>Implying significant intelligence drift can happen in 45,000 years
>Implying significant biological divergence can happen at all within 45,000 years (melanin and minor bone changes are minor)
>Implying the argument that physical barriers to advancements don't exist
>Implying intelligence dimorphism is in any way beneficial or even really possible in any mammals that isn't heavily diverged.
>Implying female minds are vastly different from males instead of some chemical changes
>Implying any resource you pull up to defy the last post isn't unrepeatable clickbate based garbage
>Implying the same for race
>Implying IQ is in any way a good resource in terms of demographics, not to mention intelligence in general
>implying any intelligence inequality can't be explained by educational/economic inequality
Why are /pol/cucks so stupid?
Why do /pol/cucks have to trail their shit into every board they walk past?
Implying significant intelligence drift can happen in 45,000 years
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying dogs don't exist
>Aimed breeding programs that intentionally select inbreed abominations are accurate windows into how natural evolution works
>What is selective breeding
>What was neanderthal interbreeding
>What are dominant traits
Do you seriously not understand something so simple?
desu, there is a very high correlation between twins reared apart and a very low correlation between unrelated kids reared together, on IQ.
>natural selection is less powerful of a guiding tool than artificial selection
wew fucking lad
>implying Neanderthals improved intelligence
>Implying intelligence isn't dominant, or a incredibly beneficial trait to have
Implying natural selection can lead to such dramatic changes in 45,000 years without some SERIOUS environmental changes.
>implying intelligence wouldnt stay constant regardless because of how useful it is
Everyone thinks they've figured out what's wrong with the world. For /pol/ it's non-whites, for /r9k/ it's women and so on... There's a reason they aren't a part of Veeky Forums in the first place. Ignore them and move on.
That said, a lot of the things you quote are not definitively solved, so taking the exact opposite viewpoint without hard evidence (being contrarian to /pol/'s contrarianism) doesn't make you automatically right (about some of them at least).
yeah environmental changes like going OUT OF AFRICA
don't you think people would evolve differently in deserts, jungles, temperate north?
and I mean repeated sources
>>implying intelligence wouldnt stay constant regardless because of how useful it is
Did ya read the next line?
I understand that, but for the most part, these seem like the most sane answers scientist have until further notice.
the only one that I can see being questionable is the IQ one
Explain assburgers that are smart but suck at everything else, a really smart assburger probably couldnt survive in well in 500 AD
i'm instead implying that intelligence INCREASED in response to harsher environments that required more planning and cooperation
and what's important, is that said increase happened after we left africa and become distinct populations
Neanderthal interbreeding caused a large change in the genome. One of its effects was altering brain structure in homosapiens. That is a fact.
> if you think these things you're a polcuck
I hope when Trump gets elected, he makes an annual SJW purge day, so we can get rid of this cancer for good.
>what are philosophers
just kidding,
but no seriously autism is called a mental disorder for a reason
Intelligence doesn't just rise out of nowhere dude, we barely figured out how to use fire 400,000 years ago, you really think we can change that much in such a relatively small amount of time?
>Neanderthal interbreeding caused a large change in the genome.
good so far
>One of its effects was altering brain structure in homosapiens
[citation needed]
>What is selective breeding
>What is inter breeding
>What is genetics lol
Gas yourself redditor.
>voting for trump
>not a /pol/cuck
yes we can change that much, through natural selection.
people who can't plan ahead die out, people who can survive and reproduce.
natural eugenics.
>I hope when Trump gets elected, he makes an annual SJW purge day, so we can get rid of this cancer for good.
If he gets elected, you're in for a surprise.
Oh sure, he's a racist...
But he's also a democrat.
See: the rest of the thread retard
Are you implying its harsher in the fertile crescent than it was in Sub Sharan Africa?
Because thats what it sounds like
This summarizes studies that summarize data on IQ. Only point d) comes from a single study and it is unfortunate because it is an important one.
Yes I am.
In Fertile africa you fuck all day, raise kids, and hunt animals. There's no real planning needed.
up north you have things like winter and agriculture. who do you think survives the winter?
