Do Americans really think this way?

Do Americans really think this way?

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no one thinks this way

>This is what tendie-eaters believe


I was about to laugh at you but that image isn'tcompletely wrong. The sandwich is less childish, but no one claims it's healthier.


Why wouldn't you just use the Diet soda meme? That at least has people that actually do it.


Whoever makes fun of you for eating fucking certain types of food is literally autistic, no normal person does this

I'd eat either desu.

So you're saying the vast majority of Veeky Forums are autistic?

Yes. Veeky Forums is comprised of 100% autists.

Start a gluten-free, lactose-free thread and then sit back and watch the display. It's hilarious (and a little bit sad).

To be desu the whole "breaded chicken is for children" is an American meme that I've only seen in Veeky Forums.

It's pub food, nothing childish about it.

This. It's also pretty good in the UK as a bar food for finger-pickings alongside pub meals. Living in the US though, and it's a lot less common.
Wings are still around, but lots of times they're coated in sauce already and of course is a different meat overall.

I don't know anyone who says crispy chicken sandwiches are healthier, except maybe your run of the mill idiots.
Grilled Chicken Sandwiches still aren't healthy, but in many places are healthier than burgers. ( And can be a good break If you've eaten a lot of burgers. )
Check the provided calories / nutrients whatever though.


There's nothing to be done about it, we just become fat whatever

Fried chicken is GOAT, but the second you take the bones out, it's for a child.

It is known.

Nobody has every said fried chicken tender sandwiches were healthy. Baked/grilled chicken breast sandwiches are, at least in comparison. Why do people pretend mayo is evil?

The reason some people see eating chicken tenders as childish in the US is because typically restaurants will offer chicken tenders as either children's meals or as a "safe" option for picky eaters.

Yeah this is mildly correct. Chicken tenders are invariably seen as for children or high working class plebs, and chicken sandwiches are not.

hourly european obsession thread

I think this is the board where they can get away with it without showing their flag


Im confsued, warosu looks like a mirror of Veeky Forums posts

Literally nobody has ever thought this. Try harder foreign-poster.