How to respond?
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Stay on facebook and never come back subhuman shit
Because rich people don’t talk about how they got rich? I’m fairly rich relative to my friends and they won’t hear a peep from me.
Because they were born with a silver spoon up their ass and can live comfortably just receiving 5% per year from their trust fund rather than risking money in a volatile market?
maybe because like 5 people have actually gotten rich off of crypto. Everyone that was already rich got there off something else.
they're right though
Because people with an education, good job and/or a wealthy background dont need to depend upon some get-rich-quick-ponzi scheme under the guise of 'we're trying to change the world'. If you associate your wealth with crypto you'll be an instant asshole. I tell people I'm a commodities trader.
Have a think about, most of Veeky Forums do not have jobs/sponge off the government. Proves my point.
I can't unless that person tells me what "rich" means in this context.
Because rich people don't want anything to do with crypto as they are already rich? Why would they preach about it?
Most normies don't have $100 to spare just lmao
Hey user.
Without trying to larp too hard, i do not need to be in crypto.
but I am. And my friends are.
One of my friends has nearly 200 million invested (most with a proper institution..) but that's irrelevant HE IS IN TOO!
You would be crazy not to be in on this.
I where once drunk and spill the beans to a close friend (that I earn a lot). Guy told the rest of my friends and now they basically kicked me out of the group.
you don't. You just keep making money, like their rich friends do.
>tfw i was rich before crypto
>tfw crypto made me even richer
>tfw balls deep in crypto
>tfw I shill crypto to my friends
>tfw they eat up everything I say because Im rich as fuck
feels good man
they kicked you out because they were jealous?
richest person I know got me into crypto
But I am. Because I want to be rich af. Granted, I also have a degree (left my job now). Learned to trade...see how this goes.
Don’t respond. Fuck them. People who post image statuses have dog level IQ and shouldn’t be dignified with a response
i tell people crypto is a hobby. you don't have to deny it
I think that they are jealous, or at least have lost the connection with me.
I was always the office guy with the comfy job (from their point of view). They work blue collar jobs and are always struggling with cash (although they drive nice cars, and go on long vacations).
It's no different than anything else really. The loudest people usually have the least.
That's not an image status, it's actually a new Facebook thing where you can make your status huge with a special frame and shit
Please don’t respond. Let them stay poor, there is a reason they’re posting shit on Facebook in 2018, it’s because they’re dumb as fuck.
You don't respond, arguing on Facebook is similar to throwing feces
talking about wealth is actually a poorfag thing, which is how you know 99% of this shithole is full of poors.
My richest friwnd shilled me into crypto hes also a btc maximalist and shills it relentlessly everywhere hw goes
kys, seriously do it
Basically, this person assumes a wealthy person is a doctor making $200k a year, or someone who is fairly successful at a regular job. Everyone I know who works a conventional role in the financial industry is scared shitless of crypto. But, these are not my wealthy friends--not even close. I can virtually guarantee that I know and am friends with more obscenely wealthier people than most. They are all HEAVY into crypto. I have friends who've left seven figure jobs to exclusively trade crypto. Another friend is down over a million doll hairs in the recent bear market, but couldn't care less about the loss--he is still hyper bullish on crypto. So, this shitty meme couldn't be less true for me and makes me realize people's standards for "rich" must be pretty low.
Rich people care less about getting more money and more about protecting their current holdings. 10k is worth much more to someone with nothing than to someone with 100k.
So naturally they stay away from ponzi schemes, penny stocks or hyper-volatile investments like crypto.
I prefer "nigger tier IQ".
Dogs are wonderful.
if you brag about crypto to people you know IRL, you're actually faggot and deserve to lose all your money
If you tell people about your crypto gains, you'll either get robbed or get a call from irs. I still shill crypto sometimes but I never tell anyone how much money I actually made
>My friends
They're not preaching but they have it
My rich friends keep their wealth quiet.
How can anybody not have$100 to spare?
because anyone who has any significant amount of money and intelligence doesn't talk about it....
He probably lives in a shithole country
This. I only put in My Blockfolio exactly 1/100 of what I really own. So if anyone gets a glimpse its just a Poorfag amount.
And for those who think crypto is over let me tell you than I haven't met anyone yet that has more than a few grand invested in crypto.
Anyone who relates to this doesn’t have actual rich friends.
>People who use facebook have dog level IQ
for anyone who hasn't left the house for years:
this is usually the reaction if you are not a completely obnoxious im-better-than-you jerk...
you know, if you have decent people for friends, not subhuman scum who'll drop you at the first chance like a hot potato
ignore the rest of the larping... literally cringe tier... this whole thread
absolutely ridiculous
rich friends ??
what are you , a highschooler ?
no seriously.. what's the average ago on this board if so many people can affiliate with this
Because they're accumilating
You have to be stupid not to invest in crypto with the volatility it has. To make decent margins in forex markets you have to be leveraged as fuck with all the risks it implies, with crypto you can make similar margins without being leveraged at all.
Anyone who uses "#truth" and those faggy emojis should be thrown into an oven
>needing to respond to anything posted on social media
>reading it at all
Rich people don't want to preach because they don't want to be made targets for robbers/hackers.
Met an immigrant who came here with literally nothing and made a fortune with BTC/ETH.
>how to trigger Veeky Forums
>They work blue collar jobs
>they drive nice cars
>go on long vacations
>are always struggling with cash
yeah no shit they're clearly dumb as rocks and living far beyond their means.