>same /pol/cuck lurker that posts in every thread that mentions /pol/
>SAME pic every time
>same levels of butthurt
topkek, you're not even trying anymore. You're even worse than the "proud" neonazis of /pol/, at least they aren't closeted and actually have the balls to admit their views and defend them, no matter how stupid.
Explain Ashkenazi jews. Incontrovertibly the most intelligent ethnicity on the planet with a mean iq of 115. All thanks to centuries of breeding patterns that selected for intelligence.
To deny racial differences in intelligence is to deny evolution. And of course all of the countless studies where the iq gap never goes away.
Civilization came from the fertile crescent first m8
At that point the Nords were about as advanced as Africans in mud huts, not even farming, the only difference between the two it that the former had fur coats and were closer to Egypt than sub Sahara, taking in physical barriers
talking about privilege is dangerous I have learned
>Explain Ashkenazi jews. Incontrovertibly the most intelligent ethnicity on the planet with a mean iq of 115. All thanks to centuries of breeding patterns that selected for intelligence.
>IQ = intelligence
>IQ is wholly determined by genetics
>IQ isn't malleable
>Education, intellectual environment and high living conditions have nothing to do with it
Pretty decent, for bait.
Ok, so what does this mean?
Legit question
And can I have the document this is from?
yeah and civilization came from agriculture
there were seasons, patterns to recognize. If you can't do shit, you die out. That area is nothing like subsaharan africa.
>>IQ is wholly determined by genetics
Not him, but... that's a strawman.
>putting a meme arrow before things that hurt my fee fees make them not true
ah, to be young and Reddit again...
I dont think you are getting my point
What you claim is that whites who had to deal more shit and are therefore "more evolved" right?
I'm saying before fertile crescent civ's spread there influence they were on par, and sometimes even worse off than the Africans in sub Sahara.
which would mean that the fertile crescent people were much more advanced and are smarter than nords and indeed whites in general
ah, to be underage and /pol/ again...
yeah I honestly believe that the most intelligent people came from the fertile crescent and then spread outward. I don't think the Greeks and Romans were Germanic peoples, although after that whole fall thing, Europe absorbed most of the intelligence and civilization
it came from grain, not just any agriculture.
Can somebody post a study that where the race gap in iq actually goes away? I've never seen one.
So whats your point?
Thats kind of hard to do because they assume IQ is equal anyways, so differences stand out if and when they do occur
it's possible for certain populations to evolve more intelligence
this is hilarious
Somewhere around the corner, even your fellow /pol/acks in this thread are cringing at your comment.
> omg its pol everytime and i know for a fact
> gets mad when everyone makes fun of their kind
SJW pls...stop projecting your retardation just because you happen to be a stinky fat social reject of a landwhale. Nobody likes you just because you pretend to have the moral high ground and think racism against white people isn't racism.
Now go spread your ebola elsewhere, heres another picture of you since it gets you mad as hell to look at yourself.
Thanks for proving my point SJWtard. Careful not to get a heart attack while your pounding your keyboard with rage.
why did you delete your post before reposting it anyway?
but how?
How does the fertile crescent offer more challenge to intelligence than hostile areas?
why'd you delete your comment?
Its seem like a contradiction of your own argument to me.
There was a compressed version of it
>Its seem like a contradiction of your own argument to me.
did NOT Mean that for YOU
Meant that for you
Lets see how many SJWtard invaders on Veeky Forums will get butthurt over this.
saved to be reposted indefinitely
just think critically about it for a while
I'm sure you can figure it out if you really care to
Thats a cop out if I ever seen one.
No offense
> All thanks to centuries of breeding patterns that selected for intelligence.
user all that happened was them getting bottlenecked, none of the patterns were actively based on selecting for intelligence.
Ashkenazi jews are basically the original hipsters of culture and religion who were forced by almost every major population in Eurasia to keep to themselves.
China was the only ones who remotely breed themselves by intelligence and that was mostly by proxy of the imperial exams they had. Which explains why they and other east asian populations will kick your teeth in on standardized test.
you are such an idiot lol
This is why we need a SJW filter for Veeky Forums. They infect every board and blame everyone else for their autism.
Founder effects can make and have made those happen in the space of a couple of generations, this has been verified with 100% certainty in animals other than humans as well.
Not intelligence.
