What's the most important invention of the last 50 years? Don't say Internet, it doesn't count with ARPANET

What's the most important invention of the last 50 years? Don't say Internet, it doesn't count with ARPANET

Not even joking

Mechanical fucking machines.

Now so many intelligent and dedicated men are free to advance the human race instead of having to spend that time fucking your mum.

TCP/IP protocol

>What's the most important invention of the last 50 years? Don't say the most important invention of the last 50 years, btw, it doesn't count
What did he mean by this?

>it's a video game, dad

3d printers. Not too important right now as it's still being developed. But in 50 year there will be a machine in every home that can make anything you need out of waste or recycled material.

the transistor
plastic and plastic accessories
wireless energy
cognitive theoretic model of the universe
donald trump

The Fleshlight, of course.

>last 50 years

The microprocessor, invented in 1968.

Veeky Forums

That's basically 50 years.

I would say the iPhone.

I counter with Li-ion batteries

Trump memes.
And I don't mean those low energy Reddit ones.
I mean the dank ones.

The Lone Gunman theory.



Not OP

So basically, the internet. Sounds reasonable
>3d printers
yeah, sure.
those are all 50+, 50 years ago is the late 60s, in 4 years will be the 70s...
I don't have one. Yet. But I think you must be right.
It was achieved, but it was theorized way before, no?
>using that reddit tier imageboard
another strong candidate
I ask myself how people will portray us in 50 years


multijunction photovoltaics
magnetocaloric refrigeration
polyphonic synthesizers and bellbottom jeans

the list goes on

Gonna need a definition on "important". Because what's revolutionary in, say, math, means fuck all to the world at large.

the fuck are you talking about? name one invention listed here that would exist without revolutionary math.

But do they use math invented in the last 50 years, user?

probably somewhere. i mean tropical geometry must help growing nice tangerines.

I suppose when I say you're right about that, you're going to insist that magnetocaloric refrigeration means something other than fuck all to the world at large?

you're suggesting the ability to manipulate below freezing temperatures without the need of a liquid nitrogen based heat exchanger is somehow fuck-all-tier out of all things in that list?

Polymerase Chain Reaction

Deep neural networks

My dick

Probably Google.




chicken nuggets

Wowww your so popular replying to all youre friend'Os

Dank Souls senpai desu kawaii desu desu

Internet obviously


robot swarm AI

It combines many advanced devices into handheld one, and is very essential in first world countries. Relatively to their price, they use very advanced technology.

Common Core

About time whitey stopped holding us down.


Gekko LFEX orbital lazers. They can rape anything on Earths surface with perfect accuracy.

>the most important invention on Earth is an invention that destroys Earth
great meme fampai

The tavor, goy

ITT: Singularityfag circlejerk

I was going to say superconducting magnets but apparently the first one was made in 1955.

the abortion pill. Imagine if you mom had access to it... she could still spread her legs like she loves it, but we would avoid having you.

The wheel

Computer chairs.

This is one of the big ones for sure

transistor, duh

only 60 years ago was the working implementation, but it's more like a timelessly primitive concept, see also wheel

The microwave

more like most irresponsible invention

Nothing new has been created in the last fifty years, only reproduced, repurposed, or improved.


The Internet. The greatest invention of Humanity. This invention abolishes time and space for every humans. You can't top it.

I like that picture.

He's like, "What the fuck are you doing?"

Basically the only acceptable answer.

the birth control pill

basically it's the one invention that will bring down western civilization as we know it

Dank meme.

> iPhone
Literally a PDA.

Gotta contaminate those water supplies!

Literally nothing.

There hasn't been a single qualitative change in human life ever since money-worshiping systems (Capitalism and Socialism) have taken over the world.

I wonder why...

bluetooth, you gotta think about it

The Microprocessor



>Also smart phones because they'll continue to have a profound impact on society, law, psychology, business, etc. but that's only because of the internet.

crispr-cas9 courtesy of chinese people