Moon landing

Why do people believe the moon landing was real since we haven't been back since the 70's. Plus you can see that the rock in the photo totally has a marking on it indicating its a prop.

Other urls found in this thread:

you're a prop

He's an NPC.

> thinks seeing a rock with C written on it is proof that its fake
So what ? We have rocks thats stuff written on it here on Earth, but you don't think Earth footages are fake do you ?

Thats exactly what the machines want you to think, user. We are all part of the Matrix

Fuck off /x/ or /pol/

We havent been there since the 70s. Also where are the stars during the photo also how was the camera already out of the ship when they were first stepping on the "moon".

>We havent been there since the 70s.
So you believe the moon landings were real? You're sending mixed messages.

Because there's no reason to go there again, ever. It costs money. Spending money without benefit = impossible.


Question for Moon Landing deniers:
Do you believe that we have landed robots on Mars or not? I don't know if these two beliefs go together.

Im saying hypothetically if we actually went to the moon in the 70s we would have went back by now.

When Columbus discovered America the Spaniards didnt just say "lets not go because it costs to much money" no they decided to colonize the new world. When we hit a milestone are next one should have been colonization.

What could we possibly gain from going back to the moon. We knoe as much about it as we'll ever need to, as there is nothing of value there. It'd just be a waste of money.

Also, the short exposure time, paired with the incredibly bright surface of the moon and astronaut suits, blocked ou the stars from being shown. If they were trying to fake the while thing, do you really think they would have forgotten to add such an inportant detail?


> lets not go because it costs to much money
trade ships to the Indies made shit tons of money if they survived the journey.

The Spaniards were there famously looking for "Gold and Christians"

The Moon has...moon dust and rocks

>since we haven't been back since the 70's

I'm not a fan of conspiracy theories but I do not understand that either.

There aren't exactly a lot of primitive savages on the moon to subjugate and put to work mining resources.

Except the moon is inhospitable, dumbshit. Plus, what purpose would that serve? Wed just be funneling billions, if not trillions, on keeping people alive there. At least with mars, there's a weak atmosphere, water, and hospitable temperatures.

This has to be bait. You're not seriously comparing the viability of colonising a new continent with a new planet? I'm willing to accept that you are not versed in rudimentary science since you ignored the Lunar Ranging experiment. At least since you are lacking knowledge on the topic, you should be reading a few science textbooks instead of regurgitating clueless arguments from obscure websites and hoax authors.

>reading a few science textbooks
>science textbooks

I think you might be expecting a bit to much here, friend. Especially when all the science textbooks are written by (insert NASA/Illuminati/conspiracy "X" or something)-company.
Also, where is the fun in reading, when you can get all your poofs and research from badly made Youtube-videos?

You have to go back!

> most of the things in the background are from /b/
it's like i'm surrounded by newfags

literally what

Did you have a stroke before posting this?

> most of the things in the background are from /b/
> things in the background are from /b/
> are from /b/
> from /b/
> /b/
you're the only newfag here

> implying they arent memes from before Veeky Forums and reddit were things
Been here a lonnnng while

I have a 200 word essay due tomorrow and I'm still reading this thread

Why did the original video types get written over? Are they really that incompetent?

it doesnt matter what they were years ago, now theyre fucking cancer just like you.

few, most arent


Follow the money...or lack of it.
It wasn't financially lucrative to go to the moon for anything. Going there for scientific interest cost billions of dollars with no tangible return on the investment.
The race to the moon was very much a political (and military) show of force saying "If we can send a rocket to the moon, we can send a missile to your front door.

OP is a person who possesses little, if any scientific knowledge, whose opinion is irrelevant to anything that requires a proficient knowledge of science do to this, and therefore this thread is a waste of time for everyone involved.

It's like a patient debating with his neurosurgeon whether or not he has a brain tumor. Your opinion and argument literally doesn't matter. It carries no weight. It is absolutely, positively, irrefutably of no worth. Everything you type in this thread is worthless. In fact, you are degenerating to anyone that knows what they're talking about in this thread as you are simply wasting their time because they are such nice people that they have some sort of hope that they can fix you. They think that they can help you understand this or mold you into a better person that tries to question things and think from fundamental truths, but you're so dull that it is undeniably impossible to ever revert from whatever bent logic you have gathered and formulated throughout your life so far. Fuck you bitch.

Provide a legitimate reason to go back to the moon. That's the whole issue, there is very little reasons to go back. Mining, colonization, tourism etc. are often quoted as reasons to go back, but from an economic standpoint there is no profit margin to make it viable.

How long have you waited to get that of you chest? You pretty much summed up every shitty conspiracy thread i've ever read. Well done, user. Well done

It's because they don't understand how much of a disaster the Shuttle was

Amazing. Capped for future use.

What we could gain? It's like you never read one bit of human history or don't know one bit about human ego. We have pyramid for fucks sakes which were built to show the size of someones dick, we have rich eccentrics building underwater fucking hotels, you are telling me that there exists no eccentric, SF obsessed filthy rich guy who wants a room/hotel/motel in the orbit or the moon. If there was a room to rent on the moon with a view to the earth you bet your ass I'd go there and just stare and listen to Vangelis.

the hero we need

What do people who believe the Moon landings were fake say about the entire field of lunar geology that was developed based on lunar rock samples? Millions of pages have been written about lunar geology. Where did those rocks come from if not the Moon?

Hey fuck you we don't want him on /x/. We've got enough to deal with.

>inb4 flat moon

>all of them are just part of the NASA-shill-conspiracy to hide the TRUUUUTH!
etc etc etc

this is the first post in this thread that wasn't total bullshit
and this was the second

better question is why dont planets float in gravity
and why arent we drilling into the center of the moon

>why dont planets float in gravity



This is what someone with schizophrenia actually believes.

>better question is why dont planets float in gravity
Because they're denser than gravity and thus "float" on top of it

>and why arent we drilling into the center of the moon
Because NSA doesn't want to wake the moon demons.