my gf is normie beyond belief and unironically seeks validation from multiple social media platforms. i can't look at her social media shit without cringing. leaning towards dumping her to focus on myself, my money, and my hobbies. am i making the right move anons? anyone else do something similar?
inb4 r9k faggots
Dumping GF to focus on $
the trick with living with the downsides of any choice is to accept them beforehand
Avoid any woman that virtue signals. You are making the right choice m8.
why the fuck do you ask us, you have already made up your mind, read what you wrote
GF bags are the heaviest bags of them all, more inflationary than the dollar. Best of luck. I recommend only buying GF bags for pump and dump
Why even have a gf if you're rich user. Just sleep with women. Don't date them.
Is this a real question
Can I buy your bags from you? I need a gf.
dubs confirm
true, it's hard though
these bags are so heavy
depends on how hot she is
Hey user, my cousin and sister are very much like this, both have large followings (one has managed to monetize) on social media.
They both have, and are currently cheating on their boyfriends.
While I know that this isn't a rule you can apply across a broad scope of people, validation must be internal, it cannot be given to people.
People that seek it, and cannot find it, are doomed to be destructive.
Insecurities are born from this.
Don't get hurt. I know you don't only care about money brother, so take a good look at what is at risk by pursuing somebody who needs to change. Because ultimately that's what you would need to help her do to stay with her.
Just focus only on your goals while ignoring her. Use her for sex/affection only until she figures it out.
lol underrated
good stuff OP, get rid of dumb brainwashed whores quick before they make you suffer more in the long run
find a nice traditional christian girl later on
i don't think she's cheating on me, but who knows. thanks for the insight user
this is cruel and i'd rather just leave her and get other pussy
Yes. I met my last gf when I was 21 and she 20. Gave up at 26. She was smart and ambitious in the beginning but slowly degenerated into another vapid cunt. Dropped out of school. Couldn't hold a real job. Demanded double standards. Complete consumer whore. No cerebral interests. She also spent less time with me and more with clusters of similarly vapid bitches drinking and trying to relive college years. Cut your losses now and focus on yourself. They're all the same, just a matter of time. Don't let any madly-in-love cucked soyboy tell you differently.
Was she on hormonal birth control?
>both have, and are currently cheating on their boyfriends.
Be a bro, you know what to do.
that's interesting. do you genuinely believe that they're all the same?
It's really comforting that while they deteriorate with age, it takes a really long time before it's too late for a man to find a woman he's compatible with.
Even if sensible women have become all but extinct.
I hate my brother in law, and my cousin goes through boyfriends like Veeky Forums goes through Shitcoins.
If you like her, stay with her. If you dont like her then dont stay with her. Simple. Why would you let her social media convince your otherwise. If you dont give a fuck about social media then why would you give a fuck about how she acts on social media. Also since when can a gf prevent you from taking interest in your hobbies unless she's got no friends and relys on you to consume all her time. If you need to ask an anonymous image board the question then maybe you need to look at yourself, most people replying on here are probably horrific looking cretins who have never had a gf
True, and we can also go for younger girls if we're older and have money.
Because while Veeky Forums is generally a cesspool, there are some anons here I truly relate to. In a way, a lot of us are like-minded, even though we call each other retards and faggots all day. I don't care what they look like, btw.
he is right user, you have to fuck your cosuin and your sister
>having a gf that uses social media for personal use
>not having a gf whos only allowed to use Instagram to manage and promote your co-owned shopify store
Doing it wrong bro.
Fair enough, sounds like they deserve each other.
i'd NEVER run a business with my significant other. if it works for you, congrats on that. seriously. but i'd never do that
women are for having children and marriage. If you're not doing that then whats the fucking point of a relationship? my longest one was almost 2 years and I'm glad to be single right now
my two best friends (we're24yo) both live with their girls, have no plans for their future, and have cats and dont want children
cant wait until their women realise that they actually want kids and will dump their manchildrens asses and they will have much darkness to go through after the fact
if a girl wants to fuck, fuck her and dont pay too much attention to women in general
also, you can have hot steamy relationships even in your 30s, 40s and 50s, so why rush this shit?
Wow she sounds awful I think I'd break up with her too.
My gf is nearly perfect, biz would love her. We've been together nearly 3 years and in that time I've been very slowly and systematically redpilling her. I'm almost done. She's also been in crypto since late May (just holding eth and btc because I didn't want her to have tax headaches).
Lads let me tell you, you won't find the ideal woman out there, you gotta go out and find one who's good enough and then mold and shape her into what you want yourself.
yeah, i'm trying to do this, but my gf hardly responds to it. fuck she gives good head though
same situation user, dump her get and yourself an upgrade with them gains
theres only one rule in this life not to be a faggot
ignore women make money
why is that so hard to understand OP?
