I think this could be appropriate for Veeky Forums. What is your favourite brand of cigarettes?
Also share your experienc with smoking or quitting smoking or whatever you wish to talk about.
I started smoking to lose weight and shorten my lifespan (I was depressed). I lost 150lbs and my life has improved a lot, I would rather die young with the life I have now than live to old age as the fat piece of shit I was before.
B&H Silver are the best in terms of a compromise between taste and price that I have found.
Joseph Fisher
I've been smoking 10 years and a pack lasts me about a week. I've never felt the need to smoke more for some reason.
John White
Camel Lights
Angel Miller
Newport. 100s because they're the same price as shorts. It's just what everyone smoked when I was growing up. It was a very black neighborhood growing up.
I just tried the Marlboro version of the camel crush. I might switch to those.
Lucas Campbell
Marlboro reds whenever I feel like it. I'll smoke some every few days when I'm drunk and sometimes on a weekend morning because it feels great
Jace Young
I'm drunk right now and that cigarette buzz is the perfect compliment to vodka and a salami sandwich.
Connor Nelson
Yeah, I started smoking when drunk. I usually smoke when waking up, when going on my daily walk, after my meal and in the evening. I've cut down on my drinking, but on the odd days when I go out and get pissed, I smoke like a chimney.
Noah Wood
Winston reds
Kayden Jenkins
i dont like smoking, but tobacco wise, i really like dunhills morning pipe, or blue american spirit (i vape dry leaf tobacco. hate me.)
i do like menthols tho...
Carson Scott
About a pack every 2 weeks
Smoking for the flavor, and not the addiction is so much more satisfying
Thomas Campbell
I'm partial to Dunhill blue myself. always have 2 right before going to sleep and that's pretty much it except the odd one on a weekend afternoon. or if I want to force out a shit.
Jack Foster
Canadian. Poison of choice was Number 7's. Smoked from 14 to 19. Between the rising cost of tobacco and watching what decades of smoking did to my Grandpa, I decided to stop. Other then 420 blazing it, haven't smoked since.
Thinking about taking it up now that I'm skinny and decent looking as opposed to back when I was fat and smoking.
Jayden Brooks
Great thread, definitely belongs here I wanted to ask my fellow smokers with other ways to smoke have they found other than using your mouth
Joshua Sullivan
I am sometimes a heathen an rip the filter off for dat buzz. Also love me some Lucky Strikes.
Hunter Hall
my nigga
been smoking american spirit blacks for a few years now. down to about 2-3 a day. can't smoke anything else without it seeming like it lasts too short and feels weak
Robert Perry
Been smoking these for like 14 years.
Unfortunately I have nothing but grody-ass lucky strikes right now since my store was out of the good stuff.
Thomas Jones
Marlboro/L&M for reds
And pall mall black/kools if I feel like menthol
Adrian Green
Everyone at my high school smoked Canadian Classics, Next, or "natives," (cigarettes purchased tax-free from the reserve and bootlegged.) I got started on Classics when I started stealing them from my sister when I was 15. Never picked up a full-time habit 'cause muh sin tax here, but also because I just didn't want to have to have that worry of needing a cigarette. I smoke Next and Viceroys when I do smoke, but really any'll do. More of a cheap cigar guy.
Eli Cooper
Back when I smoked, I smoked the light blue ones. Didn't like black flavor but would buy it if they didn't have blue
Used to smoke about 5 a day and if I can/allowed, I would do bong rips (couldn't smoke in my apt and didn't want to have any involvement with cops for the year I was there. Had a bong before)
Would recommend using a bong if you can deal with it. Very intense rush and totally worth it. Also good hangover cure if you can't sleep
But I stopped smoking in June when I moved back in with my parents since they're Nazis about it and figured it wasn't worth the trouble. Been chewing the gum now and it works but feel like my intake is higher
Lucas White
the light blues are the basic non-light non-menthol cigs. i get those when the blacks are gone
Joseph Lewis
Doesn't this fuck your taste buds?
Henry Howard
I know they're normal ciggys. The blacks just tasted like shit
Logan Evans
Huangjinye here. Costs 11¥, so they're a bit better. Most of the people I know smokes ones for 5¥ or 6¥. Thats around $0,75. Chinese cigs sucks, but I've grown to enjoy em.
Dominic Myers
Nat Shermans. They're expensive, but they're worth it.
Cooper Wood
I roll my own 'cause I'm a poor britfag, usually just go with goldleaf since it's the cheapest
Carter James
Mah nigga. Tell me it's these.
Jeremiah Nelson
Oh fuck here ya go.
Landon Baker
patrician choice. everything else tastes like shit after you smoke these for a while.
Hunter Rodriguez
Same. Pretty good cigarette and not very expensive. I also like gauloises if i'm feeling """fancy"""
Luis Jenkins
i roll my own to. Cheapest option, and it does not smell as bad as cigarettes.
Cooper Lee
Very nice. Been to their place in NYC. The New York Cuts are what regular cigs aspire to be.
