Can entropy be reversed, Veeky Forums?
Can entropy be reversed, Veeky Forums?
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Of course.
entropy can never happen because of gravity
Its called life
Another question: should the criteria for a thing being life be changed to simply "something that actively resists entropy"? That whole 6 characteristics of life thing has too many exceptions for my autistic brain desu
There is yet insufficient evidence for a meaningful answer.
Maxwell's demon is a bitch
Entropy will reverse with the Big Crunch
We don't know. There is no way to tell for certain if the laws of physics are universally true.
What if laws are like in real life where they only apply to certain jurisdictions?
life is entropically favorable (or else it wouldnt happen)
yes, although i am still working on my theory
we use a large hive of 50 qubit quantum computers to simulate the reversal of entropy in the universe (i calculate that at least 5000 qubits will be required to do this), and in doing so, the real universal entropy will also be reversed, simply by calculating this outcome.
essentially it would be an "inception" scenario
reversal of entropy in reality via reversal of entropy in a simulation
this would work by having the quantum computers calculate the reversal of entropy of calculating the reversal of entropy
in short by calculating the reversal of entropy of their own calculations, they will in fact reverse their own entropy.
Same answer as to the question:
"Can OP get heterosexual?"
> it's called life
Literally the most cretinous cringe worthy answer. The fact that someone actually supported this vomit just goes to show the charlatanism and general pretention on Veeky Forums.
t. absolutely disgusting
helpful note
the "t." means "signed:"
you just wrote "I'm absolutely disgusting", which is most likely true
There is yet insufficient data for meaningful answer.
Life is a reverse entropy.
i thought it was short for /thread, sorry ;/
false. life (metabolic processes) increase entropy more than if they did not occur, which is why it occurs at all ;)
yup, you're right user
Thermodynamics: 1
Creationists: 0
> life decreases local entropy
You fucking retards.
There's a fuckton of systems that lower local entropy naturally.
We're obviously talking about UNIVERSAL entropy goddamn niggers.
You really don't understant what life is.
it takes energy to make that matter. Life increases entropy more than if it did not exist.
OP asked : " Can entropy be reversed ? "
Life is a valid answer but i understand that it's a complex concept for normies.
underage and/or newfag?
and you have no idea what entropy is. does anyone on this board actually in academia or is all 15 year-old autistic kids who think they know everything?
Nah, spent energy is spent energy.
The universe will get cold and die, that's unavoidable.
Locally entropy is decreased in lots if chemical reactions all over the world. On a global scale, no. However entropy is fundamentally a statistical phenomenon, so there is always a small (but non zero) probability that the universe will spontaneously evolve into a state of lower entropy, that's an incredibly small probability though.
will time exist during the heat death?
will time reverse during the big crunch?
If big crunch reverses time wouldn't that be reversing entropy?
Also, wouldn't universal reversal of entropy be universal reversal of time? Would we even be able to perceive of measure this happening? Entropy/time could be reversing right now or all the time or maybe every 5 minutes or some other regular interval but we'd never know.
The question OP wants to ask is, can we reverse entropy universally while excluding a localized area? The inverse is true, we can reverse entropy locally. So why not?
never ask someone who isn't an expert about entropy
you will always get the wrong answer
only correct answer
You can't decrease the entropy of the universe, but by conjoining processes you can make thermodynamically unfavourable reactions happen.
Apply organised and meaningful energy
actually this board is for 15 year old autistic spergs that are in academia
that's the problem, they just hear and repeat with no understanding
>Can entropy be reversed, Veeky Forums?
Locally, that is.
Has everyone forgotten someone got a Nobel prize for this work?? Hint: chemical oscillators.
This thread would make every biochemistry professor sad :/
Entropy is almost never maximised. If there is a lower accessible state for the internal energy then entropy is reversed from the maximum to drive the system to a lower Gibbs energy. This happens every time shit freezes which happens naturally, "life" is in fact a piss poor example and generally wrong as most metabolic processes increase local entropy, but you would only know that if you put down the shitty pop-sci books for once.
The question is retarded if you aren't talking about universal entropy, and only normies like you with no understanding of thermodynamics would think otherwise.
Yes, all you need are little girls
Also Physics professors.
yes but the odds of that happening are 10^10^10^10^10^10^10^10^10^10^10^10 to 1
I thought it meant terveisen famalam