I.q and wealth

>he claims to have a "high I.Q"
>is poor/middle class

Hahahaha, how many of you fags did I just describe? So many of you claim to have 130+ IQs yet somehow you're all poor and come from poor families? Sure I guess if you're really young and you're personally poor that's expected, but if you have a high I.Q at least 1 parent has an I.Q similar to yours and they easily could be wealthy. Biz is strange, high I.Q is heavily correlated with wealth, and even correlated with happiness/low rates of suicide which is also correlated with wealth, yet there's so many poor sad people here? I'm thinking everyone is most likely larping about their I.Q, or biz is just a rare group of people.

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Who hurt you? Show mommy who hurt you!

112 here

Funny, all the people I know who are from rich families are complete morons.

I would imagine that high iq types who are on Veeky Forums for hours a day often have high levels of anxiety and other mental illness. That would also explain the lower income I guess.

That's very rare. I grew up in a wealthy area and all my classmates/friends were extremely smart.

The hustle is born in poverty not riches


IQ is a score they give you when you complete an IQ test. all it tells you is how well you can solve the puzzles on an IQ test. knowledge and wit, ambition and determination are the things that make people successful.

never let my IQ checked. Nearly no one did here as well I guess.

Poverty is generational, virulent, and sticky.

Not autism, pure facts.

I know first hand that some people just cannot handle being rich

Most of us are very young. The average age here is probably 21-22.

No, autism is the answer to your question. Your failure to grasp that implies that you have it to.

You're here forever.

They're not facts until backed by a reliable and verifiable source such as a peer-reviewed meta study. Without that, as in your case, they're autism.

but user

123 or 106 IQ here (two different tests). I'm still in the green, started in August, but made some bad mistakes on the road.

I tested at 155 with Mensa years ago but come from a poor background. Currently 25 and have managed to scrape together $450k assets (crypto included) on a $55k p/a income. Far from wealthy but slowly escaping the gutter I was born into.

If you own crypto your iq cant be 155. Otherwise youd know what a ponzi is

How do you explain this though: time.com/money/3925308/rich-families-lose-wealth/

1000000iq started 2007 bougt kneepads then bitcoins sold everything like biz told me now i'm rich (i think??????????) TOODLES GUYS

147 is here, have been focusing on money for the last year I have a way to be filthy rich currently wage cucking to save 2 grand to get started

Wanna partner up? Explain to me plan and i give you 2 grand today. 70-30%
partnership . You 70%

[email protected]

That is why I didn't bother buying any for the first few years after I initially came across BTC, however I believe there are substantial gains to be made over the next 12-18 months.