What kind of laptop and software does /sci use?
What kind of laptop and software does /sci use?
Window 7 + Matlab/Maple/Visual Studio C++/Python
Thinkpad t420 + ubuntu
Asus transformer T200 + windows 8.1 (soon windows 10) + Office 2010 + a lot of ebook
Thinkpad T500 + Arch GNU/Linux
I don't have a laptop but I built my own desktop
A used AMD Aspire and I'm happy to use it
ThinkPad x220T with xubuntu and whatever flavor of math software I feel like using that day.
Code blocks for c++ but im looking to switch to a text editor
i dont own a desktop but
macbook pro for school and chilling with friends
custom linux laptop for tor and hacktivism
win10 laptop for gaming and general use
they fit in my satchel pretty well and they are all very new cutting edge so its about as heavy as 3-4 texbooks so not bad
I run Windows 3.1 on a MacBook Air and use excel for math.
Thinkpad T420 + Arch Linux
alienware 13
cheapest 15 inch asus. Maple/Matlab
x200 thinkpad
GNU/Linux with Ubuntu GNOME distro but dual boot Win10 option
Code::Blocks for C/C++ and PIDA for python in linux, but Win VS and IDLE in Win 10
> looking to switch to a text editor
Do you find the video card in the x220 slows you down? I'm thinking of upgrading to a new x260
Asus something or other, windows 10 + Ubuntu running on a virtual machine. TV for matrix analysis, Iphyton and spyder for python and code blocks for everything else.
a 600 bucks acer aspire
pic related, my desktop
I also use OriginLab, but for some reason I dont have a shortcut for it
Well my OCD just got triggered, clean up your damn desktop.
I vote for the euthanasing of Mei
Nah, I'm good, I'll clean it when it's full
thinkpad t430
Solaris, laptop built from trashcan parts
I think the x250 > x260 desu. I know it's the case for the T450 > T460, so I assume it's similar. JUst more features on the chasis.
PERSONALLY I don't find it slowing down anything that i do, although I think it's what limits me to Xfce. At first, I felt some things felt kinda laggy. I really haven't noticed anything though.
It's a great machine if you like the keyboard. I have a desktop, so I wasn't concerned with the power of it.
Also, I wanna switch to a text editor because I just find it easier to keep track of projects and shit easier in a file format, and Code::Blocks has some bloat that I hate.
Also, I think it's important to be able to work in a terminal editor like VIM for instance. I might dick with ATOM, although
Dont have laptop, ubuntu
Macbook air.
By the way it does actually float on water. (Just be sure to put it in a plastic bag first so it'll still work).
HP Spectre, Win 10
Chemdraw, TopSpin, Spartan
Shitty MSI GE60 laptop
Don't buy MSI laptops guys, srsly.
>keyboard broke, sometimes I get input lag
>touchpad broke, have to use a mouse half of the time
>laggy as shit in general
>sometimes unironically takes half an hour to boot
>like 1/3 of the time after I boot, Wi-Fi is deactivated, meaning I have to go into network adapter options and connect manually
>had a problem once where the display stopped working, had to clean the RAM and reinstall Windows
>one time it didn't boot with just battery and I had to always use a cable. now the battery works again tho
X220 thinkpad
Some piece of shit ASUS I got for $300 new that gets the job done. I put Fedora and Windows on it but honestly might just scrap Windows cause it runs like shit on it.
Evalion a qt, you fuck off
>someone has opinion you don't like
>start witchhunt
stay classy
She's an attention whore that doesn't seem sincere for one moment.
La ce facultate esti ?
De ce nu : Visual Studio ?
Do people really get off on making retarded images like that? How young, stupid, or autistic do you have to be to think that is a good idea or fun? I mean who gives a shit really?
If you were a CS student, your professor would joke about 90's webpage looking like your desktop.
It's not a laptop.
Do you legit carry 3 laptops with you everyday? You could totally dualboot your macbook or gayming laptop.
Sauce on paiting/fresco/cgi/whatever?
esti la poli?
Damn, did they dox Evalion?
5 year old shitbook with Windows 7.