Read this shit. This is the man in charge.
Trump: Literally Insane Edition
are you fucking shitting me
>this is the guy Veeky Forums memed into office
love this guy
And here's his Secretary of Commerce, Wilbur Ross, who uses a fucking soup can to explain that no one will really mind if metals prices increase.
forgot image
So don't worry, everyone, we'll just increase our prices in this globalized economy, and that will work out just great for our producers and consumers!11!!!!
Does this affect the average American in anyway?
>its fucking real
Trump explained to retards how to deal with the chink problem. Now if chainlink hits $1k it truly is the best time to be alive
Of course, "trade war" means everyone is fucking over everyone else financially, exploiting them instead of working cooperatively.
Increasing metal prices increases prices of everything that uses metal, and makes us less competitive. So iPhones cost more, cars cost more, anything with metals like steel would cost more, and make us less attractive to other countries' buyers.
Remember this next time you put a nigger in office then try to sneak Satan in.
You sad shitlib? Does seeing white people working and niggers getting food in boxes make you sad?
Fuck Chinese insectiods
>China dumps its dollar reserves in response, worsening inflation, given that they no longer need to preserve trade in USD pairing
I doubt Trump would even understand what they did in response.
>muh drumpf XD
>Le maga
Fucking retards
I hate /pol/
So how should we be playing our coins?
You don't win trade war by alienating EVERY SINGLE FUCKING ONES of your potential allies.
Euros willing to take a stand about chinese steel before he started sharting himself.
Haha this image is great. Trump supporters unironically wear glasses those too
He's a total tool, everyone knows that good economic policies are
>More immigration = more consumers = good!
>Less manufacturing = good
>More and higher taxes = good
>More welfare = good
>More debt = good
Any deviation from this incredible recipe will result in a short term downturn economically. Just keep blowing the bubble because there's no way that it could ever pop. Right?
>This is the man in charge.
Of a multi billion dollar enterprise for most of his adult life, among other things.
You'll get roped you stupid fuck, don't worry.
And what would happen to happen to China if they did that?
Fucking brainlet
>Trump says something that is objectively true
>people lose their shit
what a time to be alive
what a man
He's basically a trust fund kiddie and is mediocre at best at running businesses.
You just hate white people. You fucking nigger
It's going to be a rough 7 more years for you sjw cunts.
This. I dont understand how the majority of people are fucking retarted.
So are you going to give specific examples of how he is wrong? Or are you just going to point out the headline?
Awww poor commie cuck is mad that we’re putting Americans first. Get a job you fucking loser.
everyone is in a trade war with the US but the elite who benefited from gutting this place won't acknowledge it
Think about this: Trump is literally an economist. He is a businessman. He won't let the economy fall on his watch. Trust Trump.
>multi billion dollar real estate empire is now considered mediocrity
If your activism is financed in any capacity by regimes hostile to USA, you will end up behind bars. Rest assured 100%.
They protect themselves from the inevitable USD crash? Duh?
>bitcoiners acting like they know anything about the economy
Literally nothing if we're already in the middle of a trade war.
are you literally this retardedly shit at economics? or are you just acting like a retard
Yeah, you'll be paying $300 for a fucking toaster.
Trump is a retard with zero grasp of basic economics. Burgers are all fucked.
You would never afford that level of trust to anyone else
Fuck off Nancy Pelosi
>implying any country doesn’t try t fuck everyone else over economically
Tell me how reversing a trade deficit with China could somehow be a bad thing?
I have a bachelors degree in economics
how is being against tariffs a communist position? fuckign reatrd are you from /pol?
>I have to pay $30 more for a $35,000 car??!@!?#$!$?@!$!%!*% NOT MUH PRESIDENT
Boomers are fucking retards who will gladly sell their country for slightly cheaper goods
>He actually believes the price of a toaster will increase exponentially
There’s simply no helping you user
Time to stock up on toasters to resell
If we turned off imports for a month a quarter of their countryside would parish. You commies faggots just can't stand seeing America doing well.
>giving a single fuck about global/usa/whatever economy
just trade crypto
Trump has an economics degree. He knows more about economy than you.
Globalists are communists
Try to keep up retard
This is honestly one of the dumbest moves by Trump, and I support him.
All he had to do was hand out massive subsidies to US steel companies as YUUUUUGE tax rebates or whatever to level the playing field. If he needs money he can just raise an "environment tax" on US steel users, but give them a massive rebate for using domestic steel. So the cost of imported steel indirectly shoots up but there is no formal "tariff" so other countries can't get uppity.
This guy will doom your America not just economically but at world diplomacy too.
