Are there any ways of enhancing my neuro performance, whether it's through basic activity or through any narcotics. I need to know how to retain information and comprehend it faster and longer.
Oh and general performance thread.
Intellectual performance general
Try improving your reaction times, after all its correlated with iq
Physical exercise
>I need to know how to retain information and comprehend it faster and longer.
then, do it. The Will is the key.
worthless "advice"
The state of mind is important. If you think you are a loser, you will be a loser.
Adderall might be what you're looking for
it's a better study drug than ritalin, that's for sure.
OP as to not mislead you: adderall won't make you smarter, but it will increase your performance in that it will help one focus on a subject for an extended periods of time unhindered, regardless of how tedious the subject matter may be. Adderall will effectively inhibit one from feeling tired and negate one's appetite. The bad thing about it is that one's tolerance builds up relatively fast when taken regularly, that along with the fact that if you're in the EU it'll be highly difficult to get your hands on the drug.
To summarize, Adderall is the closest real-world equivalent to the drug in Limitless.
>pic related
Its not a miracle drug dont paint it like that. It is addicting and if people take it too much at too high doses to try to chase the euphoria it is neurotoxic. If you are thinking about taking amphetamines you need to look up harm reduction techniques on how to nullify said neurotoxicity and prevent the increase in tolerance.
>harm reduction techniques on how to nullify said neurotoxicity and prevent the increase in tolerance.
techniques like what?
>basic activity
The guy who makes supermemo has some ideas, like nurturing ADHD.
>basic activity
meditation, exercise
Like reducing oxidative stress on your dopamine receptors. Ways to do this include a sleeping 7+ hours, taking extended release high dose of meletonin(5mg) the night after taking amps, green tea, vitamin C, vitamin D, and exercise.
One of the most important ways is simply not taking too much. Dont dose 2 days in a row and only dose under 3 days a week. Basically you want to give time for your mind to rest and for your dopamine receptors to recover. Dont dose too high because high doses will often lead to greater toxicity and euphoria, but low doses will still allow the benefits of using amphetamines. One way to keep your tolerance low is magnesium, which will also relieve negative side effects of stims like muscle and jaw tesion. Keeping your tolerance low is important becaus not only dose it take more to feel the efffects, certain beneficial effects might not even be attainable unless you massively increase the dose, and this is not sustainable as it increases toxicity. Good thing is though if you keep to a consistent low-medium dose and dont use too frequently like I said while supplementing with magnesium, your tolerance should reach a baseline where you will still get all the beneficial effects.
There is more out there online if you look for it. it is not sure the extent to which theraputic doses cause brain damage, some studies in mice show none, but some studies show primates being more sensitive to amphetamines. There is also no currently telling judt how much these harm reduction techniques help(although I do feel a difference in my experience with amps and other stims) but one thing is for certain, some people have such pronounced benefits from amphetamine use that doctors seem to think the neurotoxicity negligable in therapuetic doses for those cases. It is all risk vs reward.
Also I forgot to add, body temperature is a huge component in amphetamine neurotoxicity. Infact some researchers suggest the cause of toxicity is the elevated body temperature. Colder temperature=less damage/stress on your brain so try to stay reasonably cool. I take cold showers and drink ice water when on amphetamines.
Excuse my off topicness here but could you give me more information about that picture? I find it quite intriguing
I think you sound like a fucking loser, does that make you one? No one needs your bullshit faux profound advice. The key to running faster isnt to run faster. This is coming from a PhD student by the way.
Any Aussies have a alternative to Adderall?
or a safe way of getting it over here?
ITT Fucking cis scum
Not op but i would guess its dante's inferno
Write a number down in an app such as textedit or w/e, and another number and multiply them in your head. Do it over and over, make this your meditation. Over days/weeks build up bigger numbers, until you're at least 10 digits in the result. This will make counting change, pattern recognition in numbers, addition/subtraction etc almost instantaneous. It will be as if you know the answer like a computer does. You will also be able to recite long numbers like your credit card number really fast sometimes. It also improves phone number memory.
Also, it's fun to do squares at night as you lie in bed. Try to at least get to 99^2. That's as far as I went with it.
ahahaha what a NERD