moons anonymously
Moons anonymously
the base it's forming on the daily chart is a good sign
thanks just bought ???k
Anything below 1000% isn't mooning.
But if it's anonymous how will you know it's mooning?
>anons scream that xmr is king because privacy and fungibility
>will be butt mad when gov steps in and bans privacy so hard all exchanges delist it, xmr plummets in value
decentralized exhange muh niggu
So... Got any vegan tips?
banning drugs sure did prevent their use and caused prices to plummet amirite guys xD
i doubt thats how its going to work out, but the point is something a lot of xmr holders dont understand.
lightning lets bitcoin get private layers and private transactions without needing to make any changes, and like any second layer it'll be instant and cheap. but the argument is always "its not private because bitcoin is public", which is the same argument as saying xmr isn't private because you have to exchange through a public blockchain or exchange.
as long as there are people that accept the private token directly, it doesnt matter what the underlying blockchain looks like. that said, there's still no reason to ever bother with shitcoins like zcash/zclassic/bitcoin private/zcoin/dash/pivx/cloakcoin, etc, because theyre all small time shitcoins and offer nothing over just using monero. but monro is going to have a tough time when bitcoin+ethereum start making real progress towards 1:1 private tokens on their platforms.
> Make smooties
> Eat alot of greens especially if you are caucasian
> Eat alot of nuts (inb4 eat dez nuts lulz)
> Eat whenever your hungry dont wait
> Learn how to cook on youtube
I have not eated meat since may and no shit I lost 40 pound i got a 6 pack now and woman love it
So sad how 10% gains is call for a “moon post” what happened to crypto
You don’t need to be vegan to get ripped. I see people saying “I’m vegan now” and I think to myself oh so you’re coming out the closet? Eat lean meats with protein g’s relative to your weight. Incorporate veggies and stay the fuck away from gluten and you’re fucking zac Efron by summer
S will go up next
thats just eating healthy though. nothing wrong with cutting out meat, probably a good thing as far as health goes, but theres no need to go all the way to vegan for that.
With decentralized exchanges like Bisq the only way this will happen is if they try to ban crypto outright, which they probably will when they get desperate
>as long as there are people that accept the private token directly, it doesnt matter what the underlying blockchain looks like.
Yes it does. XMR has a private blockchain, and not even the people you directly send coins to know your wallet address, balance, or history. It's far, far more opaque than anything (even an optional "privacy layer") Bitcoin can provide.
but that's exactly what i just refuted. a private token that lives on top of say, a lightning network like layer, provides you exactly the same level of privacy provided people accept the private token itself, just like the case with monero.
please read the whole thing next time.
>lightning lets bitcoin get private layers and private transactions
Lightning Network requires hot wallets with a visible balance. After all, if I want to send 1 BTC for example every node I route through NEEDS at least a 1 BTC balance.
>which is the same argument as saying xmr isn't private because you have to exchange through a public blockchain or exchange.
This is where localmonero or OTC buys comes into play.
high IQ there my gee
>never said you need to be vegan to get ripped
Also take it or leave it but the make sure you got all your protein is bullshit in 5 years its going to be something else
Polite sage
built on top of lightning, not lightning itself. the routing issue is the same problem we have today with acceptance for crypto as a whole, it won't be an issue if we ever see significant adoption.
and sure, buying in person is one of the possible solutions, but you can do that with any private token also. as long as both endpoints are private via the use of the token, then what goes on underneath has no relation to you whatsoever.
The fact that the recipient received a certain amount, as well as when they received it, remains public no matter what, as do all of your wallet balances. It wouldn't provide the same level privacy as Monero
This shit never gets old I love it.
you're describing the underlying chain, which is irrelevant. its effectively only "backing up" the value of the token, in the same way a second layer on monero would be doing the same. everything that happens on this private network would be absolutely as private as it is today on monero, the only weak points are when you have to leave the system, which is identical to monero.
this only works at scale anyway, so it's a long way off, but coins like btc/eth and simply going to have to have these kinds of networks for end users, because not having them is just a serious security issue when making payments.
Monero can and will implement lightning network as well when it is complete.
