No one is better at Calculus than me. I took Calculus 1 twice because I got a 97 the first time...

No one is better at Calculus than me. I took Calculus 1 twice because I got a 97 the first time, and wanted to retake it for a 100. I also took Calculus too twice after getting a 99 the first time to get a 100. I got a 100 in Calculus 3, but retook it anyway to really grasp the information. I got a 100 in DiffEqs, a 99.5 in Partial DiffEqs, and a 100 in Analysis 1 and 2. I do every single problem in my Calculus textbooks, even the ones that aren't assigned, and if I mess up one I start it over from the beginning until I can do it straight through perfectly. I can take higher order derivatives, solve integrals, double integrals, and triple integrals in my head, and practice doing this with flashcards. My professors call me "The Walking Matlab." Think you're better at Calculus than me? Prove it.

Other urls found in this thread:

> using \mathit for derivatives

I had this on a test today and want to know the answer.
L{cos(t)} times (s+1)/(s-1)^2)
Then transform that back into the time domain.

Do this integral OP:

[eqn] \int \frac{ \mathrm{d} x }{ \sqrt{ 1 + x^6 } } [/eqn]

Do my hw pls

>Calculus too twice.

I'll admit, user, you've got me beat when it comes to mathematics, but I might have the edge on English composition.

Prove that any odd number greater than 9 is the sum of three primes, go.

Calculus is easy stuff, and merely a tool for mathematics, arithmetic, not an exploration of mathematics.

>lel my integers are the real math

Stoke's Theorem.

>No one is better at Calculus than me.

vanitas vanitatum et omnia vanitas

without stokes theorem

Stoke's Theorem.

>apply the integral 2x in vector space :3

I just got a terrible score on my integration exam today, and I was depressed before I read this. If you can do it, I can do it too. I need to stop feeling sorry for myself and get back to studying if I ever want to be on your level. I don't know who you are, but thanks, OP. You're a cool fuckin' guy.


Use definition of pullback and charts.
No need to invoke Stokes's Theorem here.
Less than meets the eye.

but OP you didnt get 100 on your first try in all courses taken within 3 weeks of each other when you were 12 years old right after learning all of highschool math in 7 days.

also you dont have an IQ of 170 and you only think in 2 dimensions.

you are still inferior to me

>According to a memoir penned by his mother, he was diagnosed with autism when he was two years old

I'd rather be just very smart and finish school with my peers than be a turboautist desu

Did you, Sloth, and the other Goonies ever find that treasure?

In 2 weeks he'll be 18 and irrelevant like the rest of us.

but hes not a turbo autist

in fact he shows pretty much no symptoms of autism anymore

you'd rather be a fat shit virgin with no chance of ever contributing anything noteworthy to mankind than a kid with an IQ > 170 who achieved more in 8 years than you could in 20.


This desu. I was triggered.

>tfw I self taught calc 1 and 2 when I was 15 and got 97 and 100 in them
literally nothing to brag about

Hey friend, I'm not OP, but I suggest shifting s and then recognizing it as the Laplace transform of a sinusoid. Then it's the convolution of the two functions.
Please don't bully if I'm wrong. I don't have time to think about this problem but that's my initial impression.

I wonder what effect does stopping being child have on people whose entire identity and personality is built on of them being a child prodigy.

I wonder if he'll just fuck off and smoke weed every day.

Oh so you're the expert on calculus huh? So you should have no problem with manifolds or complex analysis right? Here op I'll start you off with an easy contour integral.

poles at z=5 and z=-1, only one of which is enclosed in the contour |z|=4. the value of the residue at -1 is (cos -1)/(-1-5)=~-0.09

therefore the value of the integral is -2*j*pi*0.09

hail to the king baby

probably none since he will have a nobel prize within 5 years and is already eternally famous and the posterboy for genius and peak human intelligence

But do you know any real math
Calculus is just a tool

I couldn't care you exam baby little shit. Hahah calc iii? Analysis 2? I use stochastic calculus daily in my research that I'm payed top dollar to do. I also lecture some of the babby shit you're bragging about? If I were your prof I'd call you try hard faggot not "walking mat lab". Flash cards to for calculus? Have to rely on rote memorisation because you're to stupid? Come back when you've finish UG you fuck

>I use stochastic calculus

come off it you massive dick end, even finance cuks can handle that babby shite.

