>Veeky Forums claims to be smart
>doesn't have a nerdy girlfriend
What's your excuse?
>Veeky Forums claims to be smart
>doesn't have a nerdy girlfriend
What's your excuse?
I'm taking Arabic next semester so I can hopefully get a qt Hijabi science gf who likes anal.
We are beyond relationships.
>unironically wanting to stick your dick in poop
tight vagina > anal
>>doesn't have a nerdy girlfriend
My wife has a masters in Software Engineering.
>tight vagina > anal
Hell, loose vagina > anal
I'm not really attracted to nerdy girls, they're cool and all but since I'm already nerdy myself I'd feel like I have nothing to learn from her.
I'm attracted to sporty, confident and extroverted women because they're the opposite of what I am and I find it more intriguing.
Still needs half a brain though.
correlation between nerdy grills and extremely low fuckability is too high
>insecure vanilla sex fags detected
I spend my entire life in an engineering building
If only that Veeky Forums meme was true
What is a nerdy girl, really. The girls who make science or coding or even engineering their lives - those are autists. The girls who like coming book movies and video games are just normal people and they all want to be fucked hard like any other woman.
I see no benefit to "nerdy girl". Is there one.
If I really find a clever one, I can take advantage of her smarts without romantics. In fact if she sucls you off it's kind of an intellectual downer.
They usually are low status too.
I have a loyal wife who takes care of our household and children instead.
has anyone here actually fucked nerdy/smart girls?
Nerdy girls are the worst sluts.
I also took an arabic course. It's full of western sluts who want to ride the arab cock carousel.
>Veeky Forums
Come on, dude. Some of us have been sexually abused when we were children.
I'm a broken person who has never had a girlfriend of any type.
I have two children and we're planning a third.
>not trve kvlt
get out normie
that's fucked up
how old are you?
I just want an art girl more than anything. Ive already had my opportunity with girls into math and science.
I will be 30 later this year.
My wife is 24.
Define girlfriend
I'm asexual, arromantic and schizoid. For me girls are nothing more than bald monkeys
point mass
define girlfriend as a metric in R^2
Stop insulting monkeys. At least monkeys can be loyal, empathetic and altruistic.
from what inertial reference frame?
My gf and I are both CompE, we have nice discussions about niche processor designs, useless algorithms, what we did at work in our rivalry slavery companies and modern physics that we dont come close to understand, then we watch friends while we eat and then have the nastiest sex.
My 3 hours of free time everyday for the last year and a half, are you jealous /sci?
>>Inbefore the "how do you not kill yourself user"
I contimplate about doing it every damn night, I even have a 7.62 single bullet in a pipe with a pullable spring with a piece of metal at the end because guns are illegal here. It's ready all I have to do is pull the fucking spring and bite the pipe.
But why user
Doesn't seem like a bad life, what's got you down, user?
Wtf is she some sort of high school English teacher or something nomsayn?
>tfw no galois field
It's dull, nothing interesting is happening, I can't enjoy the little things anymore, I feel like im in a loop doing the same old stuff again and again, what's even worst is that I know that this is best that I'll ever get, hightec bubble is inbound to burst, intell just fired 10000 employes, gf will eventually find someone better, or even worst, she will stay with me untill the end, I'm just another clug in the machine, no chance for greatness, no chance to excel, my life in mundane and there's just no point to do anything anymore the only thing that is holding me from ending this is how sad my parents will be if they find out I killed myself.
Don't waste your life user. I'm sure there are many people out there that identify with your feelings, why not use this as an opportunity to start some sort of political movement? I know I feel a lot of the same feelings, and I think this is an increasingly common sentiment.
>my life in mundane and there's just no point to do anything anymore the only thing that is holding me from ending this is how sad my parents will be if they find out I killed myself.
Get married and have kids you fucking retard what do you expect, you're an adult now. Kids, family, etc.
Why should I waste my time with brainlet sluts nevertheless brainlet sluts that feign intellectualism?
damn I know you are trying to help and all but PLEASE refrain from posting things like this, that is, ridiculous alternatives that no one would ever considering pursuing and even if they did, it would end horrifically. This will accelerate suicide.
I feel you ,bro. I don't want life. I want nothing to do with it.
OP here
I do every night bruh
I hate to say it, but she might be smarter than me. Well in tea of math and programming she is. At least I can say I'm red pilled
I have.
This thread made me think about them.
The sex wasn't as good, but the conversations were amazing. Like, fulfilling for a lifetime amazing.
So of course I married a thick, moody, angry artist with the biggest boobs
At least you settled for a high test
>I'm red pilled
yep she's smarter than you alright
you forgot autistic
You said it yourself: For startest, do some more theoretical physics.
No, why. You say you waste time with the gf routine.
After 3 months I guess you realize that while you need sex, perusing it actually a severe time waster.
It's just good to get off weekly in vagina. Keeps self-esteem up.
>>I'm red pilled
>yep she's smarter than you alright
>At least you settled for a high test
My T levels tested at 1080 ng/mol at age 28. I don't lift. I don't have muscles. But muh dick makes all the decisions
Looks like a smartphone drone.