Drugs vs Evolution / Entropy

Why do you do drugs Veeky Forums?

You body is highly adaptable to a wide range of chemicals but the process was initially very delicate and started reaching this level of adaptability and complexity through billions of years of evolution.

Thus you with your feeble mind get yourself trapped into seeking something primitive like pleasure and hence myopically tinker with this elegant process essentially disrupts the complex chemical reactions from doing what they were chiefly designed for.

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>do drugs

Fuck no. Fuck off to 420chan.org

>incoherent nonsense

you might as well be a gorillaposter

Drugs aren't that bad dude, why does everyone on Veeky Forums think drugs are bad?

because Veeky Forums is full of pussies

I bought people on Veeky Forums were supposed to be obsessed with actual facts though and not hysteria. But I guess modern science is founded on hysteria these days.


I dont do drugs,I know people that do so I know better.
They are at the stage of using LSD and ecstasy,I noticed their shift in personality and the fact they are living in a made up world.
Also the constant talking and the need to express their opinion is getting annoying.
Dont do drug kids it does nobody any good.

Ok, look.
Hypothetical bullshit from someone that couldn't even pass an american high school examine.
>Hypotheticals without proposed testing aren't science
>Frankfurt Social Science "belief = true until proven otherwise" bullshit
>Argument from ignorance
>Preparing for:
>Circular Logic
>Ad hominem attacks
>False dilemma burden shifting
This is almost as bad when someone on Veeky Forums proclaimed to have a degree in linguistics when they had the vocabulary of a 4th grader and misspell every other word and completely forgot what punctuation was.

THIS!!!! Can CoFnfirMm

I gIVE mYSelF a liQIUFied MeTH ENEMA DailY

Poor troll attempt. 0/10

Why blame the drugs? Maybe they were always that way and drugs simply made them more confident or something.

>Maybe they were always that way and drugs simply made them more confident or something.

That sentence is incoherent.

I know them for 5 years now.
First they were using weed and had the typical stoner talk you encounter every day.
The personality change is dramatic and pretty obvious to say the least.There is nothing about what they say that makes them more confided but the constant nagging to express their opinion which in reality has nothing to do with anything.
>have clinical work
>patients are coming in waves
>instead of paying attention he talks about robots melting in Fukushima for the next 30 minutes

>CCC2291: The use of drugs inflicts very grave damage on human health and life. Their use, except on strictly therapeutic grounds, is a grave offense. Clandestine production of and trafficking in drugs are scandalous practices. They constitute direct co-operation in evil, since they encourage people to practices gravely contrary to the moral law.

More confident isn't the same thing as "living in a made up world", he's making it sound like they're delusional or insane.

what the fuck are you trying to say?

>religious based post on drug use

Take shrooms and invent electro-gravitic propulsion errday


because i want to be cool

and we all know the coolest things are of course dolphins


I use drugs to explore my senses and consciousness. Everyone with a healthy sense of wonder and curiosity should try in my opinion.

its highly likely that our brains evolved to have such sophistication due to our ancestors eating magic mushrooms so i dont agree with you op. Any drug in moderation can give you a new perspective that puts you at an advantage to the close minded sheep around us.

I don't get the joke

I used to use drugs to bury my emotions and escape. Recently however, I started having sex with the sexiest girl who I tried dating for about a year and a half. Now, I have no desire for them at all.

>naturalistic fallacy: the post