Anyone get their grades yet? How'd you do Veeky Forums?
Anyone get their grades yet? How'd you do Veeky Forums?
College Algebra: C
Philosophy: A+
English I: A
Intro to Natural Science: B-
I was happy with my grades. Not going to brag on fucking Veeky Forums about them. I'm pretty narcisstic, but this is retarded.
that's exactly what a brainlet would say
you don't like plug and chug?
terrible. B for Calc II, D for Physics II, F for Discrete math and F for Thermodynamics.
100% my fault. Didn't study for any of it. Went through a ton of bullshit the entire year and felt depressed. Calculus is fun though. I have to repeat Physics, Discrete and Thermodynamics next semester. Hopefully I'll get 4.0 GPA
Here's your (You).
it's literally impossible to get a 4.0 GPA with a B. So unless you wanna add Calc 2 to that list of repeated classes it's not gonna happen.
Don't shoot for a 4.0. It's so naive with the grades you currently have and will only set you up for disappointment. Set reasonable goals, man. It does so much more for your self esteem if you can actually reach your goals.
Not yet, but I think I aced
I mean in the classes I have to repeat
Yeah I understand. I'm just pretty angry at myself the past few days. I really want to do well next semester. I don't want to keep letting myself down.
I feel ya. Good luck on getting shit together. I'd seriously recommend having like blocks of time allocated to studying everyday to keep it routine.
I got an A in my rigorous stat and circuits classes that I took this semester, but ended up getting a B in French I and an A- in my linguistics elective. Could've had the 4.0, better luck next year hopefully.
Calc I: C+
Lin Algebra I: C
Chem II: C-
Eng Statics: C
Intro to Comp: A
If I'd gotten an A- I'd be on academic probation right now :')
This place is full of narcissistic retards, don't tell me you are just figuring this out.
>I was happy with my grades.
brainlet spotted.
anything lower than all A's along with a 20+ hour course load is babby tier.
Quantum Theory I: A
Electricity & Magnetism II: B
don't sweat it. those courses are useless anyways
That's stupid. A light meaningful course load where you really invest into the classes is considersbly more important....And doing research.
They are all As right now but I'll probably drop the ball with the finals, do exceptionally mediocre on the ACS, and be a fucking stuttering, unimaginative oaf doing summer research. I do hope to get an A in bridge jumping/shotgun mouth wash 101.
God my parents must feel so bad about their entire lineage, the entire genetic history of our blood when they see all that it was capable of producing after a 1000 years: me
Who else suffering everyday crew?
I'm not. What I am sweating right now is Calc II. Looking forward to English and Philosophy in the summer term though.
>started semester semi strong
>got and started an internship paying 25$/hr (a few months later went up to 30$/hr; got job through a kickass connection through networking and some projects/passions impressed the dudes)
>worked 25 hours a week at internship
>spend most of my downtime learning foreign languages, shitposting, vidya, fapping, reading about history, and watching movies/YT videos
>skipped some lectures here and there
>neglected classes until last second to finish/copy hw or study for tests
>few tests didnt even study for
>got a 25% on a midterm test in HT
>labs basically are all group work, i minimally contribute
>basically at my internship 50% of the time i am shitposting/all of the shit i mentioned before except fapping
>become pretty valuable there
>dont really gaf about school since i got a kickass internship which might turn into full time employment when i graduate
>my finals are spaced out a week apart each, cram the last second for each
>groups basically do all of the final projects
>have final project in nano, actually have an A when you dont count the project
>have a month and half to do it
>turn it in the day before grades are due, a week and half after the due date
>professor writes me email and says my project basically sucked and I could do better if I put in effort
>heat transfer final allowed to bring 2 front back note sheets, print out all hw problems in ant sized font on expensive printer at office in those two pages, feel like i do pretty well
>get pic related
>internship checks my transcripts at the end of the semester but boss tells HR I should stay since I am pretty valuable
well shit it all went better than expected. I get to keep my scholarship even though my GPA was
Just no Veeky Forums.. I really don't feel like getting drunk tonight
Tfw all your friends have already gone off to 4 year college and you have been stuck in community college for 2 years with no friends or grade improvement.
I hate my life so much. I just wanna work with space vehicles or something I love NASA but too many gooks have better grades than me.
I fucking hate you Asian fucks we should have just killed you all in Nam and korea
I'm not reading all that shit, but I'm posting just to say I'll probably also be getting a C in linear feedback control systems this semester.
Just wrote the final. Don't feel good about it. Damn :/
I mean I graduated so I don't really care. Fuck school.
Sorry guy. At least you white guys get to go to pound town with white girls.
Well, you're everything I hate.
What specific things do you hate? The group project thing was kinda dick-ish, but I had some major project hogs in my groups.
there is no god
I am Italian, here we use a grading in thirtieth. I always thought that 27/30 was a good grade, but now I found out it's just a C according to my uni.
Fucking hell now I am depressed
Physics16: Mechanics and Special Relativity:B
Math 55a: Honors Abstract Algebra:B+
Computer Science 225: Pseudorandomness:A
Chemistry 161: Statistical Thermodynamics:A-
Thermodynamics ll: C
linal A+
diffeq A++
analysis A+++++++++
190 iq
what do i win pls?
Modern Africa + Differential Geometry? What the fuck are you doing?
Some schools consider an A+ to be higher than 4.0.
You could, in theory, get a few and get the points back.
4 As
2 Bs
>tfw you choke in your Humanities class (elective of course) and end up getting your only C
Lib art classes are free As.
Quantum Mech: A
Thermodynamics: A
Multivariable Calc: A-
English: A
English(another, fuck these geneds): A
Linear Algebra: A
>Quantum Mechanics: A
>Discrete Time Signals and Systems: A
>Linear Algebra: A
>Computer Architecture: B
My GPA is only getting worse and I have received no A's in senior level courses. Better than last semester where I got straight B's though.
He is taking German too. Maybe he is coming up with a final solution.