Isn't geometry the basis of every science and perhaps even of everything?
I have just noticed that every single problem I've worked on in every subject was essentially a question of geometry. How are objects positioned in relation to each other and how does this relation change over time, the latter being the question of processes. It always comes down to this.
One could also argue that intelligence itself is the measure of a person's capability to see and work with these relations. If that fundamental truth is discovered, maybe one can increase one's intelligence?
Isn't geometry the basis of every science and perhaps even of everything?
this is now a burger meme thread
> [math]\mathbb R[/math]
what exactly is the point of disparaging the majority of math without any evidence that an alternative can be viable
Normie Wildbooger posters really need to fuck off with all their bullshit.
Humans are primarily visual so it's not a coincidence that we think about problems spatially.
A civilization of intelligent dogs may develop their math based on an axiomatic system of scents
Fuck off, your meme is just gorilla pictures and has no actual relation to Science or Mathematics.
Veeky Forums is Wildmeme territory, get used to it.
its poorly organized hive satire. he's a strongly opinionated figure in finitism, and so an easy target.
anyone deep enough in the field on Veeky Forums can appreciate the dank memes while being intrigued by his opinions
anyone who just likes to shitpost & troll wasn't going to be able to appreciate his views anyway
in summary
learn to take a fucking joke you mouth breathing cretin
Your argument is illogical since is presumes the existence of R.
nuh brah i'm asking towards the wild burger himself as if he was here to respond:
why u do that
my bad
i guess i'm the mouthbreathing cretin after all
atiyah argued something similar.
> is geometry the basis of everything
> uses geometry to solve a geometry problem
Is a set an element of its own subsets?
Scientists use math which is expressed through the classical set theory that is ZFC.
Under scientific realism, the math done by the scientist is real, like electrons and photons are real (as some eigenvectors of their number operator).
This means that the axioms of ZFC are r.eal.
Now, one of the axioms is that there is a set (it is an axiom in the metalogic).
Now, where in the universe is this set? How do I observe it? measure it?
Geometry is so cool.
>AAA, ASA, etc.
>multi-theorem universe >equivalent to dimensions >multiverse
>modular rule based geometry >arithmetic, algebra, calculus, etc
>practice geometrical applications
>script your way to the top of the ladder of success
He doesn't disparage the majority of math, just what people regard as the foundations
Actually computer science is the basis of everything, OP
But CS is at a fundamental level geometry, isn't it?. Every computational process is based on the architecture of the machine that the operation is calculated on. And since every circuit can be built just by the use of NAND-gates (or was it XOR? I just remember that it can be done with one single type of gate), the outcome is essentially a question of the geometry of those gates, meaning how are they positioned in relation to each other.
dead reply. what was said I'm interested in this post.
The basis of that geometry though is computational
>it is an axiom in the metalogic
Not always. Some people just add [math]\exists x(x=x)[/math] to the ZFC axioms instead.
>The basis of that geometry though is computational
What did he mean by this?