I think that if he is good at calculus for money, while you are good at calculus to impress your professors (who don't give a shit) then he already won over you.

You want some you fuck? You get paid to model Monte Carlo simulations? You lecture UG babies to? You're dirt, go do some problems exam bab

I get paid to study unlike some pathetic wagecuck who's stuck plug-n-chugging away at his statistical analysis package.

>lecture UG babies
I don't even go to lectures you pleb because I don't like wasting my time dealing with brainlet TAs like you. I've 100% self taught mathematics from precalc onwards.

>I get paid to study

That's good for you, I'd even say good enough, but if the university is paying you to study then you are literally """earning""" McCucks salary.

If a huge billionaire international engineering firm is paying you then I eat my words because then you are probably making more than god.

mebbe paid from Polya's urn,
mebbe paid from submartingale,
mebbe wan sum fuk.

Let us not measure hog-girth here--
Girsanov's theorem is a bit much
for a public display,
dosh or no dosh,
cheddar or no cheddar,
fat sacks or empty.



I bet those mathematicians will be in such awe when you tell them you know Calculus!

In fact I've decided to burn my topology textbooks and get rid of my work in differential topology so I can better spend my time retaking calculus courses. Thank you OP.

Link to my PUBLISHED paper,
Know when you're beat undie

Grisha Perelman?

What the fuck. That's a fake paper, faggot.

>posting your babby theorem that was 99% plagiarised from Hamilton as though I'm supposed to be impressed

Cyka blyatt


>Calculus without a Spivak

There's some pretty intense trolling and dick measuring going on in this thread.

Reminds me of old Veeky Forums.

> paying for centuries old knowledge

--Also, dude, 'dick' is not the preferred nomenclature. 'Hog,' please.

>when the price of ink is greater than what you just printed



Some pale and lifeless ghost from Hades
can be seen in the bottom half of the image,
denoting the underworld.

OP's only crowning achievement was being an overachieving bitch who retook 3 classes twice because he was just that good.

I'm sure you have many friends OP.

>rudin is bad meme
don't get this one tbqh

it's a little concise but certainly a decent enough textbook

The claim is 'pale' or 'lifeless,' not 'bad.'
(Hades the places and the god get a bad rap.)
A concise text is not necessarily a living text.
Where is the action, where is the soul?

It is 'decent enough,' at least until it falls
apart near the end, perhaps. Kek.

>If you can do it, I can do it too

That's not how it works.

Sure it might work as initial motivator but it will turn into a demotivator, especially quickly for a retard like you.

Find your own level and knock it out of the park.

>i own a webcam from 2001.jiff
>i bought a memebook

Nice try, hipster.

>(Hades the places and the god get a bad rap.)
the edge

Lel 6/10 best I can do

So as far as problem sets in the end of books, let's use Stewart's book for example, do you guys automatically know how to approach those? I'm talking about like problems 50 and beyond. I'll get assigned then and just copy from sladers.

edge one day,
a homology class the next
(modulo some boundary)
inb4 Tartarus

Problem sets in the end of each section*


i can actually apply it

>do you guys automatically know how to approach those?

Yeah, once I finish the rest of the book.

I remember when I was in high school and thought calculus was hard.
You seem to have never outgrown that mental failure.

Glenn Beck molested this kid while he calculated the rate at which his anal cavity was stretching as a function of Becks girth

I do almost the same shit you do except I only do the odd problems that have answer, shit gets really tedious after a while

>he can do triple integrals in his head

Holy shit you need to get dat PHD in Pure Math so you can make $300k asap, youre wasting you talent retaking calculus when youre clearly a master at Maths