is there any meaningful dialog between any branch of philosophy and science ?
Is there any meaningful dialog between any branch of philosophy and science ?
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philosophy is dead
Depends on your definition of "meaningful".
what a terrible answer
spotted the philosotard
oh sorry, what a great answer!
if you dig deep enough in mathematics, you'll find a raging philosophical war about the foundations of mathematics
also, never speak to logicians, especially in private
No, you won't. Nobody gives a shit about Wildburger.
find a mathematics group, and loudly ask "is zero in the natural numbers?"
you'll start a riot
there was in teh past. now practitioners give no fucks about epistemological grounds and falsificationism is as obvious as the blue sky
philosophy of science?
It's not by definition. N is 1, 2, 3, 4, ... while the set of whole numbers includes 0, (W = N + {0}) so W is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...
Not really, philosophy is basically just a more primitive form of finding the truth. Science was born from it, but is far superior, whereas philosophy is obsolete nowadays.
You sound like a christian talking about jesus.
Science is itself a philosophy.
People were engineering shit and talking about existential things long before anything we can call modern "science" came along, and what its being used for today is actually quite terrible.
I mean most humans (including myself) really have no idea what the fuck is going on around us. None of us do.
Some of us are just more heavily invested in pretending than others. That also goes for myself.
I am playing some sort of game, but i dont know what it is.
Not really. Religion is (at best) a more primitive form of philosophy. The people who claim to know things without evidence are the ones who sound religious.
> Science is itself a philosophy.
It's some aspects of philosophy but with all the shit cut out. That's why I said science evolved from philosophy.
> really have no idea what the fuck is going on around us. None of us do.
Which many branches of philosophy are unable to admit. Take moral absolutism for example. There is no scientific basis for an absolute morality, yet much of philosophy is full of claims that such a basis for absolute morality exists.
pertaining mathematical empiricism to the human condition
no scientists deal in fact and philosophers are just a bunch of alcoholics.
Just maths
>the average manchild that hates philosophy:
The second part of this statement is definitely true in my experience.
>Science is itself a philosophy.
No, science is a methodology. Philosophy is a declaration that you love knowledge exactly like the dumbasses at ifls saying they love science.
Science is a subset of philosophy. When you use the scientific method, you are simultaneously interacting with certain metaphysical principles whether you're aware of it or not.