>he thinks he has free will when water doesn't
Doesn't what? Have free will.
He thinks he has free will when water doesn't
dumb free will poster
>water doesn't make decisions, therefore people don't either
>i mean it's all just atoms, right?
Who are you quoting?
>I don't understand it
>therefore it doesn't exist
atheists everybody
You wouldn't be you without making that post.
Is this a Schopenhauer reference
not consciously
least resistance
Have you studied circuits?
My 15$ robot dog can make decisions, stand up, walk, see its surroundings, has voice recognition and can respond to peoples commands.
I guess its cumfirmed guise, robot dogs have free will. 200% cumfirmed.
>computer programs can make decisions
Tell him to ignore all subsequent voice commands and see how it goes
Firstly, robots are not 'hims'.
Secondly, all you have to do is program it to recognize that command and it will do it.
People arguing for free will:
>Dem determinists so stoopid. LOL "just atoms and sheet". their so wrong stupid popsci fags
>Absence of anything remotely resembling a coherent argument.
Are robots gender fluid pansexual xirs?
People put a bunch of different devices on a platform that work in tandem and this is what we call a "robot".
Don't get it confused with the fantasy of AI in science fiction.
Human body is 80% water. You have 20% free will at best. And that's assuming a perfect conversion of matter to free will, which disobeys the laws of thermodynamics.
I was part of a robotics club and we always felt like some of our robots had personalities.
One of them "ate" two laptops and tried to run off and attack some kids.
Another one we've taken to shows, and little kids would come up and pet it and talk to it.
It's human nature to anthromorphise
Determinism vs. Freewill will always be a discussion devoid of any clear cut definitions or sufficient information to conclusively confirm or disprove.
Also, philosophy isn't a real science.
>Doesn't what? Have free will.
If you believe certain quantum mechanics theories then a simple detector has free will because it's choosing to collapse the wave function.