Do you feign interest when in the presence of a woman?
Apart from sexual reasons, do you find women any interesting?
>sci - Science & Math
Some, but I do that with men as well. Others I just find I can talk to and enjoy the conversation. Also .
it is natural for men like you to crave the validation of their existence and get depressed if they fail to feel relevant, responsible.
The best way for a man to cater his need for approval is to serve some woman (and some of her children) through emotional&financial support.
Men are pleased to contribute to someone else life, to support their family.
Why women are a good way to feel relevant? Because women love to be provided for and each woman will always find a man ready to please her.
[for most men, the best feeling of feeling real is when the girl moans from your cock in her pussy]
THe problem for men is that they are disposable in the eyes of each woman, since all men wish to serve the few women who talk to them.
Men must thus invent several ways to please women, invention and creativity which strengthen their feeling of being worthy, relevant, in touch with reality.
Men are too impotent to find other way to feel real.
Once that the a woman replaces a man by another provider, the man gets very upset and depressed.
THis leads men to think that they are better than women, stronger, smarter and that they must built a life outside women. Some men manage to indeed built an empire, but they will always loos it for some women.
Women give meaning to men and betas, no matter how successful outside women, will always give up everything for some relationship with some woman who claim to fancy them.
You might have missed and
> it is natural for men like you to crave the validation of their existence and get depressed if they fail to feel relevant, responsible.
I swear to god I've read this before, stop it.
Stop generalizing, also it's not always true.
abselutely my thoguhts.
It is just some copy pasta shit
all women are the same. just as all men are. get used to it
only the defective women are interesting
All people are defective.
Some are just better at hiding it.
I'm scared sometimes
we all wear masks.....
even to ourselfs....
Nice try spaghetti-tan but no one is going to accept advice on women from you.
You dont have to be dysfunctional to be different
this. the whole "alternative" culture is just dysfunctional people being proud of being different, but in a bad way
Ah, yes, "Book". The definitive volume of my formative years. Were it not for "Book", where would I be today?
>this is what cucks actually believe
Also, don't get with women that already have children, what kind of omega faggot are you taking care of some other guys offspring.
I'd venture to say it has more to do with generational poverty than lolrandum XD.
Fucked up girls tend to come from families whose elders are without money or real culture, in my experience. Also in my experience, they tend to be the most sexually rewarding. Some even rarer fraction of them also have something interesting to say about the world they live in, but for most, that isn't the case.
For the most part, people act like their parents, and if one's parents are children, then they themselves will act like children. In other words, the depravity isn't a conscious choice; they simply don't know anything else
I hang out mostly with women who act like guys. for this reason, I am somewhat of a lesbro.
metaphorically speaking...
I like my women to have muscular shoulders, penises, flat, lean chests, and be able to run a decent 100yard dash.
Exactly. Scientists just cannot afford a woman. And women are not interested in men on a scientist's salary.
best friend is my sister, she's a very interesting/dynamic/energetic intelligent person with a solid career, good friends and diverse interests at only 20yo
i pretty much hate most other women though, I've been in year long relationships with 6 women and looking back I hated the person they were just loved the seksi x
>Apart from sexual reasons, do you find women any interesting?
I don't find woman interesting for any reason, sexual or otherwise. I don't find anyone interesting really. Only shitposting on a Cambodian tapestry-enthusiast forum.
>Do you feign interest when in the presence of a woman?
Yes, because otherwise my coworkers will realize that I'm an asshole.
>Science & Math
nigga wat
>it is natural for men like you to crave the validation of their existence and get depressed if they fail to feel relevant, responsible.
>I don't find woman interesting for any reason, sexual or otherwise. I don't find anyone interesting really. Only shitposting on a Cambodian tapestry-enthusiast forum.
Are you me?
Being a conversationally interesting person takes effort. You have to learn a lot about the world and form informed opinions about a lot of things. Of course, in order to do this you must possess a sustained interest in what's going on in the world and act on that interest by regularly reading news about current events in politics, business, science and technology. It seems like 99/100 women go through their entire lives without ever doing this; they just are not engaged in the world outside of their bubble. To be fair, the average person doesn't do this, but women seem to be especially disinclined, to the point where men notice that it's actually kinda hard to find a girl that can carry a conversation about current events. It's actually really depressing.
