Do you think req will end up absorbing chainlink and they will just get sergey to work on reqs trustlessness component?
Do you think req will end up absorbing chainlink and they will just get sergey to work on reqs trustlessness component?
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heil sieg
Why are the fucking newfags acting as if it's something new that Request is communicating with Chainlink? It's been known for months that Request plans to use Chainlink's oracles.
Too bad it has to be a pajeet coin and not something goat like Cardano or litecoin
lol what?
You do know its REQ that needs LINK right? LINK doesnt need REQ.
REQ is just some potential hot thot looking a cash grab and LINK is the sportstar.
You must be unironically dumb. Holy shit...
fucking retarded brainlet
LINK hasn't even mentioned REQ lol. Meanwhile REQ mentioned it months ago as a get-hype run and to make it seem legit early on, and now it's a large fraction of their "big announcement".
REQ clearly gets raped by LINK's singularity.
Can confirm as soon as they first mentioned link I went all in on link. Reddit is going to eventually come to link via req
>tfw 50/50 in REQ and LINK
It's gonna be a good year boys
>LINK hasn't even mentioned REQ lol.
Perhaps they would have if they had biweekly updates ;^)
These biweekly updates numb the news
LINK will be far bigger than REQ so can't see it.
LINK will be the project what every other project uses but no one knows about. Perfect disguise.
>Cardano or litecoin
eth clone and btc clone
>Implying LINK cares about some shitcoins adopting their oracles
They are working with SWIFT, JP Morgan and Tesla, you retarded newfag.
CL is the alpha male in this crypto market.
Like the Chad at a party who even if late has the attention of all hottest bitches to themselves
It will be even more visible as all the shitcoin dapps realize they have to support their smacrt contract with outside data
Could you please kys
The dumbest thing I've ever heard
What are you kids still arguing about haha :D
Check out DGB 10 years ahead all of you :D
whaow pls kys immediatree
This bait frustrates me
No pajeets, no jews, not even any soy boys except maaybe that guy at the bottom who's an "advisor."
French are worse than pajeets and jews.
Go away Schlomo, we aren't falling for your d&c anymore.
Is chainlink a middleware or more like plattform for oracles/smartcontract/dataproviders?
Team full of literal chads. They get more pussy than all of Veeky Forums combined.