How the observer can collapse wave funcion simply by observing particle?

How the observer can collapse wave funcion simply by observing particle?

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Observing means interacting

No it doesn't, it means anything that leads to a subjective change in knowledge.
An electron can move through and interact with an electric field without collapsing.

>subjective change in knowledge.
So thinking about an electron's speed changes its location?

I really wish this meme would stop.

*Every observation is the result of some interaction?

How can they know what it's doing when unobserved, if they're not observing it?

there's nothing subjective in collapse of wavefunction.

It's like when someone is watching you do something.

The electron just has some anxiety issues

it depends on which "scientific" dogma/mantra/philosophy you subscribe to

i prefer to think that when a human being projects its conciousness and that conciousness wave extends over the particle, the particle becomes trapped in the wave of energy and is brought fully into this reality plane

think of the act of "observing" the particle as you thinking of it, as your mind washes over the particle, it interacts with it, pulling it like a string into the metauniverse

this is just a vestige of the link left over when you sleep, in which your conciousness tunnels to the edge of the metauniverse and you reconnect with true reality in your real body made up pruely of emotion and energy

normally the particle exists fully in the ambiuniverse until we interact with it using our primitive physical vessles.

so in short the act of focusing your conciousness on the particle forces it to exist in this metareality rather than in the true reality, the ambireality

theoretically if you were sleeping and you could co-locate to the particle in question, you would be able to interact with it in its true form, where it exists everywhere at once (and so do you)

interestingly this is what we experience when we sleep, but when we awake, the tunnel closes and we are pulled back into our vessels and our conciousness can no longer omnilocate to any point in the ambiuniverse

it is a cool thought though that when we sleep, we essentially are the particle which is everywhere at once until we diffuse back into the metauniverse

its really cool

In this case, to "observe" a particle requires that you interact with it in some way, which collapses the wave function.

for that

science is paranormal until the majority come to believe it religiously

the religion of science is a joke, my ideas are just as valid as anyone elses

this board sucks eggs

what separates scientific knowledge from "paranormal" knowledge is mathematical and empirical reasoning

try giving some compelling reasoning that isn't "how cool is this idea!?" and I'd be inclined to care

what is math but assumption by majority opinion?

1+1 = 2? yes thats correct because i was told 2 1's make 2

1+1=7? no thats wrong because i was told 2 1's make 2

that's the extent of your mathametic religion


I've always figured observing it has an impact on the particle because that requires interaction with a bunch of electrons. We can't just look at a particle (or looking at it wouldn't collapse the waveform). Measuring it with an electron microscope (for instance) involves blasting the object in question with electrons in order to create an image of the object. It's for this reason that I don't think observing an object (by looking at it with the naked eye) would collapse the waveform, however, measuring an object will collapse the waveform. The thought experiment with Schrodinger's cat more serves to show that the Copenhagen interpretation sounds fucking nuts when you scale it up to objects our order of size. I would say that as soon as the particle is measured, the waveform collapses and either kills the cat or it doesn't. The superposition isn't collapsed by looking at the cat, but by the machine measuring the particle (and the therefore interacting with it).

All of that said, I'm certainly not an expert on QM.

When will this stupid meme die? You can use different symbols for different values and different base number systems, but that won't change the properties of the numbers (be it reals, integers, or just natural numbers).

think of it like this

to observe a particle, you need to "hit" it to know where it is. to know where it is precisely, you need to hit it with a "smaller" object

think of hitting a steel soccer ball suspended in mid air with a beach ball, and then with a ping pong ball. they bounce off the steel soccer ball and don't change it's position in space because they are much lighter. which would give you more certainty of the soccer ball's position in space?

the problem with small stuff is though, it becomes "heavier" the smaller it is. so to accurately determine the position of something very small, like a particle, you have to use something very very heavy (high energy).

and when the heavy thing you are using to determine the particles location hits the particle, it is like getting hit by a 18 wheel transport truck, and the particle gets smashed away

this is why the wave function collapses, because merely by observing it (hitting it), you are disturbing it to the point that it loses its ability to act like both a particle and a wave

that's why we can't know position and speed at the same time, and why observing a double slit experiment causes the wave function to collapse.

it does suck eggs!
thank you!

