Why is there a picture of a gorilla?
What an ugly fucking pajeet. It should unironically kys.
someone needs to regulate whatever the fuck that thing in the picture is
I've been away from the UK for a long time.
I thought Labour got rid of diane abbott?
Literally whom'st?
Ian balina in a wig
Man this thing is fucking ugly
Diane Abbott
How is working going to regulate bitcoin??? That doesn't even make sense
Looks like another dumb cunt trying to take revenge on the world for her ugliness
looks more like diane abo desu
what year is it
I'd be shocked if she knew how to turn a computer on desu.
What the fuck, i didnt know they allowed chimps to be politicians in the uk
Won't get rid of her as she is shagging Corbyn.
She is also a mong.
If she tries this shit, we will meme labour into oblivion.
is this what the average brit looks like in 2018?
>Labour getting anywhere near power in the next decade
Why aren't stocks considered ponzis? Early investors got in expecting value to increase. They in turn have the most money.
Another mong who doesn't know the difference between speculative assets, pyramid schemes and fucking ponzis.
This wtf uk.
q: what is that disgusting nigger thing in the pic?
a: Idc, you know about waste burning facility?
stop all that thinking for yourself, goy. invest in my 0.00005% annual returns mutual fund and like it
Thx, just sold 100k
underrated post
That's a man, baby!
Kek. I assumed the story was about Australia at first.
It’s the biggest zoo in Europe.
It’s like Madagascar but for disgusting primates that like to kill their zookeepers
I hate the conservative party with a passion but this stupid abbot bitch and comrade corbyn would be so much fucking worse.
Can you imagine being British and having your native language spoken worldwide, its basically been reduced to a cheap globalized language which shares no cultural significance anymore
Growing numbers of young SJW retards who feel entitled to everything...Don't bet against it. But fuck, I hope it doesn't happen.
Gorillas have higher IQ than whatever that is
It's heartbreaking what's happened to Britain.
>this animal is allowed to be a politician
The absolute state of the western world
i have been less disgusted stepping on dog shit barefoot and hung over at 5am. this creature belongs in an oven.
if the brits could see this picture they would have sided with the nazis in wwii
This is fantastic! It means even more people will be alienated from Labour
I wonder if I send my opinion in to news outlets like Reuters if they would publish it.
>Veeky Forums NEET says BTC is going to 350k EOY
Every retard has an opinion and every retarded news outlet is publishing them.
Bong, next time together?
A Kraut
i will fight in a global total war but only if it's not against whites. if it's against whites i will subvert and sabotage my own cuck country i swear on me mum
>regulate bitcoin
I have 0 ideas how she intends to do that. Crypto would surge under a labour govt as everyone tries to hide their assets from the greedy communists.
I'd take these people a lot more seriously if HSBC wasnt doing bespoke banking for cartels.
same here, exactly the same
so where do you guys plan to move to then, when america, canada, the uk, and the rest of the west turn into zoos for shitskins and mudslimes?
where's your sanctuary going to be?
If you don't know who this is let me explain. Shes a fucking commie gorilla who cant do basic math, stutters when interviewed, and wants to nationalize and regulate everything alongside her fuckmate Corbyn. This is why if Labour get into power in the UK the country will go from a shithole to literal hell. Don't take her seriously unless Labour have a chance of winning (which looks like a possibility among the youth)
planning on buying a private island with my crypto gains eventually and watch the world burn from afar
Will this fuck over coinbase heavily?
Prob not they're pretty Kosher
what a fat ugly bitch
Singapore desu
Bonglandia was a mistake.
This. She's not even in government. This is meaningless.
northern idaho, texas or montana.
Good job they have no hope in hell of winning anything, ever..
I love everyone who has ever done a variant of this meme
"if everyone bought a car with their bitcoin the whole thing would collapse"
-UK's governing chimp 2018
Fucking orc from mordor holy shit.
it would have been had you mongs not pushed your luck over poland.
Since when did Danny DeVito start giving his opinion on bitcoin?
the only good thing britain has done in the last 50 years is break away from the EU
She is literally the most useless politician. She would be more useful flipping burgers at mcdonalds and even then you know she wouldn't be able to do that right.
fucking retard
>BTC moons to 100k
>dindus claim they invented blocks and chains and wypipo stole it
There is no hope for UK. Just nuke it already!
this. has the iq of a banana
Somebody tell me which country elected this troglodyte to represent them so I know never to visit.
>from the looks, probably trans too
>in favor of big gov
wew what a surprise
fucking shithole, they will be regulating porn by April were you have to sign up and give your details to watch porn. There are cameras at every corner of the streets watching your.
Snooper's charter has been passed and your ISP keeps a log of every site you visit.
I am probably on some list for talking shit against the government.
I think it's allright. Many people use crypto to avoid paying taxes. How are the immigrants supposed to get welfare? How are the politicians supposed to afford their luxury resorts and gated condos?
I 100% support the government on this one. In fact, I just sold 100k.
sarcasm ?
Except banning porn would actually be a good thing. A completely Jew-dominated nation like Britbongistan is not going to ban their most effective weapon against the goy.
And they say the 56% meme only relates to the US.
>shut it down
Abbott is the british version of affirmative action gone haywire. She is thick, opinionated and powerful can only happen in a country that erroneously celebrates diversity in morons like her.
No man will ever make TRUE love to her . End of thread . Thread has been closed
holly shit
>Which is worse? Fucking a pig or fucking Diane Abbott?
pic related
> yes fellow goy I hate the government too, but in this particular case the are right! We need big gov to regulate porn to protect us from subversion!
I support banning Heroin too and that's probably less damaging than porn.
>mfw I live in a Labour stronghold constituency
Guess it serves me right for living in a shithole town.
Women... I swear they always ruin the best things in life
they deserve it tbfh
It's not about banning porn but the fact that the government can ban whatever site that goes against their mythos, I wouldn't be surprised if they block Veeky Forums in a few years and you have to give your details to visit the site.
jeezus I would think Labour would actually want Bitcoin as it’s finally a real savings vehicle for plebs and laborers.. so dumb
Someone somewhere would fuck it
I wouldn't block websites, just ban the production and sale of porn. Your hentai is safe soy boy.
someone did
How the fuck do these people get elected ? Fuck bongs WTF .