Is your gf 10/10? if not then dump her roast
sounds ideal
she is 7.5/10 qt.314 aryan
>gf seeks validation from social media.
>leaning towards dumping her.
>am i making the right move?
Comes to Veeky Forums seeking validation.
Doesn't realize the same insecurities seen in gf are in himself.
The reason is not social media cringe but deeper. reflect within little grasshopper.
So basically avoid over half of the women on this planet? (Optimistic estimation)
kek'd. this is an anonymous board, user. i am consulting with my bizraelies. much different from posting selfies on normiebook and memebird
You'll miss the benefits of a gf but if you really cant stand her then do it
>the benefits
Just say it. The ass. He will miss her ass.
if your a gf is a 10/10, 120IQ+ and you took her virginity. Id say shes a keeper (seriously fuck you). But I doubt someone on a chinese sewing website would get one so dump her.
It's a slow process.
She also has to start out semi-autistic with neutral political stances. Much easier to mold a person into what you want if they've never been the opposite of the goal. My gf hardly has any friends of her own, she couldn't be a vapid whore even if she wanted to because she rarely sits on Instagram and doesn't meet a lot of people. She's also studying to become an actuary so she's not an idiot either. Good luck senpai but good head isn't worth a plethora of trouble down the road. If that's her only redeeming quality then that means feminism has succeeded in reducing her to just her holes. You don't need someone like that in your life, you need someone who will help you grow
holy shit this is enlightening. i think you struck home with the last part. she doesn't help me grow. i tell her about shit i'm doing and she just gives me some half-assed encouragement. thank you user
>seeks validation from multiple social media platforms
Dump her NPC ass.
> (You)
>kek'd. this is an anonymous board, user. i am consulting with my bizraelies. much different from posting selfies on normiebook and memebird
It is the same. Just a different circle.
the decision has already been made none-the-less. good luck on your new path. make gains. start afresh.
My gf is 23 and hasn't used social media in 2 years. Get yourself a real girl who isn't obsessed with that BS. A mature adult doesn't seek validation from randos they don't even talk to.
banging random hoes gets boring real quick and it's nice to settle down when you find someone right
Stop with the virginity obsession it's the dumbest shit ever. If you're 22+ you aren't finding a virgin and honestly you probably don't want one.
I did the same and never looked back.
Don't mess with bitches who have hardly anything to contribute and will only (potentially) drag you down. Even if my gf isn't interested in what I'm doing personally she is very encouraging and tries to contribute in any way she can. This is the goal, your girl should be like a teammate because the mutual end goal should be healthy marriage and strong family. For a healthy marriage you need a teammate, not a leech.
Don't listen to everyone who says never get married. Never get married to a western modern woman. Get married to a qt traditional chick with wholesome values. They're out there
Veeky Forums i have a problem
My gf is incredibly hot(like 3 or 4 points above me) and incredibly loyal, and loves me more than anything. But she's so insecure that I'm constantly under attack. I can barely even go hang out with my friends without her, without her lobbing accusations at me and making me feel guilty for socializing without her.
I know that this will drive me crazy long-term, so I'm considering breaking up with her because it's only logical to end a relationship if I don't see myself being happy long-term.
If I break up with her it will absolutely crush her, I don't know if I can live with that
I need advice
>both have, and are currently cheating on their boyfriends
I'm so glad I don't have a sister. I would never be able to look at her the same way if she did this. Cheating makes me lose ALL respect for someone, cheaters are lower than dirt.
What would Chad do?
I'd probably say something like "baby I love you but we're 2 seperate people. I got my own thing and you got your own thing and sometimes u just gotta let me rock on my own."
That's it. U just gotta put your foot down. She will try to bitch and manipulate you but keep your foot down, she has to realize you're not her slave/doormat who will always be there for her 100% of the time. Make it like 90% of the time
>implying i cave to her demands
No user, I basically do what I want. It's just I feel guilty doing it, and then I feel bad when she's sad.
My gf is horrible with money. I let her use my credit card she spent 4k at giant eagle in 2 weeks. Wtf is she buying. Stresses me out so bad almost breaking up over it. Never do this
Nah then you're in the right spot. Your feeling so guilt are 100% up to you. Talking with her won't ease them.
I told my gf very early into the relationship that I do what I want and she has no control over me, she can only help sway my opinion. It was early enough that she could've broken up with me for that reason alone. But she didn't nie she has to deal with it.
Tell her to deal with it. Sometimes u just gotta tough love it out
I'd tell my gf exactly how much I love her, but then I'd tell her how her behaviour is making me feel. Then listen to her and accept that I may have done something to make her feel this way as well.