Dominic Jackson
LOVE ME SOME BLACKS I got a pack of turquoise and they're pretty nice too they remind me of Lucky Strikes something about the aroma and it being full flavored but not too heavy like a normal cig still blacks are fucking god tier.
Elijah Howard
I smoked for seven years. First it was Parliament which was an incredibly popular brand in Russia, then Kent(about a pack a day). It's been a year since I gave up though.
Andrew Smith
>LOVE ME SOME BLACKS Funny, ur mum told me the exact same thing
Isaiah Ortiz
hahaha you smoke rod lmoa
Nicholas Moore
>tfw worked as a biochemist in a smoking lab >one of our brands is B&H, among a shitload of others >10 others in my lab
Wanna guess how many of us smoked? 0, that should tell you how shit these things are for your heath.
Zachary Myers
jesus christ, you're a failure as a human being!
Lincoln Moore
stop growing fond of cigs and start growing your dick!
Brayden Baker
the turkish royal camels even smell like chocolate
Kayden Rodriguez
It's 2016. Smoking doesn't look cool anymore you faggots.
Ryder Howard
Hah. I'm not a cigarette smoker, but when I was on probation and had to go to drug classes where they piss tested me, I would take bong rips of tobacco as a weed substitute. I would get a mean head rush for a few minutes. I stopped as soon as I finished the classes though.
Luis Lopez
>being the cucks of the tobacco industry
Dylan Hill
These or Marlboro 27s are my choice smokes, love the taste combined with my morning coffee.
the morning coffee & cig is honestly one of my favorite things in life.
Same. Although I prefer cutters choice or golden virginia if I get some money
Mate rates holborn but I've never given it a whirl
What papers and filters lads?
Extra slim filters and orange or blue rizla here
Christopher Young
>being the cucks of the soda industry >being the cucks of the beer industry >being the cucks of the fast food industry >being the cucks of the video game industry
Noah Perry
Matthew Campbell
My ex used to smoke those. Too bougie for my taste.
Cameron Moore
I smoke when I drink (or tripping), I usually smoke Luckies or Camel. There's nothing like the echo of taking a drag when you're tripping out of your mind
Adam Bailey
>smoking to look cool lmao what do you think this is Veeky Forums?
John Ross
>not smoking superior nihonese
Joseph Reyes
Most often I smoke regular Marlboro Golds, sometimes I get L&M Blue or Marlboro Reds. Pretty basic bitch tier, but I don't like the taste of other cigs eh
I also started rolling recently (poorfag polan student t.) but I'm yet to find a non-flavored tobacco I like. Red Bull Aromatic is okay and I've tried some regular Virginia tobaccos but they're pretty bland and bit too strong for me. I would smoke Zware shags but that shit is just so goddamn heavy. >what papers and filters? Mascotte Original and slim/superslim Mascotte filters. OCB papers have a very weird chemical taste, especially the orange ones. I think the worst papers I've ever bought were OCB Premium, not only do they taste like shit, they're also nearly impossible to roll even with good tobacco.
Noah Gomez
Henry Richardson
My cigarettes of choice are either Marlboro Menthol 72s (because they're a short smoke) or Camel Wide Menthos (because they aren't).
Joshua Carter
Menthol Newports
Tyler Wood
I like the smell of cigarettes, and I like smoking cigars.
Only cigarette I have tried was a Marlborough Red and it made me feel awful - must have been the high nicotine content and total inexperience.
Is it worth sticking with it and getting some Marlborough golds or should I leave it be and just enjoy the odd cigar now and then?
Jayden Rogers
Golden leaf smells like literal shit, go amber leaf for a sweet liquorice aroma and not much more expensive.
Juan Cook
It's not worth it. Don't start smoking cigarettes. A cigar every now and then is fine, and won't get you hooked.
Evan White
black and milds
Matthew Rodriguez
Even not inhaling with a cigar it gives you far more nicotine than a cig, relative quantities per minute smoked could be debatable.
Cooper Parker
lucky strike and camel are great american spirits are wonderful >I wish this wasn't banned where I live. I loved them. my favorite.
Angel Foster
Cigars. Been smoking perdomo 10th anniversary Champagnes and Torano Exodus 1959. Always keep a box of Cohiba meme cigars too.
Bentley Perry
Girlfriend "wants" to quit. Any way I can help without being a huge asshole?
Ian Taylor
Dont feed into it she doesn't want to quit.
Sebastian Collins
I smoked one Double Happinness and thought I was gonna die.
How do you Chinese handle such strong smokes?!
Jeremiah Jackson
Yeah pretty much this
Jace Thompson
Marlboro Reds are really shit tier. On most cigarette forums, the favorites are (from harshest to lightest): >Lucky Strikes (unfiltered) >Camel Turkish Royals >American Spirit cyan or Perique (black)
William Nelson
I quit a year ago. Before I quit I smoked mostly Camels, for like 4 years on and off (through college pretty much), but I also liked American Spirits, Marlboros, Marlboro 27s, and occasionally Marlboro/Camel menthols. I started at like 2 packs a week but towards the end of my time smoking, it doubled.
