Help me, Veeky Forums

Help me, Veeky Forums
A friend and I are arguing. He says that the body metabolizes fats of certain foods and sends them to specific fat groups of the body, He says chicken makes your butt bigger. I call bullshit. HOW does this work/make sense? Help me

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Fat distribution has nothing to do with the fat you are eating.
its strict genetic thing.

To add on this look in any organic biochemistry textbook for lipids metabolism.
All lipids are processed on the same way,distribution is genetic.

I have heard similar rumor about how omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids build up in different body areas. This was used to explain why there are that difficult to loose fat, for example in so called love handle area. And as far as I can tell, you are correct and this is bullshit.

In reality those stubborn fat areas have much higher count of alpha-2 receptors which makes loosing fat more difficult, at least in comparison to areas that have more beta-2 receptors.

Part of the reason we believe we're adapted to lose less weight around there is because it's closer to our center of gravity. It takes more effort to move fat that's on your arms and legs rather than fat that's around your belly.

So if your body's burning fat - while still trying to save energy - it's going to burn off fat at the extremities first before it burns the fat that's easier to carry.

It's just food/bodybuilder woo.

I think that chicken butt rumor comes from artificial estrogen in chicken and other mass produced meat. Eating too much estrogen will make your boobs grow and give you a generally more female body shape. Though it will also causes all sorts of problems in your body, including various kinds of cancer, so I don't suggest that kind of self-medication.

This is not normal for chicken meat though, it normally only contains very small amounts of estrogen, unlike soy and flax which contain naturally high amounts of "natural" estrogen.

Estrogen can be added artificially to the animal's diet so it grows more meat, that's where that rumor comes from. I think that practice is not allowed in the US and most western countries though.

Naturally grown chicken meat doesn't have estrogen in such amounts that it would make a difference in your own hormonal balance. So you can eat as much chicken as you want, you will get fat all around, not just your butt or tits.

I once heard eating semen can reduce belly fat buildup while sending it to your bust/butt.

>unlike soy and flax which contain naturally high amounts of "natural" estrogen.
Important to note here is that phytoestrogens in soy do not affect testosterone levels.
Watch out for milk though

try it and report back

So all fat pig farmers who eat lots of pork are all very similar genetically because they all get this weird thick neck thing that other people who are just as fat don't get? So, their genetic disposition is what lends them to becoming pig farmers in the first place.

>So all fat pig farmers who eat lots of pork are all very similar genetically because they all get this weird thick neck
never heard of this effect

That or shoveling pig shit every day gives you a thick neck.

just kys already

its hormones they put in the food. its like girls having puberty at age 12 and not 17 like 100 years ago

>I think that chicken butt rumor
It's not a rumour. Black girls have fat asses yeah? But get this, put a white girl in a black area and she grows a fat ass too! What are they both eating in that area? Fried chicken, that's what.


Wow look at the statue, how the firm, powerful hand grips the soft, squishy female body, and how the artist perfectly sculpted it. It looks almost divine. What's the name again?

Fat molecules, there are about 10,000,000 different molecules we are trying to talk about and reach a conclusion.

We need to have more common English words to divide up that huge herd of 10M different molecules. We have polysaturated and polyunsaturated, but those two terms leave us with one division of 10million topics.
I'm sure it not a perfect-halves division.

So it may matter in some cases, WHICH fat we were speaking of. They are different from each other. How complex may this sea of topical depth be? 10,000,000 we need to work to stop using just the word fat.

Tolkien's elves 'love words' let's get them in to the biochemistry department and derive our first 120,000 useful terms for different molecules of fat.

phytoestrogens cause your body to deposit more fat in adipose tissue which in turn increases the natural estrogen levels from a conversion of testosterone -> estrogen causing the described lowering.

does anyone know what is the name for knees being bent inwards that fat people have?
Opposite is:
in case you were wondering

Jesus Christ!