The vast majority of women that I come in contact with are nearly completely ignorant of the world outside of their personal interests, which for most people is their career + a few hobbies, but most women don't even have hobbies. And, yeah, it makes it difficult be interested when they only have opinions about their career and the latest TV show. There's nothing to talk about unless I make an enormous effort to feign interest in whatever pop culture is on her mind. And no, I can't do it.
>The vast majority of women that I come in contact with are nearly completely ignorant of the world outside of their personal interests
Says more about you than anything else desu senpai.
lel, this
I truly wonder sometimes how /r9k/ fags always seem to meet "dumb" women that fit into their narrative perfectly. Until you realise it's just them approaching specific kinds of girls and confirming their bias.
Nah, he's right. I had been to every continent sans anarctica before I was 18, and go to a top 15 US university right now; across all the cultures I've seen, and people I've met, I've found a pattern similar to what this poster describes. Be it through chance street encounters, parties, tinder, classes, whatever, it's always the same distribution. There are some interesting ones, but it's definitely not a 1:1 ratio among the sexes, in my experience
You guys are all so lucky. All the women I meet are fucking crazy!
who are you quoting?
No, not really. I find women crazy as fuck, insecure, and terrible people. Outside of the pussy, I honestly don't know why I would even bother dealing with them.
Women are absolutely worthless. They have nothing to offer other than their holes. No likeable personality, no interests, no, ambitions, even open anti-intellectualism. They are simply disgusting. They lack empathy, responsibility, loyalty or any kind of self-reflection. Egotistic, entitled, remorseless parasites whose (w)hole life revolves around getting their bleeding axe wound stuffed by cock.
Me too, user. You're not alone.
Jesus has none of you ever fallen in love with and made it with a woman you loved?
Not saying it doesn't suck.. I guess a lot of us are just trying to forget.
What would a man have to do to qualify as interesting or smart to you? What would a woman have to do? Are your standards the same for each? Maybe you just use criteria that cater more to male interests? Or your low expectations and probable thirstiness affect how you interact with women in such a way that you can't connect well with them.
For fuck's sake, this is a science board. People are all about solid evidence and proof unless there's a juicy stereotype to cling on to. There is no reason to believe that women as a whole are dumber or less interesting than men.
Thanks for the sanity
hey don't be such a meany
>women as a whole are dumber
You're the second person to use that word referring to my post even though I didn't use that word
Are you sure that I'm the one to blame for perpetuating stereotypes?
If you want to know what I really think, I think it has absolutely nothing to do with intelligence, and more to do with biological differences in what men and women desire (or, said another way, what men and women derive pleasure from).
We are all driven by what we desire and what pleases us, so it's a good starting place for determining the impetus of a behavior. Women are more interested in people and socializing than men, and I think that explains a lot of the differences between the behavior of men and women. I don't think it is some coincidence of culture or nurture that women gravitate towards psychology majors, I think it's because they're genetically predisposed to being way more interested in people than things. And current events most often have to do with things, and keeping up with them involves being alone to read when you could be socializing. I think men generally lack a strong impetus to socialize, so their lifestyle can easily swing from one of study in solitude (or not studying, maybe jacking off to anime 37 times a day) to one which focuses on people and socializing.
So there, that's what I believe.
I wrote You're right, my testimony is anecdotal. I can't prove it, but my opinion isn't born from thirst or having been spurned by women for other lovers; quite the opposite, I am usually the preferred choice.
You ask what would qualify as interesting, but it's already pretty much been spelled out: an interesting person is one who is interested in the world, and by extension, one who engages with it in a meaningful way. Of course there are exceptions to the rule, but they're just that, exceptions, not the rule.
And it isn't to say that there aren't men who aren't just as boring, there are. I've just found women to be of a higher concentration. E.g. women tend to have a much lower ratio of interest in things that aren't concerned with material wealth, like culture, philosophy, learning for the sake of knowledge, etc. than men.
Of course, I can't, myself, account for confirmation bias without doing some sort of blind study on the subject, but I just don't care enough to do so. I am aware of it, though, if that counts for anything
this is exactly how i feel, and i couldn't have said it better