getting a >degree.
>The gap in earnings between female >graduates and non-graduates is much greater >than the earnings gap between male >graduates and non-graduates.
women who don't get a degree are fucked competing with men on the manual labor market, or with bitchy awful women in the food industry. usually UNDER them these days.
A lot of families send their girls to university for the sole reason of trying to get them good husbands, boys on the other hand are pressured to start earning earlier.
Basically poor people are at fault here.
>Is it a bad thing or not?
>For whom?
Just means that telling someone only that you have a degree without telling them University or subject is becoming even more pointless than it already is.
For youm