To be honest I would start again if it wasn't such a hassle, like if I lived in Russia or some other country where it's widely accepted as a normal part of life. Cigarettes cost too much to ignore budgetwise, plus it's banned pretty much everywhere so you have to plan your day around being able to go out for a smoke at regular intervals. You pay a lot more for health insurance if you smoke (inb4 lying, if they catch you they can deny you coverage) despite already paying a heavy """sin""" tax on cigarettes (I did the math once and where I live like 60% of what you pay on a pack goes to taxes), it isn't allowed in apartments and even if you own your own home it can drive the value down a lot, it can fuck with your social life since people now see cigarettes as being almost as bad as meth...
I'll take whatever anyone is offering when I'm drunk.
people in my home town smoke american spirits, and people in my uni town smoke marlboros
Owen Edwards
Dont smoke anymore but my favorites were marlboro 27's.
Robert Morales
American Spirit menthols. Used to do Camel no9 or crushes, but these are more satisfying and I can't chain smoke them without feeling sick.
Been a "light smoker" (1-4/day) for about 9 years. Started because I thought it was cool, and now I do for stress and because habit.
Easton Phillips
Either Davidoffs or Tareytons.
Caleb Ross
Iron lungs from breathing in the Beijing smog all their life.
Leo Watson
switched to these from natsherman cloves after obungo banned all flavored cigs in 2009
Robert Garcia
The last part really strikes a nerve with me. Being a marihuana smoker is slowly becoming more acceptable than being a cigarette smoker, even though pot is the drug of lazy degenerates and tobacco is not only a longtime, respected tradition of several cultures but is smoked by people who actually fucking work.
Brandon Jenkins
smoking's baddd
Cooper Ward
Kayden Sullivan
Weed is fine but being a stoner cunt that just smokes weed all day isn't.
Juan Wood
Its not accepted by people with their head on str8 m8.
No one who does anything serious with building, security, IT, law, medicine, military, policework, or emergency services is going to respect you if you smoke, much less allow you as their coworker. You simply cannot be trusted to the utmost when it comes to your judgment.
Cigarettes are losing steam yeah for sure, especially where you need to be able to run alot, but cigars are still A-OK, maybe never better, and vaping has come along nicely as well.
Samuel Bell
Clearly never worked food service before. Shits everywhere amongst staff.
turkish gold are good, spirit light blue of course a standby, i wouldnt go for black though. Having "perique" on the label is a bit of an insult, Im sorry but youre not getting perique in a pack cigarette in this lifetime.
Its the most sought after pipe tobacco in the world (pipe being the stuff you can also roll into cigs), and is only grown right in one place (LA), and even when youre willing to pay top dollar its usually sold out. Im working on getting some myself and am facing a long ass trip and a possible series of bribes.
t. Virginian
Daniel Phillips
I think I'm slowly becoming addicting to nicotine. Backwoods are my guilty pleasure.
I'm a casual weed smoking degenerate (pls no bully), and I absolutely love putting weed in these cigar wraps. There is so much nicotine in them and it gives you the greatest buzz, and smoothest hits from the marijuana, it's more like smoking a spliff if anything.
I should probably just only use my vape for weed but, these are just so tasty.
Jayden Evans
You sound like a cunt
Jacob Rogers
I love me some Camel Lights and Coors Light. Both will literally kill me.
That's how I started when I turned 18, then later I bought a pack of cigarettes on a whim and I've been smoking for almost 3 years.
Xavier James
I smoke Malboro Golds because I always have and am really not into stronger fags. Cigars are good though when I have the money.
Tyler Jackson
menthol Maverick shorts, usually one a day after dinner
Carter Fisher
Literally my Mexican friend's dad.
Ayden Scott
who do you think you're replying to?
Landon Reed
Still haven't gotten to buying my own pack of cigs, at nearly 21, but then again I'll see myself buying a pack of swisers or cigars every week or so of weeks as long as I have weed around.
Dominic Morgan
*swishers *every week or so
it's my phone I swear I'm not high
Jason Gray
Port Royal (GOAT) Park Drive Benson & Hedges Dunhill
Wyatt Rogers
I hear you for everyday but theyre like 7.50 to me, whereas marlboros are maybe 5.50? I rarely ever smoke (once every 2 weeks) so idgaf.
Gavin Robinson
You sound unemployed.
Carson Rogers
>food & cooking >cigarettes Why are the mods retarded?
Christopher Diaz
This has to be one of the most retarded things I have read in a long time.
Jacob Hall
Tobacco threads have always been fine on Veeky Forums, newfag
Thomas Baker
I don't really smoke much but I enjoy a cigar. These are my favourites.
Michael Clark
Can't go wrong with montecristos friend. I usually keep a box in the humidor.