What is more integral to intelligence, memory or the ability to concentrate?
What is more integral to intelligence, memory or the ability to concentrate?
Memory. All intelligence is nothing more than applied memory.
>hurr durr but if you can't concentrate you can't learn
Yes you can. It's just more difficult.
>All intelligence is nothing more than applied memory.
How can you apply your memory to anything if you can't concentrate?
I'd say intelligence draws quite a bit from memory.
I agree
Concentration isn't necessary to be smart
Memory>Concentration w.r.t. Intelligence, but it doesn't mean necessarily that no concentration is required
Human memory is actually worse than some other species. Concetration is more important
I already indirectly answered that with my "hurr durr" statement, you fucking brainlet. You CAN - it's just more difficult. Memory is more important to intelligence overall. Just look at all the absent'minded, ADHD scientists and professors out there.
Concentration is not significant for intelligence. It only determines how well you can do a task.
You can be stupid as fuck, in fact it's probably easier to concentrate if you're stupid, because you don't have millions of thoughts distracting you every second.
Memory is the more important. Memory is nothing but practice. The better your ability at making memories is the quicker you learn things and the smarter you are.
You're fucking retarded and should kill yourself. Concentrate on that.
Neither. Whats important is the ability to love. kidding.
The ability to understand things without having to look at it a bunch of times. I am lucky enough to have this ability.
The ability to override animal drives.
It is closer to being . While it isn't intelligence by itself, without it; your brain wouldn't have anything to manipulate thus it would be near impossible to use or express intelligence. Concentration is near worthless without intelligence to make use of. And at worst without it; you'd have some trouble gaining and relaying information and maybe constantly switch between which information is processed.
>The better your ability at making memories is the quicker you learn things and the smarter you are.
Kim Peek must be your role model.
>It is closer to being .
Disregard this uncompleted sentence.
I agree with main points of the post but
>it's probably easier to concentrate if you're stupid, because you don't have millions of thoughts distracting you every second.
For God's sake, Veeky Forums. Stop trying to invent new justification to your inability to focus on a task.
> smart butt lazy
You must be 18 years or older to use this website.
Human memory is not necessarily superior to animal memory.
>What is more integral to a car, the fluffy dice or the bumper sticker
You focus on two aspects that are only tiny tiny portions of what intelligence is.
Do you mean LTM or STM? Are this things distinct? To perfome well you need to be in flow and have a great STM, but to be somehow clever and a person who knows many things - LTM. Ability to concentrate is the very key to get things stuck in your head for a long period and understand it better. Fast understanding and performing is the best IMHO, cause when you in business nobody cares what you remember just what you can do, and if you can a lot you ll look like a very intelligent person whatever it means
i think memory has no indication of logical or creative intelligence and lets people cheat through getting qualifications without understanding the material. Memory is very good for social intelligence however so it can still get you quite far in life
That's not why I was calling you a retard, you fucking retard. I couldn't give less of a shit about human vs. animal memory - it has fuck all to do with the discussion at hand.
How does it logically follow that because animals have comparable memory to humans that memory is not important to human intelligence?
Furthermore, how does it imply that concentration is MORE important the memory? It doesn't. 95% of this thread disagrees with you. Fuck off.
I rarely have to concentrate to remember something. If I have something honestly memorized, I don't have to go through a process and concentrate to remember it. It's just there. No concentration necessary.
The ability to predict seems like a better measure than either.
My biology HS used to say that your memory capacity decreases as you get older while your concentration skill increases.
tl;dr You brainlets are too funny
those undergraduates love to make statements about things that they do not even study.
Concentration/attention is the most important aspect in order to solve a problem. If you are not focus on your task you make a lot of errors, therefore, you won't solve the problem properly.
You can learned and memorize all those mathematical equations, but, if it takes you more time solving a problem which anyone with the equations in a paper will do, you are not smart enough.
If you can not maintain a logical thread in your head and you need to star over and over again because you can not concentrate in your task, you have not developed a cognitive ability to be consider smart. without concentration you will make mistakes, affecting your memory, you won't remember to write a mathematical symbol in your equation, you will need to double check everything because you won't be able to focus enough to maintain a logical thread in your head.
Master's degree in neuroscience here.
False, intelligence is connecting ideas and concepts to each other, not just memorizing words.
Then concentrate on your english pajeet
>Fuck off
Learn to attack the argument and not the grammar Tegpreet.
With the internet at your finger tips, memorization is obsolete in every form.
Fucking destroyed
I have bad news.
Ever heard of a hard drive, ram, and a cpu?
Concentration implies more working memory, just do a google search yourself.
What about creativity? Where does that come from and how is it related to intelligence?
>If you can not maintain a logical thread in your head
> you will need to double check everything because you won't be able to focus enough to maintain a logical thread in your head.
And what does maintaining a logical thread in you head entail? Gee I don't know... perhaps REMEMBERING where you logic is going? Along with REMEMBERING all the lessons you've learned throughout your life which made the very premise of logical thought possible? Thanks for proving my point Mr. Neuroscientist. With thoughts like that maybe you'll earn the Dr. someday ;)
Fucking hardly - back to basic logic for you son.