That doesn't fix the underlying issue of LN not being private. What if one of the nodes I route through doesn't allow for private transactions? What if one of the nodes I route through is a banking node with mandatory KYC/AML? What if you want to settle the transaction on-chain after you sent the payment through LN? The transaction will still be visible and the change in balance of wallets will be recorded.
>but you can do that with any private token also
ZEC/ZXC/CLOAK and the other plethora of 'privacy' coins still have public addresses and richlists, therefore defeating the point of doing private transactions through these coins.
its not about lightning network, its about other networks you can build on top. what part about the underlying network literally not mattering don't you understand?
>banking node with mandatory KYC/AML
now you're just showing you have no idea what you're talking about. a private network on btc will require as much of that bullshit as a private network on monero will.
yes, all of those coins are shitcoins, like i said. read the posts.
>a private network on btc will require as much of that bullshit as a private network on monero will.
Incorrect. Monero can stay 100% private on-chain whilst Bitcoin is 100% public on-chain. YOU best explain to me how a network built on top of a public second layer network built on top of a public first layer network is private in any sort of way.
anyone else mining the shit out of this over people's browsers? shit's cash
>on chain
we're talking about second layers. if i buy a private token and get it delivered to me on this second layer, then send it to someone else, literally nothing has happened on the blockchain. the only time the blockchain is involved is when people "settle", which for second layers at scale should never need to happen.
how do you think a second layer on monero is going to work? a second layer tx on monero causing any state changes on the blockchain itself is a failed second layer.
Eat shit buddy. Bitcoin will never be used for any type of serious privacy. It's a delusion.
Why would Monero need a second layer? Private transactions work on its first layer. I think you're grasping at straws if you think people are jumping through several hoops to setup a LN node, route their transactions and then expect them to NOT settle their transaction on-chain afterwards.
dont get emotionally attached to your coins. i probably own more xmr than you, i'm just being realistic.
bitcoin doesnt NEED to do anything to be used for privacy, there just has to be enough demand, and it will end up happening on the layers that are actually being used.
everything will. none of this shit scales, especially block processing on monero, is one of it's biggest bottlenecks. the fewer txs you have to store and process the more decentralized monero can stay.
>statist cucks will lay down and take this
Luckily for the rest of us, we won't.
and once again, this isn't about LN, this is about second layers of which LN is only one. you're really not seeing the bigger picture when it comes to the way these chains are going to be used in the future. settling a tx is going to be something nobody should ever have to do for day to day usage, if it is, then second layer networks have failed, and so have blockchains.
I can guarantee you 100% you do not own more XMR than me.
how many millions dollars worth of xmr do you have then? if you're discounting bitcoin it seems to be you're a bit of a late adopter.
>built on top of lightning
>J-just one more adoption phase and we'll have a working product!
I'm fucking done with corecucks, omfg.
ouch, seems like monero is getting full of these late adopter types these days. very disappointing.
I never discounted bitcoin. Learn to read. I discounted bitcoin ever being used for privacy. The dark net markets have already kicked bitcoin to the curb. What does that tell you?
You are smart, but you have zero foresight.
>late adoption
jfc, dude.
Why is it mooning?
If news I long x100
If no news short at x20
Can i get high off XMR nigger ? Are you that retarded ?
it tells me that for niche usages people will always require private blockchains as regulation and law enforcement catches up.
but you're missing the vast majority of people that dont have such a militant view on privacy, and simply dont want people being able to associate payments, or have people see how much money they have just when they send a tx.
literally no blockchain can scale its base layer to the extent that we need it, we either scrap blockchains altogether or we have to build layers on top. to think that nobody will ever attempt to fix any of bitcoin's shortcomings via these layers is just silly.
well calling someone a corecuck is the cry of the late adopter after all
Dynamic blocksizes allow for infinite scaling, zero conf transactions allow for near instant transactions.
>settling a tx is going to be something nobody should ever have to do for day to day usage
Satoshi designed Bitcoin so that you would always have control of your funds. Your wallet is your own personal bank. Why would I choose not to settle and let my crypto float around the network? It's the exact same bullshit we have with fiat right now. Just numbers in a bank account that I don't have ownership of.
>but you're missing the vast majority of people that dont have such a militant view on privacy, and simply dont want people being able to associate payments, or have people see how much money they have just when they send a tx.
this is what monero fixes.
do you run your own monero node by chance? what do you know what the developers don't?
and monero will absolutely need second layers if they expect to be able to serve any of those people.