You're an idiot. I know you're trolling, but pretending to be retarded is just as stupid as being retarded and you don't have the excuse of being natively stupid.
thinking that us important more stuff from a country than we export to them equates to "losing many billions" shows such a massive misunderstanding about economics. This dude is spewing leftist delusions. The party that used to tout itself as the party of the free market now supports this bullshit because "muh triggering the libs rofl." Anyone who supports this man is a retard. Full stop.
*importing, not important
I agree with this, but China manipulated their currency to always make it more profitable to produce in China. They also lack any kind of quality standards, environment standards, or human rights standards. Furthermore I don’t like the fact that our country is a debtor nation to a foreign government, a communist government at that.
Screeching parasite nations that suckle on the teat of the USA are about to be removed.
Hyper inflation incoming. USA is the next Venezuela/Zimbabwe confirmed.
Trump's activism is financed by Russia so ok.
Not an argument, you subhuman commie fuck
in my country little children are taught around 5 how it's easier to get what you want by cooperating with others
why do american leftists think screeching at trump and trump supporters will change anything? at this point probably 90% of america would have some beef to pick with Trump, because basic logic indicates the more actions you take the greater the possibility you annoy any single individual goes from 0 to 1. yet american leftists, grown up men and women, do everything in their power to be so obnoxious american rightwingers will side with Trump
if you agree trade wars are bad, why do you think social wars are good???
the average mind of the american is truly mysterious to me
>in trade
any trade is benefitial to both parties, fucking mutt king is crazy
truth is treason in the empire of lies
Yeah cause having a nigger leader is always best. Kys plz
>Get a job
boomer spotted
>Trump is literally an economist.
>He is a businessman
biiiig difference
>Its not anti free market when we do it!
The absolute state of burgers.
Yes by buying goods from China we then allow them to own our country. Wow what a benefit.
Fuck you white nigger. This country is complete shit.
The whiny leftoid commies are screeching autistically yet again. They will whine, cry, pout, and stamp their feet but no one cares.
Another outstanding move by the GREATEST President of the United States.
Literally nothing wrong with his statements.
This. Le drumpf shilling brigade is from shareblue is here because Veeky Forums suddenly became a fast board and they're catching up.
I love this guy, he will unironically put the last nails in mongrelmemecountry's coffin.
His whole macro economical universe got stuck in the 60s if it ever existed.
Watch the bubble pop in slo-mo and don't forget to short the mongrellus when it's about time.
Mooning tonight, strap in
Nigger angry?
I sorry nigger.
Ok i'll trade you 5 trx for 1 btc. It's beneficial to us both, right?
The move from it? Retard. Maybe you should go to China since you want their shitty steel so badly.
the madman is unleashed praise
you have no idea what you are talking about
Take your meds, psycho
he has an econ degree
you have trade surplus with germany? should they make the same argument to limit american good imports?
From fucking wharton no less
trump is an unironical national socialist.
but this time the juice are on the other side.
He's right. Protectionism served to benefit the nations enforcing it. Free trade benefits everyone only if no one goes protectionist. It's the prisoner's dilemma.
China BTFO
It’s about time
Is the US sending them shit products and buying up all the real estate?
You're on the same page as the lefties here though. They just call in neoliberalism instead of globalism.
apparently he doesnt remember shit, international trade being good is like the only things economists agree on
There is no free trade with China, they have stolen trillions of western intellectual property
You are beyond repair young user.
Do you know that the very idea of TTIP was to contain China?
China can't believe their luck right now.
If your country of peasant brain mongoloids had a few IQ points or if you ever learned the very basics of economy more you would see the big dump he is taking on you people.
It won't be his fat boomer fags at GS having to deal with the debt, it will be your generation.
I unironically love Trump for putting your country where it belongs.
chinks have made me thousands of dollars
>eh, he is mediocre at best... As an investor who made cryptos my business, I know what I'm talking about
>s-s-stop it america, you're supposed to lay down and take the abuse!! nooo noooooo NOOOOOOO!!!
wait so only trade with high quality goods is allowed?
>buying up all the real estate
they a
All I was trying to point out is if he really wanted to solve the trade imbalance, there are so many way to skirt the rules and get away with it, without outright breaking them and drawing international condemnation. Heck China subsidies their state industries like crazy, and even Canada gives Bombardier massive "loans". Don't even need to mention the French cucks. Every country do it to give themselves an advantage, they just do it more subtlely.
What Trump is trying to do is publicise it to try to garner more voter support based on his campaign promises. Because the average blue collar US worker is too dumb to understand you can level the playing field without having to use tariffs.
this is an 18+ board user
if competitors get cut out the supply decreases and if supply decreases with demand remaining the same price increases
that's basic microeconomics
Wharton was a literal who school in the 70s
And (lol bringing up college credentials when p much all the President are from Ivy league schools
That's our President. Wow. Just wow.