Then both say what we're going to try to differently to make things better.
Communication is everything in a relationship.
Just don't become too much of a pussy while doing it.
i tried this shit, she just defends herself
How does she defend herself?
Cool blog post OP.
enjoy your hand.
just justifies the shit she does that pisses me off
typical female shit but i'm not having it anymore
Yeah but what does she say? If I'm not prying too much.
just think extremely defensive and deep brain chain holder level of cope
It's been a year and I still feel guilty, and I can tell that she is just uncomfortable when I go out drinking with my friends, god FORBID there are other girls there. It drives her crazy which makes me feel bad.
Dude I'm obviously open and honest with her. But she just has huge trust/insecurity issues.
The idea of just "dealing with it" for the rest of my life is depressing. I need a girl who just understands that I'm not going out and banging other chicks, I just need time with my buddies.
>deep brain chain holder level
Damn. Ok, well that's a bad sign. I might suggest raising that concern as well.
If she doesn't get that then I'm sorry to say it isn't looking good. You need to be able to have honest conversations without it turning into a competition. Otherwise this is all just going to build up.
im trying, but at this point id rather just leave. it doesnt look like a good long-term hold. too much fud
Doesn’t work with white women I agree. I have a submissive asian qt who listens to everything I say, she has literally no say in what happens, so there’s no chance for problems.
true. my gf is white, idk if i mentioned that in this post
You have a mom don’t you..? You think she’s somehow different than every other female on the planet? Lmao.
Honestly if she has social media she’s either cheating on you actively or has at least a dozen + guys she’s already lined up as your replacement. I’ve seen this shit so many times that there’s literally zero doubt this is the case. Yes you can generalize this much when it comes to women.
Sometimes I get lonely and wish I had a GF. Then I remember that no amount of sex or companionship is worth an entire human being worth of problems and expenses.
this seems extremely pessimistic, but thanks user. it will happen today
congrats on this. seriously.
You should strive to avoid 95% of women on the planet.
femanon here, I love reading posts about women on this board cause you guys always make me feel better about myself since I tend to be nothing like the gfs you guys hate but more like the gfs people say they keep around
You're doing your calculations wrong. You're forgetting that while the companion is human and has problems, to yourself those problems are minuscule compared to your own problems. So what you're getting with a gf is sex and companionship, with a TINY FRACTION of the problems, since her problems probably don't matter to you at all.
sounds like a larp, but if not, good for you.
how big is your cock
snow bepis
>claims to be "different" than the social media addicted whores
>makes a post like this that just BEGS for (you)'s
Fuck off roastie
>social media whore
>wanting a bit of positive reinforcement and attention
Social media whores want a thing that in small amounts is healthy. The difference is they are grotesquely addicted to it.
Yeah, when a girl constantly needs validation that's how you know you're wasting your time. Things get tough, you have to take care of business and you can't show her the attention she supposedly "needs" she'll bond with whichever male is going to give her that, if she's not ugly she'll have plenty to choose from.
I've learned from my mistakes, I'm going to wait until I'm like mid 30s to really try and find a partner to settle down with. At my current age, it's as if every single girl out there is just hoeing it up.
>You think she’s somehow different than every other female on the planet
>every female on the entire planet has cheated
You're fucking delusional.
more like I felt it was time I said something nice about you guys since you may not realize conversations like this actually help not only the male anons but some femanons too.
femanons are a myth
Do it, focus on your hobbies and your portfolio.
Its not like you cant pick her back up when you've /madeit/
Here's another (you)
Except you didn't say anything like that, you just said "hi im different than those OTHER girls"
when i /makeit/ why would i pick her back up
my gf is an 8/10 but is socially awkward and has almost no social media presence. feels good
you two should fuck
Not what I was implying exactly but you’re clearly not ready for any red pills anyway. Kek.
Can confirm this hypothesis based on my experiences also.
oh yes, I'm so sorry. you're absolutely correct. I should've worded my whole post on behalf of all biz women and should've said stated that it was not only me who may have felt this slight ting of happiness, but I'm sure some other femanons do feel this happiness too when reading posts like this .
Yes, you are quite literally better off.
Absolutely. White women are over whemingly the worst when it comes to this shit btw.
Eat shit Reddit
I should've never have thought to post about myself cause only real men with gfs and gf advice/troubles are the only people who can post. oh no, let me just go ahead and delete my whole post I should've known better. You're so right user, I'm just a disgusting roastie who should know her place
holy fuck already made everything about you
>posted to say "it's a good thing i'm not like them"
>proves you are exactly like them