Know any cool Ti-84 hacks for calculus?
Know any cool Ti-84 hacks for calculus?
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Nope. I use an actual computer.
Stick it up your ass for a couple of years and you will magically be old enough to post on Veeky Forums
oohhhh sick burn user!
I use both. Both have adv. to each other. The calculator is incredibly portable, esp. considering I'm emulating it on my phone.
There's nothing in calc I or II that you need a calculator for, not a single thing. They didn't let us use them even in class at my uni
Yes. Throw it away and download Mathematica.
If you can't make it through calc I and II without a calculator, then you are pretty much worthless and you have no business in STEM.
Still good for killing time in class
Enjoy OP
Sell it and get a Casio 115es+
>There's nothing in calc I or II that you need a calculator for, not a single thing.
My Calc I and II classes took a graphical approach. Sure, we didn't have calculators in our exams but we were taught how to make graphs of the derivatives to know when the function was going up/down had a max/min when etc.
then why aren't you using a real computing tool instead, if you use your phone?
Should've gotten a TI-89
If you can't graph calc I and II functions you should kill yourself
>Sure, we didn't have calculators in our exams but we were taught how to make graphs of the derivatives to know when the function was going up/down had a max/min when etc.
Didn't they teach you tests for these things? You should be able to distinguish a min from a max from a saddle etc without graphing a function
Install Gentoo
Why on earth are you not running a CAS instead of an emulator?
You can also live somewhat comfortably without electricity, but It's pretty damn convenient to just punch stuff in and see a graph instead of sketching it yourself every single time.
Especially to demonstrate things like derivatives, for some people you just have to play with it some and calculators let you do that much faster.
It's all true.
Hi Myra!
>get through EE up to last semester
>someone pulls out their TI-89
>mfw it could have helped out in a ton of classes
I realize I would have depended on it if I had it but holy fuck
trust me, it's not that useful for EE, you still have to do the tricky work in your head
had a TI-84+, just sold it
fourier transforms and the random calc associated with some phsycis stuff is all I wanted it for
Woul have been nice for quick checking
How long has it been since you were in school?
Nowadays AP Calc tests significantly more conceptual knowledge, something that using graphing calculators on a regular basis to understand the concepts behind what you are doing seriously helps for.
If you're not a bum of a student, yes, you can in fact do everything without a calculator. This is required to pass tests, because the vast majority of students do in fact have to take non-calculator active tests or portion of tests.
Instead of being toxic faggots you could use that oh-so-coveted reasoning of yours to think about it. I for one can say that I have a much more solid foundation of Calculus concepts from taking the modern graphical approach like . I also very much more appreciate the work I am doing, and have a genuine interest to continue moving forward.
Ignorance like this is why people hate mathematics.