The most dramatic change in humans have been the development of small things (melanin to fit with solar output, better underwater sight, higher stamina in mountain areas) that can be easily adapted too, but nothing major and surely nothing speciating
wonderful argument
BTW, Veeky Forums does have a filter option m8.
You should know that if you're not new.
it doesn't autofilter autism and cancerous shitposters like OP that constantly make irrelevant threads on a science board.
Found the throwback.
Whats autistic about it?
And what do you mean the filter doesn't work?
Just put in the words that are triggering you and boom, never see it again.
Or are you just mad that people have different opinions on your Chinese chalkboard sim?
No I just don't wanna see irrelevant non-sci threads on my board. This blog mentality makes SJWtards think people should be exposed to their retarded opinions out of their tumblr blogs as well, and yeah they do get triggered when they realized they are a small minority and nobody agrees with them.
>Not intelligence.
I'm sure that if you managed to test the IQ of the animals which have been showed to have evolved from founder effects there would be a difference.
>but nothing major
Please do not use subjective terms in serious discussions.
Wow, you sure do sound like your projecting
>my board
> projecting
I'm not the one who made this non-sci thread that you're defending for your life. Now fuck off back to tumblr or whatever anus you crawled out of. This is a science board, not your personal blog.
But we aren't talking about any old animal are we?
But you're right.
When I said major, I meant that no sharply defined deviation of IQ has been found across every race that hasn't been recognized by the majority of science.
You seem really mad for no reason.
And how is this a blog post?
We've had a serious discussion here about racial and gender deviation.
You're a faggot.
not him, but
>my board
yeah, he was right and you're not fooling anyone.
At least man the fuck up and admit you're from /pol/. Jesus.
> Anyone whos sick of seeing SJWtard blogposts on Veeky Forums must be /pol/
Do you always have to make it so obvious that you're a SJWtard idiot shitter ?
1 Level of intelligence is determined by genes
2 Ashkenazi Jews have more intelligent genes than the rest of us
[waits for the /pol/sters to angrily respond]
> SJW is the only one denying intelligence is relevant to genes or even measurable
> omg lol its pol that denies it now
Sure you're trying hard enough retard.
[waits for the sjwtards hypocritical post where he denies genetic intelligent gap between blacks and the rest of us]
>denying intelligence is relevant to genes
I never denied that. Can you even read?
> implying intelligence comes from genetics
typical poltard autism. SJW will crucify you for that
there are only two kinds of humans
sjw and pol
>you really think we can change that much in such a relatively small amount of time?
Yes. If it were a selective evolution (95% of initial population dies because reasons and serious bottleneck occurs) significant changes can happen much faster than mutative evolution would permit.
Correct, but such an event has not happened, unless you are talking about this theory en.m.wikipedia.org
>but such an event has not happened
It seems plausible to me that as we migrated certain portions of the migrant population were unable to adjust to the different environment and died out, leaving only a selection remaining.
Also the selection event could have been deciding to migrate out of africa to begin with, for what it's worth.
Its very much plausible, but it wouldn't correlate well with intelligence unless done so evenly or in homo sapiens natural habitat.
>it wouldn't correlate well with intelligence unless done so evenly or in homo sapiens natural habitat.
There doesn't appear to be an obvious good reason for it to, though that doesn't preclude the possibility.
For your interest: a map of average brain volume by geographic location
Brain volume does not correlate with intelligence.
See:Blue whale.
>Brain volume does not correlate with intelligence.
Interspecies brain volume does not correlate with intelligence* would be my rebuttal
And mine would be wouldn't necessarily be so on the species level either.
It may be a weakish correlation but it's certainly there. For instance there is no way for something whose brain is the size of an ant's to be as intelligent as a human.
But centimeter off?
There is no way that is in any way significant.
It's certainly not the best measure; neuron count likely offers a superior correlation. Neurons are very large in blue whales so we actually have more neurons despite having a smaller brain.
Mm, but sadly a cursory search turned up no research on the neuron count of people who inhabit various geographies.
Yeah that's right. Wait, isn't all land life from Africa?
>Implying significant intelligence drift can happen in 45,000 years
depends on selection.
You can have significant achievements within a few generations. Just look up "belgian blue". An extremely muscular cow which started to be selected in the nineteenth century.