This shit's been fluctuating between 2700 and 3000k sats for months now. It'll dumb back to 2700 in a bit, don't worry
The monero community has no issue with second layer scaling solutions.
maybe, but it's slowly making its way back up in the volume rankings. seeing shitcoins like litecoin ahead of monero is pretty comical though.
right, and while second layer solutions are on the table, any improvements that can be made with them, will be made. the question is do the public, who generally dont care about privacy, start to wake up before or after these layered approaches are made.
human tallness genes can be traced back to mamooth hunters
needless to say they were equivalent of special ops of the prehistoric times.
guess what their diet entailed?
various private coins?
How so?
Only time will tell if the public will change their mind on the importance of privacy. Personally I believe a radical change on the public's opinion of fiat needs to happen first before we see widespread use of crypto's in general.
Monero has no issue with it because it already has adaptive blocks, so any secondary layer won't be more or less mandatory for someone to use the network.
You can only bang on a wall so many times before it breaks. Monero has been consolidating between the 0.27 and 0.3 BTC area for a long time. Eventually it'll break through.
What caused it to moon?
People waking up to the fact they don't want to be stabbed by Taco Bell niggers every time they buy a burrito.
FOMO'd in at 325, did I fuck it up? Sell orders at 350, 360?
Forks soon so you might be good. Maybe will reach a new ATH. I fomod out at 30100 like usual. Pisses me off. Got in at 27 but still
To clarify for newfags, the HF isn't a chain split. It's just an upgrade.
Ohh nice didn't even realize about the fork, guess I'm holding and dumping right before it releases.
Upcoming fork
bow to the real king
>actual psychopath
the absolute state of vegans
Nano support soon?????A?~!!?!
Fuck off zogcash.
>Hello Not CIA
>Satoshi designed Bitcoin so that you would always have control of your funds. Your wallet is your own personal bank. Why would I choose not to settle and let my crypto float around the network?
This is the fundamental point LN proponents can't seem to wrap their head around and it brings up a larger point about what people expect cryptocurrency to be. On the one hand, you have guys like the person you are replying to, who claim to happily own a bunch of XMR, who would also be fine with some trusted secondary layer to hide his transactions so long as he was told it was anonymous. On the other hand, you have skeptics who understand that the entire reason cryptocurrency has any value is because the transactions are mathematically and cryptographically secure and you don't need to rely on some centralized third party to tell you that your funds were successfully sent from point A to point B. People in favor of the first scenario are so desperately clinging on to the idea that Bitcoin can solve every problem that they would willfully give up the control that Satoshi has given us.
[buying of unknown amounts intensify]
Holy shit is this dumb
uuh what
>I think we can make this anonymous currency non-anonymous while keeping it anonymous
Welcome to Zcash.
Welcome to the trusted setup. Whoever holds the keys of Zogcash's network has control over the entire network.
Also, the founders get 20% of every block reward. Isn't that nice?
This candle tho
>he holds the good goy coin
Let's get this shit started.
Imma dump my stack and rebuy lower, this is getting out of hand
whats even dumber is the trusted setup and the fact Zcash is trademarked, no one can even HF away from these jews
oh and it has a 20% dev tax over all coins mined
what useful things I can buy with monero?
drugs, guns, nukes, dollars
forgot the most important one, real life loli dolls
2 whole grain bread slices: 8 grams
A hefty amount of peanutbutter: 15 grams
30g vegan protein shake: 30 grams
Total: 53 grams
Oats + almond milk + 20g hemp protein powder: 20 grams
Large bowl of black beans + a little brown rice + optional salsa: 40 grams
Huel: 37 grams
Hemp hearts, broccoli, spinach, 10g cranberry seed protein: 25 grams
Hummus+pita: 20 grams (more like a snack)
Whole grain bun + beast burger: 29 grams
don't forget to throw in a banana, tangerine, mixed nuts, apple, blueberries, etc. I also take vegan multivitamins, calcium, iron, flax seed oil, and vitamin b12 supplements.
when does bctp come on the market. will that make xmr moon too ?
*sneaks into the top 10*