That's fucking stupid. Science isn't like religion because it has an empirical basis. You sound like you're in high school and have all these edgy (and misinformed) ideas about science.

I'm some other guy, but you sound like you're probably at a university, haven't done a total of 2 years (max) of actual research, and you have a lot of (misplaced) faith in the efficacy of science, without having experienced it (or contributed) for yourself.

I may be wrong though

The truth is, no one knows. Science can't even debunk solipsism. It's all waste of time

I suggest knowing your shit before saying shit

>not being able to derive all of mathematics from set theory

evolution is just a theory(a geuss)

I'm not in academia, but I have a BS in math and chemistry. Individuals have obvious motives for scientific fraud, but to say that science is based totally on faith like something like religion is just stupid. That sounds like the kind of bullshit I would have come up with as a naive high school student. It's pseudophilosophical bullshit. It's the same level of stupid as the "math is bullshit because it's based on assumptions" shit.

The observer effect is not the same thing as the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. You're right on the whole though.

I don't understand what theory means in a scientific context: the post

The difference is that science is falsifiable while religion (or at least faith) isn't. While there may be bias in practice the scientific method as written does not require faith.

Inb4 Humelets screaming 'u cant kno nuffin!!1'.

>Taking obvious b8 this easily?
Failed the autism test there bud

holy shit
this is the most autistic person i've ever observed

nuh uh, u

>he doesnt believe in a reality that other people told me to believe in
>he thinks for himself
>what is he, s-stupid?

try and think for yourself once and a while. i cant imagine what would of become of humanity if they was as close minded and narrow as you.

pathetic cant do anything without a designated mental giant holding youre hand and telling you what is right and what is wrong

let that be a lesson to you

>religion and faith isn't falsifiable
>what is church of flying spaghetti monster

>Elite crowd of very few old men who are the only ones who actually know what they're talking about?


>Endless swarms of devoted zealots who are able to repeat what the infallible wise men say?


>Inherent belief that the wise men cannot possibly be wrong?


>Inherent belief that the views of others, regardless of merit, are heresy?


>Suppression of dissenting opinion when conflicting with the dominant ideology?


>Using the same tired myths that have been foisted upon humanity since the beginning of time, albeit with a fresh coat of paint and a few freshly coined terms?


>Creation Myth?


>Armageddon Myth?


There's a lot of overlap, just saying.

Not falsifiable?

This is relevant to anybody who cares and isn't retarded.

In QM, an observer is literally anything that can cause decoherence, or wavefunction collapse, depending on what interpretation is being used.

because that's the only solution that makes any sense.

Please be bait.

What's with everyone coming to this board to tell everyone how much they hate science when it proves them wrong?

If this isn't bait, then you're retarded. The fundamental difference is using an empirical method to determine truth. That and the fact that 4 of your bullet points are not accurate in the least (that and that there is no creation/armageddon myth, unlike religion, science is able to say "I don't know").

Some people are just stupid. They don't know enough to know that what they are saying is wrong.

Except that's high school pop sci tier bullshit. You cannot "hit" the particle before its wavefunction is collapsed, because at that point in time the particle doesn't have a definite position yet. Also wavefunctions interact with other particles all the time without the wavefunction collapsing. There is something special about the kind of interaction in a measurement/observation process.

One of the posters you're replying to is a physics PhD.

Don't worry what other people say bro I understand you.

Your perception and choice of wording is different, but the idea is there. Come back when you have more knowledge, as should I.

As for having the ability for extra sensory conciousness while asleep, it's totally possible because Ive experienced it myself.

During sleep paralysis you can literally feel the weight of your muscle/bones on your nervous system. Imagine the universe as a loaf of bread and each slice is a moment of time in 4D, as a fully solid 3D object. During a state of hypogagnia, perception isn't limited to just 3-4D. We can extend our conciousness/electrical energy into any atom/group of atoms in the universe.

Imagine you're sleeping, your nervous system is under the meat sack that is your body. Now look at your arm and visualize the "invisible" air above your arm as being solid. The electrical energy from your nervous system is trading signals with the electrical energy of the air, thus making it a part of your conciousness, thus making you have an out of body experience or astral projection.

If that made sense to anyone let me know what you think. Science is also theories