AMA for Ripio ( RCN ) today, probably won't increase the price worth a shit but this coin is here to stay

AMA for Ripio ( RCN ) today, probably won't increase the price worth a shit but this coin is here to stay .

Buy into the most boring most useful coin on the market, be able to get all that sweet sweet interest come April.

Other urls found in this thread: arisa hot&tbm=isch&tbs=simg:CAQSlQEJ7y5BYwh5TMcaiQELEKjU2AQaAggVDAsQsIynCBpiCmAIAxIo2hLrEtsS6hLGEqwKxALEFM0GuR3XI9gjrSzWI9Mj2iPJIaEs2SPjNRowInBHT8j0RVQQgYodMBncTObWFdg6m-pLix0XgZu9ygRoZ1MH3JFnt-ErlQjVz88mIAQMCxCOrv4IGgoKCAgBEgT89LaIDA&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjTq4-QlM7ZAhVEjywKHY1_AOYQ2A4ILCgB&biw

price suppression
you know what to do

I ain't even googling this

BUT I'm gonna need source on that picture reddit-spacing shill-san

I ain't leavin
It's not much but I'm willing to give 0.01 eth for artist name or something

it's P2P lending in Fiat
similar to SALT and ETHLEND but focused on consumer credit in emerging markets
the token is used as a bridge currency and network fuel. it's quite interesting

From the thumbnail it looks like she has a happy benis.


this little coin is going to make me so much money. trust the draper

have 3k rcn, held for a long time. thinking since its dirt cheap maybe ishould buy more?


i would
it's oversold
tons of goodies coming out in the following weeks

>artist name or something
fucking pajeet OP

Buying before April would be a safe bet in my opinion. They have a lot of upcoming releases and will actually start marketing around that time as well.

>CNBC coverage
>CNBC interview with Serrano
>CNBC interview with the Drapes
>partnerships with banks

get in before all that shit starts to pump the price

I honestly don't know buddy


Don't forget this guy

You can't bump your own thread loser
now ask your shitty discord shill group for source or your mother will die in her sleep

I'm not on discord you fucking nerd.

2 boys, right?

Holy fuck, it's a cartoon man use your fucking imagination.
I don't know who these fucking cartoon characters are, I don't know who the fuck drew them and why the hell would I give a shit .

What's the age restriction on this shit website.?

Telegram then
get up your pajeet brown ass and give me the god damn source

It's 18 newfag so hand over the source and skedaddled

stop being autistic please, its 18 btw
what the fuck do you want from me, i never agreed to anything

Get the fuck off my thread retard

>what the fuck do you want from me, i never agreed to anything
sorry, responded to the quote above yours

You think I want to be in your shit thread?
Hand over the source
I don't care that you don't have it
you're testing my patience here bud

what happened to brendan

fuck off pajeet

>sorry, responded to the quote above yours
I'm losing myself here

I need it

That's a weird way to spell Brandon.
I drew it... now please. God damn you.

okay faggots, I have a great hint to the source, just took a little elbow grease and a non-pajeet tier IQ.

>shills some shitcoin
>no source on cute anime girls
I hope you lose your life savings you literal pajeet

Here you go - remember that OP is a cunt. arisa hot&tbm=isch&tbs=simg:CAQSlQEJ7y5BYwh5TMcaiQELEKjU2AQaAggVDAsQsIynCBpiCmAIAxIo2hLrEtsS6hLGEqwKxALEFM0GuR3XI9gjrSzWI9Mj2iPJIaEs2SPjNRowInBHT8j0RVQQgYodMBncTObWFdg6m-pLix0XgZu9ygRoZ1MH3JFnt-ErlQjVz88mIAQMCxCOrv4IGgoKCAgBEgT89LaIDA&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjTq4-QlM7ZAhVEjywKHY1_AOYQ2A4ILCgB&biw

I'm a white guy with an English background. What do Indian dudes have to do with anything


fuck off rajeesh we already found sauce we don't need you anymore


You guys are fucking losers

Is it a sex thing, do you jerk off to these cartoons or what

no no no

says the pajeet shilling his bags
bet you bought it ATH

and that's the artist it seems
if you want meager 0.01eth I promised earlier gib address

fuck off nigger

this is now a cute animu girl thread. post 'em, faggots


felix is a boy

and top tier waifu material


Don't worry about it, yurifriends look out for each other.

So you guys are basically all jerking off to cartoon transvestites in my precious RCN thread...

Fuck you guys man ...

fuck off, street shitter. this is what you get for pasting a random shitcoin icon over cute 2d grills

Perhaps it's time to see the light OP
Pajeet is a state of mind more than anything else

Where is he reddit spacing you fucking newnigger?

>pajeet has a phone
i'm surprised tbqh family

Have you came yet at least?

>he isn't on nofap
enjoy your nogainz, dyel faggot

need moar 2dqt posters itt

>a RCN thread with more than 4 replies

this is a new record

excuse the 3d but i'm trying



fucking kek that's a dude aint it

only opened thread for pic, bye now

a what?

They had this 4$ smartphone that was "decent" about 2-3 years ago, so that's no surprise really. Probably none of them have actual computers. OP makes me sad, his English doesn't seem that broken so he must've studied really hard, and this is what he gets. He gets shitted on.

I honestly have no idea what that means buddy

I even looked up dyel on great resource) and I still don't know what the fuck you are talk9ng about

top kek

how could you tell?

to cute to be a boy owo

Blue board faggot

Price prediction eoy? $2-5?

back 2 reddit, newfag

> (You)
>top kek

You're not making this easy for a guy.

post hand with timestamp

RCN 1$ eom

that is a top tier animu grill. mind if i save and ask for sauce?

>(really great resource)
And now I'm 90% sure you're larping

great thread OP, I'll leave you alone now

It's some cut and glitch edit from ME!ME!ME! just google that

pls respond mommy

thx m9

Now what

>memeskine notebook

well now you're out of excuses for being so pajeety

It's good for work man, holds up

Maybe I'm just super high up on that caste system thing they've got over there